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Arvostelu käyttäjältä Binayak

Kirjoittanut Binayak 9 maaliskuu 2020

I really loved this movie.

Arvostelu käyttäjältä Nathan

Kirjoittanut Nathan 25 marraskuu 2022

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is fantastic! This entry is another drastic step up from the previous film and the tone takes a dramatic shift in terms of seriousness.

The quality and cinematography are simply brilliant in this film. There are so many amazing shots and sequences that just had me completely enamored. These films are ahead of their time for sure.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban has the best plot of the series so far. There is a constant threat looming in the background throughout the entire film that is known from the opening minutes. Sirius Black's mena... Lue kokonaan.

Arvostelu käyttäjältä CinemaSerf

Kirjoittanut CinemaSerf 4 syyskuu 2023

I recall the controversy as this was released. Alfonso Cuarón consciously decided to darken this film, and the light-hearted stories of the first two are replaced by an edgier approach to this tale for our wizarding trio. The world's most wanted wizard "Sirius Black" (Gary Oldman) escapes from "Azkaban" allegedly bent on the destruction of "Harry". The script has more by way of addition to the original book, but in a complementary - not detracting way. As the children grow into young adults, we are exposed to a scarier side of their existence - the "Dementors" that are supposed to protect the i... Lue kokonaan.

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