Über Wet Hot American Summer diskutieren

Everyone of my friends who have seen the movie maintain that the crowd boos the kids in the production because at the end of the song when they switch the lights to the darkened out stage they show a backlit cross. So that's funny because the whole time its never outright said, but its obviously a jewish sleepaway camp. I get the humor in that but I disagree with them on it.

I maintain that the crowd booed the performance because it was another absurdist farce. That's what a majority of the humor in the film was. I mean the whole time they have the two theatre counselors saying how horrible these kids are going to be. Hell, they even say it right before they go on stage. And then the kids do an amazing performance, the crowd is rockin on the song the whole time they're on stage and then as soon as the stop the crowd boos them heavily. I thought that was why that bit was funny.

Am I the only one who thinks this?

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