The Movie Database Support

Hi everyone,

How to translate genres into Arabic? And how to write actors' names in Arabic?

I'm basically trying to improve the Arabic content in the database (which is very poor unfortunately). So if there is anything else that can be translated please let me know.

Your help is appreciated.

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Portuguese Brazil translation:

Action & Adventure = Ação e Aventura
Kids = Infantil

Latvian Translation:

  • Action = Asa sižeta
  • Action & Adventure = Asa sižeta piedzīvojuma
  • Adventure = Piedzīvojuma
  • Animation = Animācija
  • British = Britu
  • Comedy = Komēdija
  • Crime = Kriminālfilma
  • Disaster = Katastrofa
  • Documentary = Dokumentālā
  • Drama = Drāma
  • Eastern = Austrumu
  • Education = Izglītības
  • Erotic = Erotika
  • Family = Ģimenes
  • Fan Film = Fanu filma
  • Fantasy = Fantastika
  • Film Noir = Filma Noir
  • Foreign = Ārzemju
  • History = Vēsturiska
  • Holiday = Brīvdienas
  • Horror = Šausmu
  • Indie = Indie
  • Kids = Bērnu
  • Music = Mūzikas
  • Musical = Mūzikls
  • Mystery = Noslēpums
  • Neo-noir = Neo-noir
  • News = Ziņas
  • Reality = Realitātes
  • Road Movie = Ceļa filma
  • Romance = Romantika
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Sci-Fi un Fantastika
  • Science Fiction = Zinātniskā Fantastika
  • Short = Īss
  • Soap = Ziepju opera
  • Sport = Sports
  • Sporting Event = Sporta pasākums
  • Sports Film = Sporta filma
  • Suspense = Neziņas
  • TV movie = TV filma
  • Talk = Runa
  • Thriller = Trilleris
  • War = Karš
  • War & Politics = Karš un politika
  • Western = Rietumu

Traditional Chinese(zh-TW) translation for genres:

Action = 動作
Action & Adventure = 動作冒險
Adventure = 冒險
Animation = 動畫
British = 英式
Comedy = 喜劇
Crime = 犯罪
Disaster = 災難
Documentary = 紀錄
Drama = 劇情
Eastern = 東方
Education = 教育
Erotic = 情色
Family = 家庭
Fan Film = 同人
Fantasy = 奇幻
Film Noir = 黑色
Foreign = 異國
History = 歷史
Holiday = 假期
Horror = 恐怖
Indie = 獨立
Kids = 兒童
Music = 音樂
Musical = 歌舞
Mystery = 懸疑
Neo-noir = 新黑色
News = 新聞
Reality = 實境
Road Movie = 公路電影
Romance = 文藝愛情
Sci-Fi & Fantasy = 玄幻
Science Fiction = 科幻
Short = 短片
Soap = 肥皂劇
Sport = 運動
Sporting Event = 賽事
Sports Film = 體育
Suspense = 懸念
TV movie = 電視電影
Talk = 訪談
Thriller = 驚悚
War = 戰爭
War & Politics = 戰爭與政治
Western = 西方

The Japanese translation for the 'Mystery' genre should be changed from 謎 to ミステリー

Japanese translation for genres:

  • Action = アクション
  • Action & Adventure = アクション&アドベンチャー
  • Adventure = アドベンチャー
  • Animation = アニメ
  • British = イギリス
  • Comedy = コメディー
  • Crime = 犯罪
  • Disaster = 災害
  • Documentary = ドキュメンタリー
  • Drama = ドラマ
  • Eastern = 東洋
  • Education = 教育
  • Erotic = エロティック
  • Family = ファミリー
  • Fan Film = ファン・ムービー
  • Fantasy = ファンタジー
  • Film Noir = フィルム・ノワール
  • Foreign = 海外
  • History = 歴史
  • Holiday = ホリデー
  • Horror = ホラー
  • Indie = インディーズ
  • Kids = キッズ
  • Music = 音楽
  • Musical = ミュージカル
  • Mystery = ミステリー
  • Neo-noir = ネオ・ノワール
  • News = ニュース
  • Reality = リアリティー
  • Road Movie = ロード・ムービー
  • Romance = ロマンス
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy = SF&ファンタジー
  • Science Fiction = SF
  • Short = ショート・フィルム
  • Soap = ソープ
  • Sport = スポーツ
  • Sporting Event = スポーツ・イベント
  • Sports Film = スポーツ・フィルム
  • Suspense = サスペンス
  • TV movie = TVムービー
  • Talk = トークショー
  • Thriller = スリラー
  • War = 戦争
  • War & Politics = 戦争と政治
  • Western = 西部劇

Some corrections to Portuguese pt-PT translations:

  • TV movie -------------- Cinema TV (It's not right) change to Telefilme
  • Action & Adventure = Ação & Aventura (I think it should be separated)
  • Kids = Infantil
  • News = Noticias
  • Reality = Reality Show
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Ficção Científica & Fantasia (I think it should be separated)
  • Soap = Telenovela
  • Talk = Talk show
  • War & Politics = Guerra e Política (I think it should be separated)

In my opinion these should be added

  • Musical -------------- Musical
  • Biography ---------- Biografia
  • Sport ----------------- Desporto
  • Police ---------------- Policial
  • Sitcom --------------- Sitcom
  • Epic ------------------ Épico
  • Film Noir ------------ Film Noir

I see @youzii did a good job with zh-TW genre translation in Feb 2020. Could someone (maybe @travisbell ?) help to add that into database with a little update below? Thanks.

Western = 西部牛仔

@youzii said:

Traditional Chinese(zh-TW) translation for genres:

Action = 動作
Action & Adventure = 動作冒險
Adventure = 冒險
Animation = 動畫
British = 英式
Comedy = 喜劇
Crime = 犯罪
Disaster = 災難
Documentary = 紀錄
Drama = 劇情
Eastern = 東方
Education = 教育
Erotic = 情色
Family = 家庭
Fan Film = 同人
Fantasy = 奇幻
Film Noir = 黑色
Foreign = 異國
History = 歷史
Holiday = 假期
Horror = 恐怖
Indie = 獨立
Kids = 兒童
Music = 音樂
Musical = 歌舞
Mystery = 懸疑
Neo-noir = 新黑色
News = 新聞
Reality = 實境
Road Movie = 公路電影
Romance = 文藝愛情
Sci-Fi & Fantasy = 玄幻
Science Fiction = 科幻
Short = 短片
Soap = 肥皂劇
Sport = 運動
Sporting Event = 賽事
Sports Film = 體育
Suspense = 懸念
TV movie = 電視電影
Talk = 訪談
Thriller = 驚悚
War = 戰爭
War & Politics = 戰爭與政治
Western = 西方

@travisbell said:

Just let us know the translations, you can enter them here for us. Here's the list of genres:

  • Action
  • Action & Adventure => Action & Aventure
  • Adventure
  • Animation
  • British
  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • Disaster
  • Documentary
  • Drama
  • Eastern
  • Education
  • Erotic
  • Family
  • Fan Film
  • Fantasy
  • Film Noir
  • Foreign
  • History
  • Holiday
  • Horror
  • Indie
  • Kids => Jeunesse
  • Music
  • Musical
  • Mystery
  • Neo-noir
  • News => Investigation
  • Reality => Téléréalité
  • Road Movie
  • Romance
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Short
  • Soap => Soap Opéra
  • Sport
  • Sporting Event
  • Sports Film
  • Suspense
  • TV movie
  • Talk => Débat
  • Thriller
  • War
  • War & Politics => Guerre & Politique
  • Western

Not all of these are in use as movie genres, but it's the current list we get people to translate.


There are some genres not yet translated for French, some proposals above...

Hope this helps.


Hi, these are the translations for es-MX, some genre are already translated, but i'm postinf all the translations just in case.

• Action – Acción
• Action & Adventure – Acción y Aventura
• Adventure - Aventura
• Animation – Animación
• British - Británico
• Comedy - Comedia
• Crime - Crimen
• Disaster - Desastres
• Documentary - Documental
• Drama - Drama
• Eastern - Oriental
• Education - Educativo
• Erotic - Erótico
• Family - Familiar
• Fan Film – Películas de Aficionados
• Fantasy – Fantasía
• Film Noir – Cine Oscuro
• Foreign - Extranjero
• History - Historia
• Holiday - Navideña
• Horror - Terror
• Indie - Independiente
• Kids - Niños
• Music - Música
• Musical - Musical
• Mystery - Misterio
• Neo-noir – Neo Oscuro
• News - Noticias
• Reality - Realidad
• Road Movie – Película de Viajes
• Romance – Romance
• Sci-Fi & Fantasy – Ciencia Ficción y Fantasía
• Science Fiction – Ciencia Ficción
• Short - Corto
• Soap - Novela
• Sport - Deportes
• Sporting Event – Eventos Deportivos
• Sports Film – Películas Deportivas
• Suspense - Suspenso
• TV movie – Película para TV
• Talk - Charla
• Thriller - Thriller
• War - Guerra
• War & Politics – Guerra y Politica
• Western – Viejo Oeste

@travisbell Would it be possible to get all of these zh-TW genre translations from @owlhuang and @youzii updated? TMDb is currently using simplified characters for what is supposed to be a Taiwan-localized translation...

Action = 動作
Action & Adventure = 動作冒險
Adventure = 冒險
Animation = 動畫
British = 英式
Comedy = 喜劇
Crime = 犯罪
Disaster = 災難
Documentary = 紀錄
Drama = 劇情
Eastern = 東方
Education = 教育
Erotic = 情色
Family = 家庭
Fan Film = 同人
Fantasy = 奇幻
Film Noir = 黑色
Foreign = 異國
History = 歷史
Holiday = 假期
Horror = 恐怖
Indie = 獨立
Kids = 兒童
Music = 音樂
Musical = 歌舞
Mystery = 懸疑
Neo-noir = 新黑色
News = 新聞
Reality = 實境
Road Movie = 公路電影
Romance = 文藝愛情
Sci-Fi & Fantasy = 玄幻
Science Fiction = 科幻
Short = 短片
Soap = 肥皂劇
Sport = 運動
Sporting Event = 賽事
Sports Film = 體育
Suspense = 懸念
TV movie = 電視電影
Talk = 訪談
Thriller = 驚悚
War = 戰爭
War & Politics = 戰爭與政治
Western = 西部牛仔

German genre translation:

The currently used translation for "History" is a "lazy" translation (which means the roman word gets slapped on a germanized ending) It may be widely understood, but it still isn't correct.

The proper translation into German is

History = Geschichte

ES-es translate:

Action -> Acción
Action & Adventure -> Acción y Aventura
Adventure -> Aventura
Animation -> Animación
British -> Británica
Comedy -> Comedia
Crime -> Crimen
Disaster -> Desastre
Documentary -> Documental
Drama -> Drama
Eastern -> Oriental 
Education -> Educativo
Erotic -> Erótico
Family -> Familia
Fan Film -> Película de Aficionados
Fantasy -> Fantasía
Film Noir -> Cine Negro
Foreign -> Extranjero
History -> Historia
Holiday -> Festivo
Horror -> Terror
Indie -> Independiente
Kids -> Niños
Music -> Música
Musical -> Musical
Mystery -> Misterio
Neo-noir -> Neo-Noir
News -> Noticias
Reality -> Reality
Road Movie -> Viajes
Romance -> Romance
Sci-Fi & Fantasy -> Ciencia Ficción y Fantasía
Science Fiction -> Ciencia Ficción
Short -> Corto
Soap -> Novela
Sport -> Deporte
Sporting Event -> Evento Deportivo
Sports Film -> Película Deportiva
Suspense -> Suspense
TV movie -> Película de TV
Talk -> Charla
Thriller -> Thriller
War -> Guerra
War & Politics -> Guerra y Política
Western -> Oeste

Here is an Italian translation for TV genres (it-IT). Some english terms in this translation are commonly used also here in Italy (e.g. Reality, News).

  • Action & Adventure = Azione e Avventura
  • Animation = Animazione
  • Comedy = Commedia
  • Crime = Crimine
  • Documentary = Documentario
  • Drama = Dramma
  • Family = Famiglia
  • Kids = Bambini
  • Mystery = Mistero
  • News = News
  • Reality = Reality
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Sci-Fi e Fantasy
  • Soap = Soap
  • Talk = Talk
  • War & Politics = Guerra e Politica
  • Western= Western

Please add Catalan translate of Movie Genres and TV Genres.

ca-ES locale Movie Genres:

Action = Acció
Action & Adventure = Acció i Aventura
Adventure = Aventura
Animation = Animació
British = Britànica
Comedy = Comèdia
Crime = Crim
Disaster = Desastre
Documentary = Documental
Drama = Drama
Eastern = Oriental 
Education = Educatiu
Erotic = Eròtic
Family = Familia
Fan Film = Pel·lícula d'Aficionats
Fantasy = Fantasia
Film Noir = Cinema Negre
Foreign = Extranger
History = Història
Holiday = Festiu
Horror = Terror
Indie = Independent
Kids = Nens
Music = Música
Musical = Musical
Mystery = Misteri
Neo-noir = Neo-Noir
News = Notícies
Reality = Reality
Road Movie = Viatges
Romance = Romanç
Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Ciència Ficció i Fantasia
Science Fiction = Ciència Ficció
Short = Curt
Soap = Novel·la
Sport = Esport
Sporting Event = Esdeveniment Esportiu
Sports Film = Pel·lícula Esportiva
Suspense = Suspens
TV movie = Pel·lícula de TV
Talk = Entrevista
Thriller = Thriller
War = Guerra
War & Politics = Guerra i Política
Western = Oest

ca-ES locale TV Genres:

Action & Adventure = Acció i Aventura
Animation = Animació
Comedy = Comèdia
Crime = Crim
Documentary = Documental
Drama = Drama
Family = Familia
Kids = Nens
Mystery = Misteri
News = Notícies
Reality = Reality
Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Ciència Ficció i Fantasia
Soap = Novel·la
Talk = Entrevista
War & Politics = Guerra i Política
Western= Oest

Full French translation below.
Just to make sure you got everything with the right french typographic standards
Thank you.

Action = Action
Action & Adventure = Action et aventure
Adventure = Aventure
Animation = Animation
British = Britannique
Comedy = Comédie
Crime = Crime
Disaster = Catastrophe
Documentary = Documentaire
Drama = Drame
Eastern = Oriental
Education = Éducation
Erotic = Érotique
Family = Familial
Fan Film = Film de fan
Fantasy = Fantaisie
Film Noir = Film noir
Foreign = Étranger
History = Histoire
Holiday = Vacances
Horror = Horreur
Indie = Indépendant
Kids = Jeunesse
Music = Musique
Musical = Musical
Mystery = Mystère
Neo-noir = Néo-noir
News = Actualités
Reality = Télé-réalité
Road Movie = Film de route
Romance = Romance
Sci-Fi & Fantasy = Science-fiction et fantastique
Science Fiction = Science-fiction
Short = Court métrage
Soap = Feuilleton mélodramatique
Sport = Sport
Sporting Event = Événement sportif
Sports Film = Film sportif
Suspense = Suspense
TV movie = Téléfilm
Talk = Émission-débat
Thriller = Film à suspense
War = Guerre
War & Politics = Guerre et politique
Western = Western

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