Über 霹雳娇娃 diskutieren

I may be in the minority here, but I really loved Cameron, Drew, and Lucy in the McG movies! They just had a great onscreen chemistry and we're just fun to watch.

Obviously they're not coming back, who can they bring in to draw good box office and revive the movie series?

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How about Minka Kelly, Rachael Taylor, and Annie Ilonzeh!

Oh, wait.

Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg and Ted Danson.

Classic American beauties and without the toxic femininity in the storyline? I have no idea who these ladies are except for the overrated lesbian so what would ever motivate me to watch this?

@MongoLloyd said:

Classic American beauties and without the toxic femininity in the storyline? I have no idea who these ladies are except for the overrated lesbian so what would ever motivate me to watch this?

What toxic femininity was in the storyline? I didn't see any. It was more about teamwork, friendships, and bonding. The only mention of them being females was that they have the advantage that people tend to underestimate them, also they're not above using sexuality to this advantage (something feminists normally frown upon), which was the basic premise of all the Charlie's Angels films and TV shows. I didn't really like the movie (as I felt the action was severely lacking), but at least I'm not spouting crap from other people who obviously didn't watch the movie either.

@MongoLloyd said:

Classic American beauties and without the toxic femininity in the storyline? I have no idea who these ladies are except for the overrated lesbian so what would ever motivate me to watch this?

Hoo boy.....I'm watching it now and let me just say it's probably even worse than you can imagine. Hell, the movie literally opens up with a discussion and the very first line in the very first seconds in the movie is Kristen Stewart telling the viewers that "I think women can do anything!". This is only a part of a cringe worthy discussion/debate he has with some asian criminal because why the heck not. Identity politics is exactly what asian gangsters are interested in and like to debate. Coincidentally that is also what the movie going public is also very interested in! Than again...judging from the boxoffice results...maybe not.

@Innovator said:

What toxic femininity was in the storyline? I didn't see any. It was more about teamwork, friendships, and bonding.

A discussion about how a woman thinks women can do anything. They can't. Just like men can't do anything.

A woman bragging about being "so good at so many things."

The weird high energy action montage at the beginning featuring only young girls. WTF was that about?

Scene with cartoony male executive mansplaining to a woman programmer, minimizing the report she submitted, and ordering a cappuccino while she pleads with him.

All the men except for the Bosleys & the saint are oafs or male chauvinists or just morally bankrupt.

I'd admit, it could have been worse in that regard but it just isn't a good movie, regardless.

Actual women are so over now. How about Charlies trans-angels:Caitlyn Jenner, Laverne Cox, and Chas Bono.

Charlie's Bi-Racial Trans Angels

Whiteness is apparently passé now.

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