No Time to Dieについてのディスカッション

Check on Twitter and FB....

JB will have a premiere in the US on 8th November 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't care. Whenever I find out that an actor doesn't want to play a part, I instantly lose interest in the related movies. If he's going to bitch so much about being paid millions of pounds to faff about for a few weeks, I just won't watch 'em, eh? Anyway, I was done with this Bond after Casino already.

@ubuzen said:

I don't care. Whenever I find out that an actor doesn't want to play a part, I instantly lose interest in the related movies. If he's going to bitch so much about being paid millions of pounds to faff about for a few weeks, I just won't watch 'em, eh? Anyway, I was done with this Bond after Casino already.

You must hate Harrison Ford, I presume?

They both mean it, but it's also a joke about the money making too. They find it as absurd as the public does and aren't "fake" about it either. What tf do you want to hear them say? And Craig loves filming them, but he hates to be asked about it 24/7 .

Every actor is like Craig, but few admit to it.

@Russ007 said:

Check on Twitter and FB....

JB will have a premiere in the US on 8th November 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be looking forward to it!

@Russ007 said:

@ubuzen said:

I don't care. Whenever I find out that an actor doesn't want to play a part, I instantly lose interest in the related movies. If he's going to bitch so much about being paid millions of pounds to faff about for a few weeks, I just won't watch 'em, eh? Anyway, I was done with this Bond after Casino already.

You must hate Harrison Ford, I presume?

Ya, fuck that old fuck. If he doesn't like being in movies, he should just not be in movies, instead of signing up for shit and then bitching and moaning all the time and ruining the projects by phoning it in.



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