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this movie seems to have a lot of people who liked it...but I'm not one of them.

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Been a long times since I've seen it but I remember I really liked it. Care to elaborate why you didn't?

well... I didn't find the main character likable.... perhaps I missed something... but I didn't like the story that was being told... perhaps its not a bad movie... just not my cup of tea. and quite frankly... the main guy had too many tattoos... and I'm anti-tattoo. ~thanks

That's quite all right. It's not everyone's bag and I understand that. I just thought there might have been some other issues you had with it that might make look at it in a new light.

@jhenning said:

well... I didn't find the main character likable.... perhaps I missed something... but I didn't like the story that was being told... perhaps its not a bad movie... just not my cup of tea. and quite frankly... the main guy had too many tattoos... and I'm anti-tattoo. ~thanks

There is a slight twist with the tattoos that are integral to the story. He doesn't have them because he wants them he thinks he needs them. They are also his downfall.

One of my favorite when I was younger. Nolan was younger then. Would love to see him so that movie today. I watched this last month for the first time in years and it didn't have the same punch, but I remember why I loved it and felt it still held up pretty well. First movie I saw guy Pierce in which took me to ravenous.

@jhenning said:

well... I didn't find the main character likable.... perhaps I missed something... but I didn't like the story that was being told... perhaps its not a bad movie... just not my cup of tea. and quite frankly... the main guy had too many tattoos... and I'm anti-tattoo. ~thanks

i don't think the main character is supposed to be likable, we are just confused together with him enjoying the ride and final twist, but i don't really see how they were trying to make him likable

i don't like tattoos either but here they served purpose of long term memory and they were not just for the looks

I tend to enjoy movies with nonlinear timeline and confusing plot twists, and this one was no exception.

@Papshmir said:

I tend to enjoy movies with nonlinear timeline and confusing plot twists, and this one was no exception.

I'm just the opposite but I found this movie to be an exception.

I love films that make you think, - agonise,- tear your hair out in frustration- and send you off to the message boards for moral support !! This was one, for me. Loved it.

The movie was average, the protagonist was too innocent and the premise too unbelievable. The Sammy confusion was just too convenient.

@jhenning said:

well... I didn't find the main character likable.... perhaps I missed something... but I didn't like the story that was being told... perhaps its not a bad movie... just not my cup of tea. and quite frankly... the main guy had too many tattoos... and I'm anti-tattoo. ~thanks

Everyone loves Citizen Kane. They rave about how all these new cinematic techniques changed film. But I hate it because I just can't stand Orson Welles' haircut. OMG, darling. The film was released in 1941 but that trim was just sooooo 1940. (sigh)

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