Jaksot 12


The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting

7 heinäkuu 202224m

Because of his extremely violent nature and his nickname "The Demon of the Sakuragi Family," the first lieutenant of the Sakuragi Family, Kirishima Toru, is feared by the rest of the yakuza world. One day, Kirishima is summoned by the head of the Sakuragi Family and is tasked with taking care of his only daughter, Sakuragi Yaeka. But Yaeka is very shy and doesn't really open up to him, which perplexes Kirishima. He then finds a notice about an open house that Yaeka's class is having, and it happens to be that day. Then Kirishima...

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A Kind Person

14 heinäkuu 202224m

Kirishima gradually gets used to his job as Yaeka's caretaker. They go to a fireworks festival together and that ends up bringing them closer together. Later, they plan to go see Yaeka's mother, Miyuki, who is in a coma in the hospital, but then Yaeka gets upset and says that she doesn't know her mother because she's always asleep and says she doesn't want to go. But then, Kirishima says...

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A Visit and a Reunion

21 heinäkuu 202224m

Yaeka goes to the hospital to visit her mother. Kirishima goes with her, and they both run into Aoi, Kirishima's senior and the former first lieutenant of the Sakuragi Family. On the way back from the hospital, Kirishima and Yaeka find a high school girl and an abandoned kitty. Yaeka asks Kirishima if they could take the kitty home, and...

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Why Don't We Start Streaming?

28 heinäkuu 202224m

Kirishima and his buddies become streamers and things get a little weird.

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Kirishima's Day Off

4 elokuu 202224m

Kirishima accompanies Sakuragi to a meeting with other heads of yakuza families. On their way home, they run into Rei, who is Kirishima's classmate from middle school. Rei is much more feminine now and Kirishima doesn't know how to react... Meanwhile, Yaeka was trying to bake a cake with Kanami. Who could be the lucky person that Yaeka is making the cake for?

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First Friend

11 elokuu 202224m

Kirishima tries his hand at cooking with the help of Kanami so they can celebrate Yaeka's birthday. Meanwhile, Sugihara and Takeuchi are playing in the park with Yaeka and then Yaeka becomes friends with a little foreign girl named Sara. The next day, the new neighbors to the Sakuragi household come to visit and... Now that Yaeka's birthday is here, what could the dish that Kirishima prepared for Yaeka be?

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The Ultimate Target

18 elokuu 202224m

Masaya has a vendetta against Kirishima, if only Kirishima can remember who he is.

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It's Been a While

25 elokuu 202224m

Aoi, who left the Sakuragi Family years before, comes by to visit the Sakuragi Family again. Aoi and Sakuragi have a chat and discuss how things were when Aoi was still the first lieutenant... They reminisce about the peaceful days when Miyuki was pregnant with Yaeka, and despite how much trouble Kirishima used to cause them, Aoi always took care of him. The reason that Aoi left the yakuza life and settled down is...

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The Kirishima [ ] Plan

1 syyskuu 202224m

Yaeka seems to be acting strange. She seems to be extremely antsy like she's hiding something from Kirishima... On top of that, Sakuragi, Sugihara, and the rest of the members of the Sakuragi Family seem to be trying to keep Kirishima and Yaeka apart. What could Yaeka possibly be up to?

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A Bad Person

8 syyskuu 202224m

A few yakuza members try to get revenge against Kirishima by using Yaeka as bait.

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Fireworks and Promises

15 syyskuu 202224m

Kirishima tries to find the yakuza who dragged Yaeka into a yakuza quarrel and mercilessly tries to punish them. But then, Sakuragi appears, and Kirishima returns to his senses. Kirishima goes back to being Yaeka's babysitter and peaceful days returns, but... Suddenly, Sugihara gets a message from Kirishima asking him to take care of the little lady, and...

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The Little Lady's Babysitter

Season Finale
22 syyskuu 202224m

Kirishima gets ready to set things right, but Yaeka has her own ideas on how he can make up for his actions.

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