Über Blood of Zeus diskutieren

Seriously, I like the concept but why does it have to be a soap opera? I've read the mythology a lot and I remember the stories, but this show decides to go for a soap opera direction with a lot of melodrama and pathos instead of maybe more cynical and hard realistic approach. I mean, it could be great to see a serious approach to mythological gods, doesn't have to be The Wire, could be just something like Game of Thrones. But the show runners decided to stick with the familiar and went with more childish approach. Take all the explicit violence and gore from the show and you can easily rate it PG 13. The complexity of the characters and the story is right there with an old Disney movies and children's TV shows from the 90's. I didn't find this show very good because of it, too much focus on sentimental and pointless, even the aspect of revenge tragedy is very superficial and too simplistic.

Netflix will do a lot of animated shows in the next years, this one is not a very good example of what they can do. I enjoyed DOTA: Dragon's Blood much more than this and really looking forward for the Witcher animated prequel.

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