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englanti (en-US)


Eric Sanchez


Eric Sanchez, born and raised in the Bronx, New York City found his path for Dance at the age of eight. Having gone through high school filling up his schedule with several dance programs, he still managed to graduate as the initial valedictorian of the Bronx Preparatory Charter School. After graduating, Eric continued his dance studies at the Alvin Ailey School, and assisting his teacher and mentor, Robin Dunn. After two years of working with a Talent Agent and booking commercials, tours, TV and FILM, Eric packed his bags and left NYC for Los Angeles. Upon arrival, he immediately found work in music video's, industrials, stage productions and choreographing for other performing artists. After falling victim to a knee injury that left him uncompromisable to continuing dance for time period, he discovered other facets to nurture his creative soul by helping others. Eric continued to explore his artistic work as an intern managing talent at Bohemia Group and then paving ways to being an assistant with Casting Director, Carmen Aiello, having worked as an assistant on TRU TV's Operation Repo, Beyond the Stage Production's of RENT as well as feature length and short films. Eric Sanchez currently lives in Los Angeles continuing an artistic path, he finds fulfillment in Directing, Choreographing, Teaching & Modeling.

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