Über The Outsiders diskutieren

I adored this movie as a kid and as always I thought it was going to be remembered poorly but I watched it recently and it holds up pretty good. The core of the story is timeless and I have few criticisms of the film except that maybe the acting was a little bit hammy at times (We'll do it for Johnny!) but overall a good film. It had some really good shots. I especially liked they "stay gold" shot of Ponyboy and Johnny admiring the sunset.

Anywho, great story and I was impressed to find out that a teenage girl had written the book while in high school. Wow, great job!

The Outsiders (1983) - 7 outta 10 stars

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Too bad it's barely remembered at all. Coppola also put out another S.E. Hinton based film that same year but shot very differently "Runblefish". I haven't re-watched either in years but am sure they hold up. Here's an interesting article on both


@znexyish said:

Too bad it's barely remembered at all. Coppola also put out another S.E. Hinton based film that same year but shot very differently "Runblefish". I haven't re-watched either in years but am sure they hold up. Here's an interesting article on both


Great article! Thanks for the link. I cannot believe I have not seen Rumble Fish . I am totally gonna check it out.

@Invidia said:

RUMBLE FISH is also good. It's also interesting the way you see the FISH in COLOR whereas you see the rest of the scene in Black & White.

And the other Surrealistic scene where the girlfriend sits on top of the ceiling in the classroom is also pretty freaky.

If you like THE OUTSIDERS, you'll no doubt like RF too.


Yeah, that article was talking about how Rumble Fish is shot more surrealistically artistic compared to The Outsiders which is shot in a more traditional fashion. Coppola definitely had it. Maybe Tarantino's theory of a director only has ten good films in him perhaps holds true.

@movie_nazi said:

@znexyish said:

Too bad it's barely remembered at all. Coppola also put out another S.E. Hinton based film that same year but shot very differently "Runblefish". I haven't re-watched either in years but am sure they hold up. Here's an interesting article on both


Great article! Thanks for the link. I cannot believe I have not seen Rumble Fish . I am totally gonna check it out.

I'll have to check that one out, too.

Also, I just watched The Outsiders for the first time in December 2021. I've watched thousands of movies, really. I even have a database for the ones I've watched since 2001 (started because of NetFlix's "throttling" way back when renting movies by mail) and somehow I hadn't heard of the this one until last year and finally acquired it this year. I don't see how it is special or that great at all. It's barely an OK movie. It's watchable, but why would I watch this less than mediocre thing more than once? I wouldn't.

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