Debate Baltasis lotosas

Starting a thread to discuss the ending of Season 2.

I laughed when the main villains are a bunch of charming European "gays". I use "gays" in quotes because I'm quoting Coolidge's insane rants before her killing spree. I'm constantly reminded how folks complaining about shows being woke and attacking "straight white American men" turns the tables yet again. Maybe folks should stop with all the brainwashing talk at least enough episodes in to have a reason to complain. I mean the point of this show is everyone acts badly when the pressure is on.

I enjoyed all the story wrap ups EXCEPT for the Audrey Plaza story. Although a lot of questions went unanswered (which I'm fine with) I didn't like how they all of a sudden has their marriage saved.

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@felixxx999 said:

Starting a thread to discuss the ending of Season 2.

I laughed when the main villains are a bunch of charming European "gays". I use "gays" in quotes because I'm quoting Coolidge's insane rants before her killing spree. I'm constantly reminded how folks complaining about shows being woke and attacking "straight white American men" turns the tables yet again. Maybe folks should stop with all the brainwashing talk at least enough episodes in to have a reason to complain. I mean the point of this show is everyone acts badly when the pressure is on.

I enjoyed all the story wrap ups EXCEPT for the Audrey Plaza story. Although a lot of questions went unanswered (which I'm fine with) I didn't like how they all of a sudden has their marriage saved.

That scene with her on the boat...and especially her phone call with her assistant. My fav scene of the series probably. Also for the longest time I was thinking, these gays have to have an ulterior motive here, and I eventually did land on theyre gonna want to take her money or kill her or something.

The show does kinda attack straight White men as most shows tend to but in this case its more like the characters in the show do. And imo the show its up to you as the viewer to either agree with them or find fault in those characters. I dunno if Im explaining that correctly. Its up to you to agree with or side with or judge whoever you want on the show.

I kinda liked how the Audrey story ended. Imo its not so much that their marriage is all good now, its more so that theyve gone through some issues and dealt with some conflict or at least addressed that there are issues that have somewhat rekindled their relationship if that makes sense. Like it reignited that they both care about each other rather than before where they were just tired and not addressing their issues. Whether or not the relatinoship ultimately will soon fail or it will blossom is not answered. I also dont feel like Im explaining that well.

Regardless if there is a season 3 I will really miss Coolidge's character. Oh and I dont really get why she decided to try and jump off the ship into the small boat. Like could she not have stayed on the ship for one night or was she really scared of that one old gay guy?

And it is funny how we find out the truth about Greg because something about him and his relationship with Coolidge's character never quiet sat right with me.

Good comments! I actually missed the hotel manager that died season one. Though had he survived he clearly went off the deep end.

As far as Coolidge dying well the show is a black comedy so... and I thought it was absolutely shocking after all that happened to her. But now her husband still gets the money! FFS. Also, I thought her having sex with the stud was enough to void the prenup because they probably took photos of her. I mean why go through all that trouble when you could have killed her anywhere? But again, dark comedy.

The young guy does get played by the prostitute. Interesting that he ends up with her while his first date gets kidnapped. Lol. And they tried to exchange numbers at the end.

More Godfather: The mannequin in the car from the Godfather 2 location is wearing the same dress Coolidge is wearing in the end. And her assistant is wearing a Godfather shirt (depicting the same scene) when she get, well, kidnaped by the crazy West Ham guy.

@felixxx999 said:

Good comments! I actually missed the hotel manager that died season one. Though had he survived he clearly went off the deep end.

As far as Coolidge dying well the show is a black comedy so... and I thought it was absolutely shocking after all that happened to her. But now her husband still gets the money! FFS.

Its not so much her dying its more so.... why would the character even jump off the boat she already killed everyone...?

Unless it was more of like a rash descision like a feak out of what just happened. Or like her just wanting to flee the scene and get away from the blood and murder.

Also, I thought her having sex with the stud was enough to void the prenup because they probably took photos of her. I mean why go through all that trouble when you could have killed her anywhere? But again, dark comedy.

I dunno maybe they are just some kind of evil cultish thing going on. Or just regular killer vibes.

The young guy does get played by the prostitute. Interesting that he ends up with her while his first date gets kidnapped. Lol. And they tried to exchange numbers at the end.

Lol out of everything I actually didnt see that one coming. Or at least I didnt see her being that quick to and easy to cut him off without giving a shit.

@acontributor said:

Can we agree that the ending sucked? I found it extremely disappointing anyway.

And who says this series isn't woke? It has your obligatory anti-white comments made by POC. And it's chocked full of LGBT characters and gay sex. And the main villains are all white males some of them were gay but remember that Jennifer Coolidge's character's husband was also among them. So was the young English dude. And they were all white males who are still the biggest demographic that are under attack. Which I am sick of.

But at least the naive Jewish Italian kid gets the girl in the end. Even if I didn't understand why he was so naive to give that prostitute so much money or why his dad allowed it.

However I liked the ending for the interracial couple. It was nice to see them finally having sex after their relationship being on the rocks for so long.

What did you not like about the ending? I really liked it.

His dad allowed it because he doesnt really care about the money he has an overabundance of it anyway hes more concerned and his mind occupied with his failed marriage.

I thought the implication is that Coolidge's character's husband was also gay? Or not straight I guess but maybe I misunderstood.

@softpillow said:

@acontributor said:

Can we agree that the ending sucked? I found it extremely disappointing anyway.

And who says this series isn't woke? It has your obligatory anti-white comments made by POC. And it's chocked full of LGBT characters and gay sex. And the main villains are all white males some of them were gay but remember that Jennifer Coolidge's character's husband was also among them. So was the young English dude. And they were all white males who are still the biggest demographic that are under attack. Which I am sick of.

But at least the naive Jewish Italian kid gets the girl in the end. Even if I didn't understand why he was so naive to give that prostitute so much money or why his dad allowed it.

However I liked the ending for the interracial couple. It was nice to see them finally having sex after their relationship being on the rocks for so long.

What did you not like about the ending? I really liked it.

His dad allowed it because he doesnt really care about the money he has an overabundance of it anyway hes more concerned and his mind occupied with his failed marriage.

I thought the implication is that Coolidge's character's husband was also gay? Or not straight I guess but maybe I misunderstood.

The person you are replying to doesn't like anything that isn't set in the 1950s & has only white people living a utopian/Levitttown-type scenario! Don't waste your time.

@bratface said:

@softpillow said:

@acontributor said:

Can we agree that the ending sucked? I found it extremely disappointing anyway.

And who says this series isn't woke? It has your obligatory anti-white comments made by POC. And it's chocked full of LGBT characters and gay sex. And the main villains are all white males some of them were gay but remember that Jennifer Coolidge's character's husband was also among them. So was the young English dude. And they were all white males who are still the biggest demographic that are under attack. Which I am sick of.

But at least the naive Jewish Italian kid gets the girl in the end. Even if I didn't understand why he was so naive to give that prostitute so much money or why his dad allowed it.

However I liked the ending for the interracial couple. It was nice to see them finally having sex after their relationship being on the rocks for so long.

What did you not like about the ending? I really liked it.

His dad allowed it because he doesnt really care about the money he has an overabundance of it anyway hes more concerned and his mind occupied with his failed marriage.

I thought the implication is that Coolidge's character's husband was also gay? Or not straight I guess but maybe I misunderstood.

The person you are replying to doesn't like anything that isn't set in the 1950s & has only white people living a utopian/Levitttown-type scenario! Don't waste your time.

I think your comment is unfair and I probably agree with that persons sentiments about the show more than you based on your response (minus the fact that I liked the ending).

@softpillow said:

@bratface said:

@softpillow said:

@acontributor said:

Can we agree that the ending sucked? I found it extremely disappointing anyway.

And who says this series isn't woke? It has your obligatory anti-white comments made by POC. And it's chocked full of LGBT characters and gay sex. And the main villains are all white males some of them were gay but remember that Jennifer Coolidge's character's husband was also among them. So was the young English dude. And they were all white males who are still the biggest demographic that are under attack. Which I am sick of.

But at least the naive Jewish Italian kid gets the girl in the end. Even if I didn't understand why he was so naive to give that prostitute so much money or why his dad allowed it.

However I liked the ending for the interracial couple. It was nice to see them finally having sex after their relationship being on the rocks for so long.

What did you not like about the ending? I really liked it.

His dad allowed it because he doesnt really care about the money he has an overabundance of it anyway hes more concerned and his mind occupied with his failed marriage.

I thought the implication is that Coolidge's character's husband was also gay? Or not straight I guess but maybe I misunderstood.

The person you are replying to doesn't like anything that isn't set in the 1950s & has only white people living a utopian/Levitttown-type scenario! Don't waste your time.

I think your comment is unfair and I probably agree with that persons sentiments about the show more than you based on your response (minus the fact that I liked the ending).

Read some of his other comments & you will understand why I said this.

@bratface said:

Read some of his other comments & you will understand why I said this.

What other comments?

@softpillow said:

@bratface said:

Read some of his other comments & you will understand why I said this.

What other comments?

In other threads.

@acontributor said:

@softpillow said:

@acontributor said:

Can we agree that the ending sucked? I found it extremely disappointing anyway.

And who says this series isn't woke? It has your obligatory anti-white comments made by POC. And it's chocked full of LGBT characters and gay sex. And the main villains are all white males some of them were gay but remember that Jennifer Coolidge's character's husband was also among them. So was the young English dude. And they were all white males who are still the biggest demographic that are under attack. Which I am sick of.

But at least the naive Jewish Italian kid gets the girl in the end. Even if I didn't understand why he was so naive to give that prostitute so much money or why his dad allowed it.

However I liked the ending for the interracial couple. It was nice to see them finally having sex after their relationship being on the rocks for so long.

What did you not like about the ending? I really liked it.

His dad allowed it because he doesnt really care about the money he has an overabundance of it anyway hes more concerned and his mind occupied with his failed marriage.

I thought the implication is that Coolidge's character's husband was also gay? Or not straight I guess but maybe I misunderstood.

What I probably liked least about the ending was how ridiculous that plan was to have Jennifer Coolidge's character killed. I know that people execute sloppy murder plans irl but that wasn't believable or even good story telling if that's what they were really planning. It seemed like more anti-male BS on the part of the show. I don't think Greg was gay but he could have been bisexual. Maybe we will find out more next season.

I can appreciate how Jewish kid's dad wanted to make up with his ex wife and how that was more important than the money was to him. And I suppose he figured his son needed to learn for himself through his own mistakes to never give large sums of money to hookers with sob stories. It's just that from my point of view it seemed extremely foolish. Like it's just a no brainer not to let yourself be had by people like that. She didn't even have a good story.

I thought the story about the other hooker was also pretty fucked up how she drugged that old piano player and then took his job after he had to be taken to the hospital. Her lack of remorse and the lack of any vilification of her character came across as more anti-male BS on the part of the show. I would have preferred to see her have a romantic arc with the old man than the creepy lesbian and not had him portrayed as so old and feeble that he can't get an erection.

Shows like this are better than most crap that's on HBO but are still overrated and lacking interesting story telling.

I reported bratface for her post about me. What she wrote is not true and she shouldn't be allowed to speak for me like that. I was merely pointing out that this show isn't any less woke than the other crap with it being jam packed with anti-white and anti-male sentiments, LGBT characters, and gay sex. That doesn't mean I don't want there to be LGBT characters or gay sex portrayed on screen.

Thanks for responding cool to hear other people opinions.

Mmm.. what exactly makes you feel like the plan to kill Coolidge's character was sloppy (was it the guy leaving the bag with the gun right there on the bed?) or ridiculous? Maybe Ive just watched too much murder/crime shows to understand whats realistic and whats not. I'm not really sure what you mean by that being an example of the show being anti-male. Anti male as in, portraying men as murderers? Or anti male as in, portraying men as really stupid? I mean as far as I'm aware murder for the most part is a mostly male-perpetrated crime so I would find it more unrealistic (and more like woke BS) personally if the show was about some rich greedy women & woman involved with the mafia that was the ones doing the murder. Also, from what I remember even those murderous gay guys werent portrayed completely evil. Maybe I read the scenes wrong but from what I saw some of them did not want to go through with the murder (including that one guy who was crying and ended up not going on the boat?).

Yeah bisexual maybe I kinda have a hard time remembering what the characters were like from the previous season or at least Gregs character so Id have to rewatch season 1.

Yeah the other hooker (the singer) storyline was fucked up obviously. But I personally dont see that as an anti-male part of the show, if anything its anti-female. The way the show is portraying how women can weaponize their sexuality, get away with manipulating and basically almost killing a guy. And how men can be victims who are not taken seriously or who people dont give a shit about being victimized. The same thing can be said with the other girl who scams the Jewish boy. The show is portraying how promicuous women can be shallow, unfeeling, careless, dangerous and manipulative. I do understand your point though of the fact that the characters or the show doesnt necessarily outwardly villanize the singer.

I actually kinda related to the lesbian character (I get why you think she was creepy though). The unrequited attraction to someone from afar and the pain of being their friend when they have a partner. Her anxiety, nervousness, awkwardness and her lack of romantic/sexual experience with the same-sex, yeah I related to that storyline (Im a gay guy). The conflict between wanting to be honest and true to yourself and to someone youre attracted to and not wanting to impose your sexuality on them or make them feel uncomfortable. I mean obviously she was being a bit unreasonable- it was obvious the other lady did not feel the same way. And as a good friend she should have just been upfront with her feelings and the situation. I can see why it might be verging on the line of being weird and dishonest/deceptive. But to be fair she eventually accepted that they could only be friends and oblidged with her wishes to be near to her husband-to-be. I actually usually dont like and have no interest in seeing lesbian storylines on tv (Id much rather watch a straight storyline), but this one I liked.

Also earlier you mentioned that you think the young English guy was portrayed as a villain. I disagree. At least by the end of it he just comes across as a mostly good guy stuck in a bad situation and having landing himself surrounded by bad people. He obviously has inner conflicts about having to be part of the bad sh*t hes in, and even eventually tries to protect, warn and advise that girl hes with to leave and not get involved. Even though there are a lot of things not quiet clear about his character (or maybe Im just too stupid to piece it together) but I just see his character as someone in a lot of pain. I remember that conversation he has with the girl about being in the best time to be alive and his drunken ramblings about the horrible things in his past when hes put to bed by the girl.

Im not saying the show doesnt have anti-male sentiments (I do think the show is overall anti-male), but I dunno, it also portrays some of the women badly too and the examples you gave werent the best I dunno. Or at least the best exammple you could have used as an anti-male thing on the show is the White guy married to the blonde chick (outside of the murderers) or the cheating dad/old-fashioned granpa. I kinda almost think because the murderers are gay, its not really anti-male- gay guys is a small cross-section of men and are just not really representative of men in general and are not viewed as such. If anything its more of an anti-gay thing than anti-male. Or if not anti-gay, anti-rich. Anti-gay and anti-rich before it being an anti-male thing. Or at least thats how I view it.

@softpillow said:

Also, from what I remember even those murderous gay guys werent portrayed completely evil. Maybe I read the scenes wrong but from what I saw some of them did not want to go through with the murder (including that one guy who was crying and ended up not going on the boat?).

You are right, seemed like not all the gays wanted to kill her. But what confused me was when the "nephew" said to Portia that you don't want to mess with these people as they are really powerful. Surely he was referring to the mafia not his uncles/the gays and if so, the mafia weren't really involved. So did he just say this to scare her?

Yeah bisexual maybe I kinda have a hard time remembering what the characters were like from the previous season or at least Gregs character so Id have to rewatch season 1.

From the story the uncle told to Tanya, Greg was 100% straight (during his Kerouc days travelling America and meeting a cowboy who he was still in love with and do anything for). This show doesn't explicitly tell you things, which is what I like about it.

Yeah the other hooker (the singer) storyline was fucked up obviously. But I personally dont see that as an anti-male part of the show, if anything its anti-female. The way the show is portraying how women can weaponize their sexuality, get away with manipulating and basically almost killing a guy. And how men can be victims who are not taken seriously or who people dont give a shit about being victimized. The same thing can be said with the other girl who scams the Jewish boy. The show is portraying how promicuous women can be shallow, unfeeling, careless, dangerous and manipulative. I do understand your point though of the fact that the characters or the show doesnt necessarily outwardly villanize the singer.

I actually kinda related to the lesbian character (I get why you think she was creepy though). The unrequited attraction to someone from afar and the pain of being their friend when they have a partner. Her anxiety, nervousness, awkwardness and her lack of romantic/sexual experience with the same-sex, yeah I related to that storyline (Im a gay guy). The conflict between wanting to be honest and true to yourself and to someone youre attracted to and not wanting to impose your sexuality on them or make them feel uncomfortable. I mean obviously she was being a bit unreasonable- it was obvious the other lady did not feel the same way. And as a good friend she should have just been upfront with her feelings and the situation. I can see why it might be verging on the line of being weird and dishonest/deceptive. But to be fair she eventually accepted that they could only be friends and oblidged with her wishes to be near to her husband-to-be. I actually usually dont like and have no interest in seeing lesbian storylines on tv (Id much rather watch a straight storyline), but this one I liked.

I liked both these storylines and regardless of the shady outcomes, I'm glad both had a happy-ish ending.

Also earlier you mentioned that you think the young English guy was portrayed as a villain. I disagree. At least by the end of it he just comes across as a mostly good guy stuck in a bad situation and having landing himself surrounded by bad people. He obviously has inner conflicts about having to be part of the bad sh*t hes in, and even eventually tries to protect, warn and advise that girl hes with to leave and not get involved. Even though there are a lot of things not quiet clear about his character (or maybe Im just too stupid to piece it together) but I just see his character as someone in a lot of pain. I remember that conversation he has with the girl about being in the best time to be alive and his drunken ramblings about the horrible things in his past when hes put to bed by the girl.

That speech he gave Portia about this time in history being the best ever, is so true in the context of human history. If she's not satisfied with having access to literally everything and in a relatively safe society, than yes, she will never be satisfied.

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