Über New York City Girl diskutieren

Just saw this movie, 40 years late, and realized how current/perpetual the story is. It makes you realize that the "new" phenomenon of social media stardom is nothing new. Humans have been repeating this story for generations.

Our protagonist Wren has no real talent, no defining skill, nothing exceptional about her except her obsessive drive toward stardom/validation. She runs around New York plastering flyers of her picture & mysterious catchphrases as if to drum up hype for some band, movie, or some huge spectacle, but she has absolutely no plans to do anything. She just does it to get "likes". Sound familiar?

Great movie. This film was made in 1982. Before the internet, decades before facebook, instagram, tiktok and all that stuff. But it applies today as much as ever.

Is this the first film of its kind? Can anyone think of other old movies that are about people obsessively trying to get famous even though they don't have any real talent?

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