Assistance de TMDB

Hi everyone,

How to translate genres into Arabic? And how to write actors' names in Arabic?

I'm basically trying to improve the Arabic content in the database (which is very poor unfortunately). So if there is anything else that can be translated please let me know.

Your help is appreciated.

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Please update genres for Persian/Farsi language:

- Action : اکشن
- Action & Adventure : اکشن و ماجراجویی
- Adventure : ماجراجویی
- Animation : انیمیشن
- British : بریتانیایی
- Comedy : کمدی
- Crime : جنایی
- Disaster : فاجعه 
- Documentary : مستند
- Drama : درام
- Eastern : شرقی
- Education : تحصیلی
- Erotic : شهوانی
- Family : خانوادگی
- Fan Film : فیلم طرف‌داران
- Fantasy : فانتزی
- Film Noir : فیلم سیاه
- Foreign : خارجی
- History : تاریخی
- Holiday : تعطیلی
- Horror : ترسناک
- Indie : سینمای مستقل
- Kids : کودکانه
- Music : موسیقی
- Musical : موزیکال
- Mystery : رمزآلود
- Neo-noir : نوسیاه
- News : خبری
- Reality : واقع‌گرایانه
- Road Movie : یلم جاده‌ای
- Romance : عاشقانه
- Sci-Fi & Fantasy : علمی‌تخیلی و فانتزی
- Science Fiction : علمی تخیلی
- Short : کوتاه
- Soap : آبکی
- Sport : ورزشی
- Sporting Event : ویداد ورزشی
- Sports Film : فیلم ورزشی
- Suspense : تعلیق
- TV movie : فیلم تلویزیونی
- Talk : گفت‌وگو
- Thriller : دلهره‌آور
- War : جنگی
- War & Politics : جنگ و سیاست
- Western : وسترن

Just wondering if this has been actioned for zh-TW? The genre matched for Plex is still shown as Simplified Chinese (zh-CN), not Traditional Chinese (zh-TW).

All other matches are displayed correctly for zh-TW. Only genre is not matching correctly.

@youzii said:

Traditional Chinese(zh-TW) translation for genres:

Action = 動作
Action & Adventure = 動作冒險
Adventure = 冒險
Animation = 動畫
British = 英式
Comedy = 喜劇
Crime = 犯罪
Disaster = 災難
Documentary = 紀錄
Drama = 劇情
Eastern = 東方
Education = 教育
Erotic = 情色
Family = 家庭
Fan Film = 同人
Fantasy = 奇幻
Film Noir = 黑色
Foreign = 異國
History = 歷史
Holiday = 假期
Horror = 恐怖
Indie = 獨立
Kids = 兒童
Music = 音樂
Musical = 歌舞
Mystery = 懸疑
Neo-noir = 新黑色
News = 新聞
Reality = 實境
Road Movie = 公路電影
Romance = 文藝愛情
Sci-Fi & Fantasy = 玄幻
Science Fiction = 科幻
Short = 短片
Soap = 肥皂劇
Sport = 運動
Sporting Event = 賽事
Sports Film = 體育
Suspense = 懸念
TV movie = 電視電影
Talk = 訪談
Thriller = 驚悚
War = 戰爭
War & Politics = 戰爭與政治
Western = 西方

Here is the Spanish translation (Spain) (es-Es)

  • Action = Acción
  • Action & Adventure = Acción y Aventura
  • Adventure = Aventura
  • Animation = Animación
  • British = Británico
  • Comedy = Comedia
  • Crime = Crimen
  • Disaster = Desastre
  • Documentary = Documental
  • Drama = Drama
  • Eastern = Oriental
  • Education = Educación
  • Erotic = Erótico
  • Family = Familia
  • Fan Film = Fanfilm
  • Fantasy = Fantasía
  • Film Noir = Cine Negro
  • Foreign = Extranjero
  • History = Historia
  • Holiday = Navidad
  • Horror = Terror
  • Indie = Independiente
  • Kids = Infantil
  • Music = Música
  • Musical = Musical
  • Mystery = Misterio
  • Neo-noir = Neo-noir
  • News = Noticias
  • Reality = Reality
  • Road Movie = Road Movie
  • Romance = Romance
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Ciencia Ficción y Fantasía
  • Science Fiction = Ciencia Ficción
  • Short = Corto
  • Soap = Telenovela
  • Sport = Deportes
  • Sporting Event = Evento Deportivo
  • Sports Film = Película Deportiva
  • Suspense = Suspense
  • TV movie = Película de TV
  • Talk = Entrevistas
  • Thriller = Thriller
  • War = Guerra
  • War & Politics = Guerra y Política
  • Western = Western

Brazilian Portuguese translation - pt-BR

  • Action = Ação
  • Action & Adventure = Ação e Aventura
  • Adventure = Aventura
  • Animation = Animação
  • British = Britânico
  • Comedy = Comédia
  • Crime = Crime
  • Disaster = Desastre
  • Documentary = Documentário
  • Drama = Drama
  • Eastern = Oriental
  • Education = Educação
  • Erotic = Erótico
  • Family = Família
  • Fan Film = Fã Filme
  • Fantasy = Fantasia
  • Film Noir = Filme Noir
  • Foreign = Estrangeiro
  • History = História
  • Holiday = Feriado
  • Horror = Terror
  • Indie = Independente
  • Kids = Infantil
  • Music = Musica
  • Musical = Musical
  • Mystery = Mistério
  • Neo-noir = Neo-noir
  • News = Notícia
  • Reality = Reality
  • Road Movie = Filme de Estrada
  • Romance = Romance
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Ficção Científica e Fantasia
  • Science Fiction = Ficção Científica
  • Short = Curta
  • Soap = Novela
  • Sport = Esporte
  • Sporting Event = Evento Esportivo
  • Sports Film = Filme Esportivo
  • Suspense = Suspense
  • TV movie = Filme de TV
  • Talk = Talk Show
  • Thriller = Suspense
  • War = Guerra
  • War & Politics = Guerra e Política
  • Western = Faroeste

Hi @travisbell , Please update Some corrections to Portuguese pt-PT translations:

  • TV movie = Telefilme -> Cinema TV (It's not right)
  • Action & Adventure = Ação e Aventura
  • Kids = Infantil
  • News = Notícias
  • Reality = Reality Show
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Ficção Científica e Fantasia
  • Soap = Telenovela
  • Talk = Talk Show
  • War & Politics = Guerra e Política


@BlackSpirits said:

Hi @travisbell , Please update Some corrections to Portuguese pt-PT translations:

  • TV movie = Telefilme -> Cinema TV (It's not right)
  • Action & Adventure = Ação e Aventura
  • Kids = Infantil
  • News = Notícias
  • Reality = Reality Show
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Ficção Científica e Fantasia
  • Soap = Telenovela
  • Talk = Talk Show
  • War & Politics = Guerra e Política


I'm not really sure but...
I believe that the gender translation corrections will only be made
after the implementation of the separation of languages by country.
See the task on the To-Do list here:

These are simple and quick things to do.... in two minutes this done. Putting that on a waiting list, you'd been forgotten for years. The separation of languages for years that we are waiting for..... unfortunately. It was supposed to be in 2019, then 2020, then came this Trello list and virtually disappeared from the list and you never know what will be done. And that's something that should be a priority. Because every day that passes more wrong images are added and much more work will have in the future to make the sections.

Hi, @travisbell @ticao2 , could you please help to add the two translations?

zh-CN language:
    Sci-Fi & Fantasy = 科幻
    War & Politics = 战争与政治


Just a correction: Music = Música.
Our friend Jorge Junior forget the accent on the letter ú ;)

@JorgeLNJunior said:

Brazilian Portuguese translation - pt-BR

  • Music = Musica

@OttoKerner said:

Updated list of German genre translations de-DE Let me add that the genre "Foreign" doesn't make any sense.

Action = Action
Action & Adventure = Action & Abenteuer
Adventure = Abenteuer
Animation = Animation
British = British  
Biography = Biografie
Comedy = Komödie
Crime = Krimi
Disaster = Katastrophe
Documentary = Dokumentation
Drama = Drama
Eastern = Eastern
Education = Bildung
Erotic = Erotik
Family = Familie
Fan Film = Fan Film
Fantasy = Fantasy
Film Noir = Film Noir
Foreign = Ausland
History = Geschichte
Holiday = Urlaub
Horror = Horror
Indie = Indie
Kids = Kinder
Music = Musik
Musical = Musical
Mystery = Mystery
Neo-noir = Neo-Noir
News = Nachrichten
Reality = Reality
Road Movie = Road Movie
Romance = Romanze
Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Science Fiction = Science Fiction
Short = Kurzfilm
Soap = Seifenoper
Sport = Sport
Sporting Event = Sportereignis
Sports Film = Sportfilm
Suspense = Spannung
TV movie = TV Film
Talk = Talk
Thriller = Thriller
War = Krieg
War & Politics = Krieg & Politik
Western = Western

In general I aggree with the German translation by @OttoKerner several years ago. Currently the German genre translation is still not 100% accurate imho:

Movies (some German genres currently have the suffix 'film' which can be always added or not, but since the genres apply for film/movies it is a bit weird... even more: Genres should always be the main 'noun'):

  • Dokumentarfilm = Dokumentation
  • Kriegsfilm = Krieg
  • Liebesfilm = Liebe

TV Series (first: some tv genres are not translated and are still english and second: naming the genre translation for movies and tv series should be equal for e.g. not 'Science Fiction' for movies and 'Sci-Fi' for tv series. But my second note is just a side note):

  • Action & Adventure = Action & Abenteuer
  • Dokumentarfilm = Dokumentation
  • Kids = Kinder
  • News = Nachrichten
  • War & Politics = Krieg & Politik
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Science Fiction & Fantasy

@mu2004 said:

Just wondering if this has been actioned for zh-TW? The genre matched for Plex is still shown as Simplified Chinese (zh-CN), not Traditional Chinese (zh-TW).

All other matches are displayed correctly for zh-TW. Only genre is not matching correctly.

@youzii said:

Traditional Chinese(zh-TW) translation for genres:

Action = 動作
Action & Adventure = 動作冒險
Adventure = 冒險
Animation = 動畫
British = 英式
Comedy = 喜劇
Crime = 犯罪
Disaster = 災難
Documentary = 紀錄
Drama = 劇情
Eastern = 東方
Education = 教育
Erotic = 情色
Family = 家庭
Fan Film = 同人
Fantasy = 奇幻
Film Noir = 黑色
Foreign = 異國
History = 歷史
Holiday = 假期
Horror = 恐怖
Indie = 獨立
Kids = 兒童
Music = 音樂
Musical = 歌舞
Mystery = 懸疑
Neo-noir = 新黑色
News = 新聞
Reality = 實境
Road Movie = 公路電影
Romance = 文藝愛情
Sci-Fi & Fantasy = 玄幻
Science Fiction = 科幻
Short = 短片
Soap = 肥皂劇
Sport = 運動
Sporting Event = 賽事
Sports Film = 體育
Suspense = 懸念
TV movie = 電視電影
Talk = 訪談
Thriller = 驚悚
War = 戰爭
War & Politics = 戰爭與政治
Western = 西方

I want to bring up this again. How to add the genre in zh-TW? It was requested a couple times in 2020, 2021, 2022 but didn't get any responses. @bogomil22 do you think you can help here? Thanks.

@travisbell said:

Just let us know the translations, you can enter them here for us. Here's the list of genres:

  • Action
  • Action & Adventure
  • Adventure
  • Animation
  • British
  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • Disaster
  • Documentary
  • Drama
  • Eastern
  • Education
  • Erotic
  • Family
  • Fan Film
  • Fantasy
  • Film Noir
  • Foreign
  • History
  • Holiday
  • Horror
  • Indie
  • Kids
  • Music
  • Musical
  • Mystery
  • Neo-noir
  • News
  • Reality
  • Road Movie
  • Romance
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Short
  • Soap
  • Sport
  • Sporting Event
  • Sports Film
  • Suspense
  • TV movie
  • Talk
  • Thriller
  • War
  • War & Politics
  • Western

Not all of these are in use as movie genres, but it's the current list we get people to translate.

Hi Travis, do you think you can help on the zh-TW genre translation? It has been talked in 2020, 2021, and 2022. How to get the translation done?

Updated list of POLISH genre translations pl-PL (only those translations that are currently incorrect):

  • Action & Adventure : Akcja & Przygoda
  • Kids : Dzieci
  • Soap : Telenowela
  • TV movie : Film TV
  • War & Politics : Wojna & Polityka

Hi @travisbell, @bogomil22. Please update some corrections to Vietnamese vi-VN translations:

vi-VN language:

Fantasy  -> Phim Giả Tưởng

Phim Giả Tượng is not correct.

Where can I find the translations made for Genres for Slovak, please?

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