Über TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You diskutieren

Item: TONIKAWA: Sobre la luna para ti

Language: es-ES

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Shouldn't the title in Spanish (Spain) be «TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You»? At least this is how it is titled in CR for Spain:

By the way, the Spanish posters have «TONIKAWA: Hasta la luna por ti», which is also different from the title in CR and here. Maybe a fan-made poster?

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I think I changed it when I removed a bunch of alternative titles and just moved it to the es-ES translation without any second though. Since Crunchyroll uses "TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You" I went ahead and replaced it.

The posters are also definitely fan-made since the dress has some editing wonkniness where "Hasta la luna por ti" was added.

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