80 Serien

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  • San Bruno, California
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3. Dezember 2019

  《OBSOLETE》是以現在到近未來的「if」線為主題,描述在 2014 年時外星人忽然現身,並且與地球人展開交易,以高約 2.5 公尺知覺控制型機器人「EXOFRAME(Enhanced Xenobiological Organic FRAME,強化型異星生物有機構造體)」為交易籌碼換取地球資源石灰岩。由於「EXOFRAME」容易取得且簡單上手,不論是用於農業或者是戰爭皆有其發揮的領域,因此整個世界的面貌就此改變……

6. Juni 2018

描繪 16 歲女孩 Henry 總是覺得自身的存在與週邊格格不入,後來逐漸發現這種感覺源自她擁有的瞬間移動能力。

19. Oktober 2016

Follow best friends, Rhett & Link, as they embark on a fantastical misadventure in search of a missing phone that could save their morning talk show from a co-ex-girlfriend turned evil infomercial queen.

27. Juni 2018

LIZA ON DEMAND is a half-hour, single camera comedy that follows the chaotic misadventures of Liza, a young woman in Los Angeles who is trying to make a career out of juggling various gig economy jobs — for lack of a better idea of what to do with her life. Meanwhile, Liza's best friends and roommates Oliver and Harlow try their best to both support and sometimes distract her.

11. Oktober 2017

What if you could use time travel to save your life? Welcome to "LIFELINE," the new YouTube Red Original Series about the Lifeline insurance agency, whose specially trained agents jump forward in time to prevent the deaths of their clients.

16. Januar 2019

《韋恩》由《動漫狂柯比》(Kirby Buckets)編劇尚恩西蒙斯(Shawn Simmons)主創、執筆劇本,講述 15 歲的少年韋恩(Wayne)為了搶回已逝父親被偷走的 1978 經典龐蒂克車,與新的暗戀對象黛爾(Del)出發展開對抗世界的冒險。

《搖滾青春戀習曲》男星馬克麥肯納(Mark McKenna)飾演韋恩一角,《重生機會》(Second Chance)女星席亞拉布朗沃(Ciara Bravo)則演出黛爾。執行製作為《惡棍英雄:死侍》編劇搭檔雷特瑞斯(Rhett Reese)、保羅韋尼克(Paul Wernick)。

18. Dezember 2019

Explore the impact of A.I. and how it is transforming the way we live and work -- both now and in the future, featuring some of the brightest minds in science, philosophy, technology, engineering, medicine, futurism, entertainment and the arts to tell the dynamic story of A.I.

14. November 2018

《起源》由《特洛伊木馬:傾城》(Troy: Fall Of A City)編劇米卡沃特金斯(Mika Watkins)主創、編劇,描述一群陌生人發現自己被困在遙遠星球的太空船上。被遺棄的他們為了生存必須一同努力,但他們很快地便意識到其中一員的身分並非如他所自稱的一樣。《惡靈古堡》系列電影編導保羅·W·S·安德森(Paul W.S. Anderson)執導前兩集。

主演為《哈利波特》系列電影演員「小仙女東施」娜塔莉提娜(Natalia Tena)、「馬份」湯姆費頓(Tom Felton)以及日澳混血男模三辻茜(Sen Mitsuji)。

賈斯汀·比伯10集紀錄劇集《賈斯汀·比伯:四季》(Justin Bieber: Seasons)發布海報。該劇將展示比伯創作新歌的幕後、第五張專輯的創作動機、取消《Purpose》巡演的後續,劇集還將展現比伯的私人生活,包括與海莉·比伯婚禮的獨家花絮。

31. Januar 2018

Twins Tal and Janelle relocate from Ohio to Atlanta, where at their new school High Water is always a beat.

22. Juni 2016

Welcome to "Escape the Night." In this surreality competition series, hosted by Joey Graceffa, 10 guests are invited from the modern world to attend a dinner at his newly acquired mansion estate, which has been locked in the 1920's; when America was roaring... roaring with madness. This is a dinner party to die for. No one is safe.

In this series, the LAPD thinks it's a good idea to form a task force partnering actors with homicide detectives. A super meta half hour comedy, the show within a show within a show is as much about Hollywood as it is an action-comedy procedural. Starring Ryan Hansen and Samira Wiley as his strait-laced partner Detective Jessica Mathers, the series features a who's who of stars playing bizarro versions of themselves including Joel McHale, Donald Faison, Eric Christian Olsen, Jon Cryer and Kristen Bell.

25. Mai 2016

A satirical anthology series about the terrifying potential futures of internet technology and culture. Not at all similar to any other shows about technological overreaching.

13. Februar 2019

Set in the not-too-distant future, this comedy anthology explores the issues of everyday life in the metropolis of Weird — stories that can only be told through the prism of sci-fi and comedy.

6. März 2019

雪伍德(Sherwood)是由黛安娜·曼森(Diana Manson)和梅根·勞頓(Megan Laughton) 製作的美國電腦動畫 科幻 網路電視連續劇,於2019年3月6日在YouTube Premium上首映 。 這是羅賓漢傳奇延伸出的新故事。

12. Dezember 2016

In the cursed town of Saturn, CA, during the 12 days leading up to Christmas, watch these interconnected tales showing the town's residents dealing will all kinds of evil.

2. Oktober 2020

During this unprecedented pandemic, KCON has made a historic pivot to a 7-day-long virtual concert as KCON:TACT. Behind the curtain of KCON:TACT 2020 SUMMER, this documentary offers an all-access look at the dreams and passion of the top K-POP acts with unaired footage, behind-the-scenes, and interviews.


18. Januar 2017

Explore the surprising things we know (and don’t know) about why people are the way they are through expert interviews, rare footage from historical experiments, and brand-new, ground-breaking demonstrations of human nature at work.

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