Über Henry Cavill diskutieren

I'll start it off since there is no pm ability to make special requests. Anyway, let's look at this first shot of them together at Wimbledon.

Spoiler: This body language reading is going to be an easy one. man_with_turban_tone4


Judging from HC's downward cast eyes, he isn't looking forward to this date, and his attention is not focused in the same direction as Lucy. Lucy has a closed stance and does not appear comfortable.

As well she shouldn't with that K-Mart blue light special! see_no_evil

Okay, I digress -- back to business and keeping the attention on the subjects. . .

Lucy's shoulders are a see-saw with one side raised higher than those overly arched brows of hers. This poor, working, broad shows tension in her face, and that's probably why her mouth is open as a release. Still, mouth breathing is not a good look.

Judging HC's dapper attire and Lucy's rolled out of bed get-up, they aren't communicating. Seriously, my friend is having a birthday party, and I called her up to find out what type of clothes to wear. With that said, this chick should know that you wear your Sunday best for Wimbledon.

Anyway... I said this was easy and it is.

Is this love or a dud?

Final Verdict: Dud

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Ha! We can tell who as more guts on this forum can't we. Thank ya girl!


On that pic, you know Dump thought he was working on his body language, since body language is heavily analyzed in the political world, especially at an inauguration. The Trumps' are mirroring their bodies, but their faces deceive them. grin

Hell she slapped his hand away on camera. The Obama's do not have to try to do anyting but to keep their hands off each other. That couple is a hot one!

@Kessa89 said:

Hell she slapped his hand away on camera.

Trump only offered his hand, because he heard they were coming off too cold. I only wished the slap was a little higher.

The Obama's do not have to try to do anyting but to keep their hands off each other. That couple is a hot one!

That's true. Whatever happened to them? I hope Obama is operating behind the scene to uphold his legacy.

He is probably waiting for a chance to say something since this whole Virginia thing and I wish he would. I don't mean to go so off-topic but damn!!! We need him to bring this Country together. Cheetoe is tearing it apart and giving every vile fringe group a voice. If people cannot see that their blind. WE NEED LEADERSHIP. We do not have someone who speaks for the American people, and on that topic- London, My thoughts were with and still are with you when you were attacked. Even if our President's weren't. Remember 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump and hopefully he will be out of office soon.

OK sorry, politics get me going sorry. Back to HC, my vote is DUD.

@culinary16 > What do you think about this pic poetist? https://www.instagram.com/p/BYVQqkyBV3V/?taken-by=moniqueeastwood


First off, the couple that has it going on is the one next to HC and Lucy. They look relaxed and mirror each other as best they can in the group pic. I'm going to call them the Left couple.

The Left couple woman leans back being as respectful as she can in polite company. The man draws her in as much as he can with his arm draped over her shoulder.

They are the picture of relaxation and these two seem to be very comfortable with each other.

Now, let's compare the odd couple aka HC and Lucy:


Again, HC/Lucy have a gap between them, and Lucy's arm sticks out to emphasize it.

From the motion movement of Lucy's hand, it's as if they remembered to close in the gap at the snap of the camera. However, a second too late, and as I said you can't fake (love) body language.

There is always something giving away the fakeness.

Take a look at HC. He is creating another gap, because he leans back away from Lucy.


Once more, HC doesn't smile or even bother to show teeth. This is becoming so redundant.

Lucy smiles but it is not genuine. Although this is an obligatory group pic, and few people put effort into it, I expect Lucy to be all smiles. She's supposed to be a lady in love with a hot looking Hollywood actor.

Now, compare Lucy to the lady on the left, who is not showing any teeth. However, we can see the balls of th cheek of the lady on the left. We can see her lean in on her man and mirror him. No one can deny that the Left couple is a genuine couple.


HC's feet are pointed away from where Lucy is pointing. Her feet point straight ahead and his feet point left and right to both exits.

Comparing their feet direction to the Left couple, and you can see that the Left couple's left foot point in the same direction. The right feet are in synch as much as can be in this situation. We can see that the Left lady has her feet together and elevated. It's a feminine pose. The guy isn't going to pose like that, but their big toes are pointing in the same direction.


Notice the Left couple and how they both hold their cups at the same height and position. Left man's arm is practically framing his woman, and their right arms seem to make a circle around their body.

HC appears as if he does not know what to do with his hand, so he holds Lucy by one shoulder as if she is blocking his view or she is a prisoner and not in a good way. Then, he remembers to close in the gap with his other hand. This looks so stiff and artificial.

Lucy wants attention more than she is thinking about being in tuned with HC. She gives that pelvic tilt of hers, places her hand on her hip much like TK, to draw the most attention to herself. See link for comparison.


The hand on the hip pose is successfully used by models who use it to draw attention to the garment, but when they take it off the runway well. . . it looks good for the dress and model not so much about the relationship.



Overall, HC and Lucy look stiff, especially as they stand next to a real couple.

Is this love or a dud?

Final verdict: dud bomb

@Poetist , Do you think you could do a reading or analyze this screen shot https://www.instagram.com/p/BYWUsqmAAkJ/?taken-by=henrycavill_turkeyofficial

@Poetist said:

@culinary16 > What do you think about this pic poetist? https://www.instagram.com/p/BYVQqkyBV3V/?taken-by=moniqueeastwood


First off, the couple that has it going on is the one next to HC and Lucy. They look relaxed and mirror each other as best they can in the group pic. I'm going to call them the Left couple.

The Left couple woman leans back being as respectful as she can in polite company. The man draws her in as much as he can with his arm draped over her shoulder.

They are the picture of relaxation and these two seem to be very comfortable with each other.

Now, let's compare the odd couple aka HC and Lucy:


Again, HC/Lucy have a gap between them, and Lucy's arm sticks out to emphasize it.

From the motion movement of Lucy's hand, it's as if they remembered to close in the gap at the snap of the camera. However, a second too late, and as I said you can't fake (love) body language.

There is always something giving away the fakeness.

Take a look at HC. He is creating another gap, because he leans back away from Lucy.


Once more, HC doesn't smile or even bother to show teeth. This is becoming so redundant.

Lucy smiles but it is not genuine. Although this is an obligatory group pic, and few people put effort into it, I expect Lucy to be all smiles. She's supposed to be a lady in love with a hot looking Hollywood actor.

Now, compare Lucy to the lady on the left, who is not showing any teeth. However, we can see the balls of th cheek of the lady on the left. We can see her lean in on her man and mirror him. No one can deny that the Left couple is a genuine couple.


HC's feet are pointed away from where Lucy is pointing. Her feet point straight ahead and his feet point left and right to both exits.

Comparing their feet direction to the Left couple, and you can see that the Left couple's left foot point in the same direction. The right feet are in synch as much as can be in this situation. We can see that the Left lady has her feet together and elevated. It's a feminine pose. The guy isn't going to pose like that, but their big toes are pointing in the same direction.


Notice the Left couple and how they both hold their cups at the same height and position. Left man's arm is practically framing his woman, and their right arms seem to make a circle around their body.

HC appears as if he does not know what to do with his hand, so he holds Lucy by one shoulder as if she is blocking his view or she is a prisoner and not in a good way. Then, he remembers to close in the gap with his other hand. This looks so stiff and artificial.

Lucy wants attention more than she is thinking about being in tuned with HC. She gives that pelvic tilt of hers, places her hand on her hip much like TK, to draw the most attention to herself. See link for comparison.


The hand on the hip pose is successfully used by models who use it to draw attention to the garment, but when they take it off the runway well. . . it looks good for the dress and model not so much about the relationship.



Overall, HC and Lucy look stiff, especially as they stand next to a real couple.

Is this love or a dud?

Final verdict: dud bomb

Thanks Poetist

@culinary16 said:

@Poetist , Do you think you could do a reading or analyze this screen shot https://www.instagram.com/p/BYWUsqmAAkJ/?taken-by=henrycavill_turkeyofficial

I'll give my opinion on this pic, because I'm tired of analyzing stick figures.

This is an action pic on a boat no less, so I have to take some things into consideration.

Still, in a moving shot, this couple looks so stiff. HC looks sleepy or sea sick.

Both appear to be wondering when this is going to be over. Not one of them is enjoying the moment, and I can see a guy in the pic laughing. Aren't these the type of people HC likes to chill with, so why the dour expression?

I guess they are waiting on that pic, so they can leaked it as proof of fulfilling the contract.

P.S. You have to wonder how this pic got leaked. Isn't this a private boat? It doesn't appear to be a big boat. It's just probably the boat captain, the stunt friends, beard, and HC.

So, who leaked the pic?

Well, we can rule out the captain, because he is steering the boat and had no time to snap the pic. That leaves the passengers. I doubt the stunt friends would leak this shot, because I'm sure they would have their choice of pics. Since, they would be around the lovebirds a lot, but maybe, this is the best they've seen or could get. But why?

Why would they leak it? There is no money in this pic, if it isn't in the printed rags or People.

So, I can only assume it's the couple that is in cahoots to get this pic leaked.

Is this love or a dud?

Final verdict: sloppy wet dud bomb

Why the hell is he wearing a button down on a boat? Everyone else is going shirtless or has a swimsuit on. He is so insecure with his body, it's sad. He seems out of place and yes, he looks sick or tired, which would mean he is probably really drunk.

@Poetist , What is your take on Henry's recent post? https://www.instagram.com/p/BYY3pdrFOl3/?taken-by=henrycavill

@Poetist said:

@culinary16 said:

@Poetist , Do you think you could do a reading or analyze this screen shot https://www.instagram.com/p/BYWUsqmAAkJ/?taken-by=henrycavill_turkeyofficial

I'll give my opinion on this pic, because I'm tired of analyzing stick figures.

This is an action pic on a boat no less, so I have to take some things into consideration.

Still, in a moving shot, this couple looks so stiff. HC looks sleepy or sea sick.

Both appear to be wondering when this is going to be over. Not one of them is enjoying the moment, and I can see a guy in the pic laughing. Aren't these the type of people HC likes to chill with, so why the dour expression?

I guess they are waiting on that pic, so they can leaked it as proof of fulfilling the contract.

P.S. You have to wonder how this pic got leaked. Isn't this a private boat? It doesn't appear to be a big boat. It's just probably the boat captain, the stunt friends, beard, and HC.

So, who leaked the pic?

Well, we can rule out the captain, because he is steering the boat and had no time to snap the pic. That leaves the passengers. I doubt the stunt friends would leak this shot, because I'm sure they would have their choice of pics. Since, they would be around the lovebirds a lot, but maybe, this is the best they've seen or could get. But why?

Why would they leak it? There is no money in this pic, if it isn't in the printed rags or People.

So, I can only assume it's the couple that is in cahoots to get this pic leaked.

Is this love or a dud?

Final verdict: sloppy wet dud bomb

Why does this feel like deja vu? Wasn't it a couple of years ago HC also found himself on a private boat, somewhere in the Bahamas (St. Martin?), surrounded by a different group of physically-fit couples (from the US), along with the muscle-bound gf? And yes, there were 'leaked' photos too...often like it was 'leaked' in response to comments on another board (IMDB).

Pattern is almost exactly the same, except the gf is publicly announced and now there are even official shots from his own social media. Learning from 'past mistakes'?

@Nerdingout said:

Why the hell is he wearing a button down on a boat? Everyone else is going shirtless or has a swimsuit on. He is so insecure with his body, it's sad.

By the looks of the latest pic, maybe it was a good idea to wear the shirt.

He seems out of place and yes, he looks sick or tired, which would mean he is probably really drunk.

Yeah, I good money that he's drunk. I think he's been drunk in all of these pics.

@ToniTurnyne said:

Why does this feel like deja vu?

Well, it's best to not give up and keep working until you get it right. construction_worker_tone5 construction_worker_tone1 construction_worker_tone3

Wasn't it a couple of years ago HC also found himself on a private boat, somewhere in the Bahamas (St. Martin?), surrounded by a different group of physically-fit couples (from the US), along with the muscle-bound gf? And yes, there were 'leaked' photos too...often like it was 'leaked' in response to comments on another board (IMDB).

The general public will believe this over and over again, so if it isn't broken, don't fix it. I guess the formula works. microscope

@culinary16 said:

@Poetist , What is your take on Henry's recent post? https://www.instagram.com/p/BYY3pdrFOl3/?taken-by=henrycavill

First, HC needs some manscaping, especially around the belly button. Then, he needs to fix what is bothering him. He looks sick, and the ribs are showing.

Moving on. . .

Now, since today's theme is all about formulas as pointed out by Toni, let's play with that word of the day. I'll use the standard formula as I used on a prior analysis.


Again, HC/Lucy have a gap between them, and HC is doing nothing to close the gap. In fact, the guy to the left leans over, but HC just sits stiff as a board. He's not demonstrating that he is comfortable enough to close the gap.

In fact, the guy on the left hasn't close the gap either. Since he's not the bf, he's keeping a respectable distance but at the same time tries to show some closeness with Lucy.


Once more, HC doesn't smile or even bother to show teeth. This is becoming a subconscious statement of protest, or he's half-a@@ing it to just go through the motions.

Lucy smiles and it is genuine. She is having fun and enjoying the moment, and the guy on the left is happy as well.

Now, compare HC to the happy guy on the left and Lucy, when you have ALL smiling people and ONE that is not cracking a smile, then that gives a negative vibe.


Notice the guy on the Left and Lucy, they are both mirroring the same slanted move, and HC doesn't.

They all show teeth, but HC doesn't.

They both tilt their head to the side, but HC doesn't.

They guy on the left keeps his head at the same height as Lucy, but HC doesn't.

Overall, HC looks disengaged. If I had to pick the people who are more engaged from the pic, all indicators say it is the guy on the left and Lucy.

Is this love or a dud?

Final verdict: a sinking Titanic dud cruise_ship ship ship

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