Jaksot 10


The Final Chapter

7 lokakuu 202259m

When cancer cancels her plans for college, star student Ilonka finds a sliver of hope at Brightcliffe, a mysterious hospice for terminally ill teens.

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The Two Danas

7 lokakuu 202256m

Anya brings bitterness to a tense group therapy session, and Ilonka meets a healer on the grounds. A deep cut sends a shaken Spencer to the infirmary

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The Wicked Heart

7 lokakuu 202252m

Family Day at Brightcliffe brings news from home — but not for everyone. A series of strange clues lead Ilonka down a path of startling discoveries.

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Gimme a Kiss

7 lokakuu 202250m

The club explores a hidden chamber, where Sandra's unsettled by items in the room. A voice calls to Spence through the intercom. Anya sees a dark shadow.

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See You Later

7 lokakuu 202257m

Ilonka digs deeper into Brightcliffe's mysteries — and receives an unexpected gift. Later that night, the club gathers for Amesh's "Death Day" party.

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7 lokakuu 202256m

With Anya's health hanging in the balance, Ilonka and the others move quickly to perform a ritual from the Midnight Club's past.

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7 lokakuu 202251m

Anya's eyes open to a strange new reality. Ilonka blames herself for a crushing loss... then overhears a conversation that could change everything.

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Road to Nowhere

7 lokakuu 202253m

Armed with new information, Ilonka is determined to find answers. Shasta extends an intriguing offer. The club convenes to find the library doors locked.

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The Eternal Enemy

7 lokakuu 202259m

Kevin confesses he's been seeing things. Dispiriting news sends Ilonka away from Brightcliffe, but an optimistic Shasta urges her to go back.

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Season Finale
7 lokakuu 202259m

Dr. Stanton reprimands Ilonka the following morning, revealing more about Julia Jayne. Sandra says her goodbyes. At long last, Kevin concludes his story.

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