讨论 The Head

Maybe not the best this by to watch in February during a lockdown, but these Nordic noir shows are my jam. Only a couple in but I'm hooked

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@felixxx999 said:

** Maybe not the best this by to watch in** February during a lockdown, but these Nordic noir shows are my jam. Only a couple in but I'm hooked

Steve, did you have a stroke while writing that?

Not sure why you are calling it 'Nordic Noir' though? It was mainly produced by Spain & Japan.

I literally can't string two words together since switching to an Iphone. The producers may be Spain and Japan but it's shot in Iceland and is loaded with Nordic actors and very similar to other series of this type

@felixxx999 said:

I literally can't string two words together since switching to an Iphone. The producers may be Spain and Japan but it's shot in Iceland and is loaded with Nordic actors and very similar to other series of this type

I figured it was a phone problem but wanted to be sure. I like the Nordic shows too. I used to watch them (and more) on MHZ but the free version of the channel went away last year. Now they charge $7.99 a month.

We finished it. Very good. Now we're on to another Nordic noir The Investigation on HBO Max



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