Apspriediet Southside with You

Watched this last night, because I wanted to start the evening with something light.

And that's exactly what I got-- a short movie, and also "small" in the sense that the entire movie takes place within a very short period of time within one single section of one city, with no really strong antagonism between any of the characters. Just a sweet story about Barack Obama's and Michelle Robinson's first date.

Now, if you are one of those who absolutely hates hates HATES former U.S. President Barack Obama*, then I'm sure you'll want to skip this movie. But if you want a nice romantic story that's light on the drama-- perhaps to enjoy viewing with your significant other --then "Southside With You" should fit that bill. Parker Sawyers as Barack and Tika Sumpter as Michelle get the vocal inflections of those two real people as close as I think anyone could get them without actually being them, and they play their roles superbly.

Don't get me wrong-- this movie is no classic, it is simple and doesn't dive deeply into serious issues --but it does make for an interesting one-time watch. I did only give it 5 stars, and will likely not watch it again. But it's a fun movie.

*: My own take on the man as President was that he was much more conservative politically than those on the Right are willing to give him credit for, and was, correspondingly, somewhat of a disappointment to those on the political Left. Far from being "America's worst President", as many U.S. conservatives claimed him to be, in my view he was somewhere in the middle if I were to rank him. But that's just me, a U.S. Independent frustrated with both of our major political parties.

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