Jaksot 12


Let's Go! Down the Path of Pottery

2 lokakuu 202115m

With the Mino ware contest under her belt, Himeno finally feels like she's arrived at the starting line for the path of pottery. While she is talking to her friends from the pottery club about the next, even more wonderful thing to make, a visitor with a typhoon-like energy bursts into their club room...

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My Paradise

9 lokakuu 202115m

While cleaning her room, Himeno discovers a New Year's greeting card she got from Naoko when they were kids. When she tries to get Naoko to explain the message on the card, somehow they end up going out to find Chinese bellflowers even though they're no longer in season?

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My Mom Really Is Amazing!

16 lokakuu 202115m

On the way home, a girl from Mexico talks to Himano, Mika, and Nao. It turns out she's a pottery student who was so impressed by a certain piece of pottery, she travelled all the way to Japan just to see it. Which piece could that be?

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The Mumblings of the Clay

23 lokakuu 202115m

Tajimi's hot summer break is here. Everyone's working hard in the club room, however, out of all of them, Mika is especially eager. Using the very last batch of the special Gotomaki Clay, after numerous failures, she finally finishes a masterpiece.

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What's Wrong, Touko-senpai?

30 lokakuu 202115m

The preparations for the OriAca Festival are ramping up, giving the campus a different feel. The pottery club is also pushing ahead with their preparations for their exhibit. However, Himeno can't help but notice that Touko-senpai seems down and decides to...

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The Pottery Club of Endless Mysteries

6 marraskuu 202115m

As Himeno and the others are trying to get to the bottom of the mystery tool that Ximena found at her studio, Touko decides to give a pottery tool lesson in a quiz format. When she sees them all having fun figuring it out, she remembers how it was for her when she was little.

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Supersized ♥ Cultural Festival

13 marraskuu 202115m

The day of the Ari Aca Festival. Aside from exhibiting and selling items for the pottery club, Himeno is helping her class when Tokishirou and Kusano come to visit. The two of them reminisce about old times and start talking about a hidden piece that has been passed down in the pottery club.

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Good Day for the Pottery Wheel

20 marraskuu 202115m

A big star from the Showa era comes to visit Touko's grandfather, Juubeh. Somehow, Touko and that person end up sitting at the pottery wheel together in front of her grandfather, who once taught this star pottery...

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Beyond the Calm Autumn Sky

27 marraskuu 202115m

Juubeh invites Touko to walk around Eihouji temple, something they haven't done in years. While they are admiring the beautiful fall foliage, Juubeh finally reveals to her how he really feels, something he has been wanting to do forever, but couldn't.

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Found It!

4 joulukuu 202115m

After seeing the pieces Ximena finally finished, Himeno heads home. There Mami and Kusano add their support to Naoko, who's watching out for Himeno while she struggles to find something to put on the shelf.

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Freedom - Future - Sparkle

11 joulukuu 202115m

Finally having found what she wants to make, Himeno does a 180 and dives headfirst into making pottery. Meanwhile, Toushirou keeps worrying that his suggestion to Himeno is torturing her because her behavior is so different...

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Tekijät 3

Ohjaus: Kunpei Maeda

Käsikirjoittaja: Kirjoittajaa ei ole lisätty.

Vierailevat tähdet 0 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

Vierailevia tähtiä ei ole lisätty.

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I'm Making a Mug!

Season Finale
18 joulukuu 202115m

It's finally time for the firing, meaning the pieces will be completed in just a little bit. Tokishirou is excited when he hears that Himeno might reveal the item she'll put onto the shelf. After all this waiting, what's the piece that Himeno unveils?!

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