Über Strangers on a Train diskutieren

It's been referenced in countless movies and TV shows, the plot has been copied in so many different ways, that "Strangers on a Train (1951)" should be a compulsory watch for any one interested in the crime genre.

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I agree. It definitely is a terrific film with lots going for it. Too, it's very entertaining.

Fabulous movie. Some scenes keep you on the edge of your seat. Even though there is no violence shown you imagine what might happen. Compare this movie to the gratuitous violence of movies today where you don't need to think at all. I know which one I prefer relaxed

Absolutely, indeed, Aus!

Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed this one too.

Yes, but then I consider almost all Hitchcocks to be must sees.

That's a very clever Hitchcock touch. A deservedly famous cinematic moment, for sure.

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