Jaksot 19


Mall Than Meets the Eye

25 maaliskuu 202225m

Burgertron and the Lost Bots get in trouble when they break an important rule.

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(Never) Be Yourself

25 maaliskuu 202225m

The Lost Bots make videos they hope will get them a lot of likes.

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Escape from Snackatraz

25 maaliskuu 202225m

A vampire Bot needs help escaping from the snack machine before Dave shows up.

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I, Cheeseburger

25 maaliskuu 202225m

Burgertron hopes to bring his musical to the big stage… in the food court.

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Phoning It In

25 maaliskuu 202225m

The Lost Bots have to delete phone photos that could blow their cover.

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The Lost Bots and the Claw Crusade

25 maaliskuu 202225m

Kikmee tries to conquer a claw machine while Burgertron seeks a souvenir cup.

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Live and Let LARP

25 maaliskuu 202225m

Burgertron thinks he's too cool to join the Lost Bots' live-action role-playing game.

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Lone Bot and Carb

25 maaliskuu 202225m

Bonz-Eye isn't sure what squad she should belong to.

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Dimlit in Love

25 maaliskuu 202225m

Dimlit falls in love with a mannequin in a fashion boutique.

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On the Bot Prom Dance Floor

25 maaliskuu 202225m

The Lost Bots are stoked to be invited to the biggest event of the year — the Bot Prom!

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The Ruckus Rally

25 maaliskuu 202225m

The Lost Bots enter their pizza car in a big race at the mall.

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Crime and Bun-ishment

25 maaliskuu 202225m

When Burgertron is framed for a doughnut crime, the Lost Bots have to prove his innocence.

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Spirit of Halloween

25 maaliskuu 202225m

A new Halloween store gives the Lost Bots super-spooky vibes.

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Rage Against the Karaoke Machine

25 maaliskuu 202225m

Bonz-Eye uses karaoke to let out all of her emotions.

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Scanned Out

25 maaliskuu 202225m

The Lost Bots feel guilty when they push Clogstopper out of their friend group.

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The Science Alliance

25 maaliskuu 202225m

A Burgertron from the future brings a dire warning about the mall.

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Agent Smartlit

25 maaliskuu 202225m

Dimlit gets a chance to save the day when the Lost Bots are called on for a secret mission.

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Shopping Brawl

25 maaliskuu 202225m

The Bots help Dave get his job back when he's replaced by robot guards.

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The Goldrush Games

Season Finale
25 maaliskuu 202225m

It's time for the Goldrush Games! Will the Lost Bots win and get to join their "real" squads — or be banished to the "dark side" of the mall forever?

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