Diskutuoti apie Oblivion

Before Jack and Julia go back to Malcolm Beach, her sleep pod says "J Rusakova" (at crash site, in tower 49, and in the flashback/log playback sequence). After that, it says "J Harper" (when Jack is dragging it out of the scav base and when it opens at the house).

So that leaves the question of...what pod was Malcolm Beach in? Can't see a name anywhere. I thought the drones destroyed the other four.

Figured it out...the "J Harper" pod was number 01. Malcolm was in pod number 02 with "V Olsen" on it. They were Jack Harper's and Viktoria Olsen's pods. Julia was in pod 08 in the flashback/log playback sequence. Maybe in a deleted scene, they went back to the crashed ship and got those two pods which would not have been destroyed by the drones since they were empty.

Negalite rasti filmo ar TV laidos? Prisijunkite, kad sukurtumėte.


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