Über Dark Angel diskutieren

Although I'm more used to the title Dark Angel I think the American title I Come In Peace is more appropriate.

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Dark Angel is the name I learnt to know it as and always remember it by, and I think is ultimately a better title for marketing purposes and other reasons.

Great movie either way, and I love the quote in the end: "I come in peace....." "You go in pieces....as$hole"

I remember watching this on TV with my dad when I was young. Loved the 'You go in pieces' line! Plus I love me some Dolph Lundgren! If you guys havent seen Red Scorpion (1988) do it now! grinning

@OddRob said:

If you guys havent seen Red Scorpion (1988) do it now! grinning

Seen it!

Own it on blu-ray!

Love it!!!

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