Jaksot 16


How Could Anyone Be This Different from Me?

30 huhtikuu 20211h 2m

Kpop artist Who Joon comes back to Korea and almost immediately makes a bad impression on journalist Geun-young and her life.

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Are You Brave Enough to Be Hated?

1 toukokuu 20211h 2m

Geun-young embraces her new anti-fan status but starts to regret being so easily recognized. Who Joon is irritated by Geun-young's antics and the inconvenience that she is causing him.

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Geun-young and Who Joon do their first shoot together and things take a dramatic turn when they get into an accident. Who Joon and JJ get into an argument over In-hyung and Geun-young.

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You and I... It's An Incident Or An Accident?

8 toukokuu 20211h 1m

Geun-young makes a mistake on set and goes to find Who Joon to apologize only to see In-hyung again but still unable to see who she is. Who Joon tries to distance himself from JJ and In-hyung but somehow gets dragged back in.

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Where I Belong and Where I Don’t

14 toukokuu 20211h 2m

After meeting Roy and seeing her portrayal in the trailer of the show, Geun-young starts to look for a job second-guessing signing on to the show. Who Joon runs into JJ and the two end up getting into a physical fight.

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If I Had Never Met You

15 toukokuu 20211h

The reality show moves to Japan because Who Joon has a commercial shoot there. Who Joon and JJ both find out that In-hyung is to co-star in the commercial causing more friction between them that spills out and gets noticed by Geun-young.

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You Make Me Worry...

21 toukokuu 20211h 1m

After returning from Japan, Geun-young realizes that being on a reality show is hard work. Geun-young also starts to put together Who Joon and In-hyung's past relationship.

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What Doesn't Fit You Always Becomes a Problem

22 toukokuu 20211h 1m

Who Joon and Geun-young start to warm up to each other, but Who Joon's past complicates things. JJ's inability to let Who Joon go creates more problems for Who Joon.

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The Two Just Can't Ever Get Close

28 toukokuu 20211h 1m

Who Joon tries to mend his relationship with Geun-young even though Geun-young misunderstands his motives. JJ continues to investigate Who Joon and runs into a clue accidentally given to him by Geun-young.

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When You Have Someone Else To Protect

29 toukokuu 20211h 2m

Who Joon finds out about Yu-ri and decides to go on a road trip with her and Geun-young. JJ and In-hyung's relationship gets more complicated after the interview with Who Joon.

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Sometimes You Have to Pick Your Side

4 kesäkuu 20211h 2m

Who Joon rushes to the hospital with Geun-young to see In-hyung. Geun-young stays the night with In-hyung to make sure that she is recovering. Who Joon gets kidnapped by a fan, and Geun-young and Ji-hyang try to find him.

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Was It Twist of Fate That Brought Us Here?

5 kesäkuu 20211h 1m

Who Joon and Geun-young grow closer and define their relationship though they are keeping it a secret. In-hyung starts to move on from JJ and realizes she has more people on her side than she thought.

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A Dangerous Invitation

11 kesäkuu 20211h 1m

While the rumors about Who Joon and In-hyung persist, JJ shares new information about Who Joon with Young-seok, hoping that Young-seok will come to his side. Who Joon and Geun-young go to the beach to shoot for their show.

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This Won't Be The End

12 kesäkuu 20211h 1m

With their show ending, Geun-young and Who Joon navigate the new phase of their relationship only to be hit by two different scandals consecutively. The outcome has far-reaching effects that lead to tragedy and the end of relationships.

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The Truth Untold

18 kesäkuu 20211h 2m

Overwhelmed with the fallout from his press conference, the accident, and trying to find his father, Who Joon decides to take a step back. Geun-young gives him space while trying to help him using the media.

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I'll Stand by You Until the End of Time

Season Finale
19 kesäkuu 20211h 6m

In-hyung and JJ are recovering in the hospital after their and each reflects on their past relationships and mistakes. Geun-young and Who Joon focus on their careers and relationship, hoping to leave their problems behind.

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Tekijät 0

Ohjaus: Ohjaajaa ei ole lisätty.

Käsikirjoittaja: Kirjoittajaa ei ole lisätty.

Vierailevat tähdet 10 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

  1. Park Seong-il

    Choi Hee-geon

  2. Ji Ho-Sung

    Kang Ji-hyuk

  3. Baek Seung-Heon


  4. Lee Hyun-ji


  5. Kim No-jin


  6. Jung In-Tae

    Assistant Producer

  7. Park Dong-bin

    Jo Hae-yoon

  8. Kim Ho-chang


  9. Uhm Yoon Jung


  10. Song Hoon

    Director Song

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