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I really like Broadchurch, the show which centers around a couple of police detectives in a small British town. I have some criticisms about the show which really apply to a majority of modern television shows and movies. I must use some show and I thought I would pick examples from a show I like very much.

I am watching season one again now. After the news stand man, Jack Marshall, committed suicide, the Rev. accosted Hardy at the funeral, blaming him for the man's death, saying "I told you he needed protection, and you did nothing".

I'm not sure what he expected the police department to do to prevent that suicide. The writers wanted to create tension and pressure on Alec Hardy so they had the Rev. and others put the blame on him for that death. That is pretty common stuff in TV and film these days. It would be nice to see the writers make the characters act a little more responsibly, a little more adult.

Who put out the word that the man had served time for sex with a minor? The press virtually convicted him and ridiculed him in print. Why didn't the Rev. and others blame them? Why didn't the Reverend try to protect Jack Marshall? The Reverend could have spent more time with Jack, counseling him, assessing him and trying to offer him resources.
Are the police responsible for regulating the speech of the community? Are they responsible for providing body guard services for people who might be at risk? Is the community willing to pay for those services?

The Reverend acted childishly, blaming DI Hardy for the suicide of Jack Marshall. Was that because he felt guilty over his own lack of action to assist him? Perhaps, but that puerile display of blame shifting is not what one would expect from a minister, a man meant to counsel others on the mature management of their emotions, as well as spiritual matters. Instead the writers made the Reverend an example of an emotionally unstable character. TV writers love to write characters who are emotionally labile, who seem unable to manage their own emotions or to behave as adults. I see this as a cheap trick. Sure, highly emotional displays grab our attention. But they need not be childish, irresponsible displays; it is possible for mature, responsible characters to express a lot of emotion. Sugary treats are nice every once in a while, but I don't want them as a steady diet. The banal, over-used trick of emotionally unstable characters can ruin shows.

When a man expressed his condolences to Beth Latimer in a parking lot after the death of her son, she nearly had a meltdown, with a shocked look on her face, before she turned and ran to get into her car. Beth looked almost like she was having a panic attack. Would a mother be very emotional after the death of her son? Yes, of course. But nearly every grieving mother I've ever met would have mustered up a "thank you, I have to go now" or something to that effect, even if overcome with grief.

DI Miller testified in court in season two and had a virtual meltdown on the stand. Remember that she is a seasoned detective, and knows the law very well. Detectives often must testify in court and are trained in measuring their answers and their emotions on the stand. They know the subject matter they must testify to, and department legal personnel have trained them so they know what to expect and how to respond.
But DI Miller seemed totally unprepared and on the brink of melting into jibbering tears.

Alec Hardy though is a ROCK! He can be a bit of an asshole at times, but it isn't gratuitous or for shock value. He doesn't mince words or hold back his opinions or his assessments. He is a responsible adult, mature, and straightforward. He doesn't shift blame, at all. He is at the opposite extreme from the majority of characters in television shows, some of whom are quivering jellied, weepy, basket cases. He feels emotions, the same as everyone else. But he is responsible and mature. I wish more television shows featured characters like more like Alec Hardy.

But I REALLY wish they didn't feature so many emotionally labile, blame-shifting, self-pitying, characters who far too often present themselves as victims.

(Broadchurch is really not so bad compared to most shows. As I said above, I like this show.)

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Hi Topcat - I watched this show a couple of years ago and I have forgotten all about it !! I just may rewatch it whilst I am waiting for Zone Blanche to reappear (out of the mist probably - lol) . I will catch up with you when I have caught up with it.

Great. Let me know when you're caught up.

By the way, I was looking at photos of West Bay cliffs in Dorset and saw that over 1000 tons of rock had collapsed onto the beach. It looks like it landed about where Danny Latimer was found lying on the sand in the show. I click on the photo and it turns out that a camera happened to catch the collapse. The rock slide narrowly missed two people walking down the beach. Check it out: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/watch-miracle-walkers-narrowly-avoid-massive-cliff-collapse-broadchurch-beach-115731618.html

Jeez !!! That's terrifying . We have sinkholes too, but not very many. Apparently Florida is the sinkhole capital of the world !! I would be scared stiff to live there. I saw a program where one had opened up beneath a house and a guy was trapped inside it and they couldn't get to him - they could hear him calling for days and nobody could help - what a way to die - my heart broke for him.

Certain sections of Florida are more susceptible to sinkhole formation, usually the central to north north west areas. You can google Florida sinkhole maps and see. Florida is on a bedrock of limestone, calcium carbonate. When rain seeps down through the soil, becoming acidic as it does, it can dissolve some of the limestone, leaving a honeycombed structure. Usually this is all filled with water which fills the voids, supporting the weight above. But after a severe drought the bedrock is "hollow. If the soil above then becomes water logged from heavy rain, the bedrock may collapse before it can be refilled with water again. That is how a sinkhole happens.

But I think there have been only about 4 deaths in Florida due to sinkholes. The danger is slight. South Florida rarely sees sinkholes, so visiting West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, and so on seems a safe bet.

That's interesting - I am glad to have the information from somebody who is obviously knowledgeable and whose information you can rely on. I'd love to visit America but as I am instinctively opposed to flying it's not likely!!

As the population continues to grow, and more of those large retirement communities are built up in the cheaper land of central to north Florida, water use will increase, & all those baths, toilets, and especially the lawns everyone wants to look nice will equate to more and more water taken from the aquifer up there.
That will increase the dangers of both sinkholes, AND... salt water intrusion.

We don't often think of what goes on under our feet, under ground, unless you're a geologist or in some related field. But there are underground rivers in some places, and of course there are the aquifers men have relied upon for well water through history. Aquifers are permeable to water, by definition, and by their very nature.

The danger faced in Florida, in particular along the coastal regions, is that the fresh water aquifers under the land butt up against the salt water which saturates the edge of the coast. If the water pressures remain about equal, then we keep fresh water under the land. But what would happen if we pumped out too much fresh water on a regular basis? While it might not create sinkhole conditions, it could decrease the pressure of the fresh water aquifer, possibly allowing salt water to seep in. Water under pressure will always find a way to push through. If there is a permeable break in the barrier between the fresh and salt water, then the system under the most pressure will seep into the other one.

Nature abhors a vacuum. That is certainly true regarding ground water.

As the population continues to grow in Florida, the dangers will grow along with it.

(Overpopulation is a problem, though I don't like the idea of intentionally trying to lower the world population. There are many, many powerful people who advocate devising a way to decrease the world population from the present near 7 billion figure down to a much lower one. Figures between 500 million to 2 billion have been suggested as optimal numbers to shoot for.
When you consider that the people advocating this are among the most wealthy and powerful in the world today, it becomes a very spooky thought. There is still video of Bill Gates giving a speech to some college aged students and he is talking about the topic of overpopulation. He begins to list ways to lower the population. And here is the scary part. One of the ways he listed was "vaccination". The crowd was dead silent. Did he slip up and say something he didn't intend to say publicly?

I am aware of a very hushed up incident which occurred at a leading vaccine manufacturing facility in Europe. The safety procedures at this facility make it one of the top ranked in the world. There are classifications for these things and this one had the highest. They were making a flu vaccine for a nasty flu which was hitting Africa at the time. The vaccine was ready to go, but one technician decided to run one more test on some monkeys. Most of them got a nasty flu and died. The vaccine was not shipped of course. When it was evaluated they found that two strains of live flu had been mixed in such a way that a hybrid flu could develop. One strain was very contagious, but not too serious. The other was very deadly, but not too contagious. What would the hybrid look like? It could have decimated Africa. I don't have the information at hand still. And the incident never hit the news. So I wouldn't bother relating this story. You will be scolded for repeating conspiracy rumors. I don't know if Gates had any connection to that incident. But he is a member of the Club of Rome, an organization whose members support the goals of decreasing the world population, and of creating a dictatorial world government run through the United Nations by the world's elite. .......................This is one of those times when I think perhaps it's a good thing that I am getting older now. I don't like some of the trends I see, and the people I see being protected. )

Sorry to stray off topic so far. To think, this all started with a rock slide at the 'Broadchurch cliffs'

I think unless something is done to control the worlds population then the earth simply wont be able to support the human population and we will all succumb to famine disease and death. I don't know what the answer is - or even if there is one - because the peoples of some continents simply will not be told to stop procreating regardless of the fact that they are starving to death and destroying the planet - they don't seem to care. If they wont do it for themselves then I think somebody has to do it for them. I don't suggest the killing of anyone - but future procreation has to be stopped somehow or we all die. Everybody dies eventually of course so perhaps the natural deaths from illness and old age will account for some reduction in the world's population - providing no new babies are being born. If immigrants continue to flood Europe and the rest of the world they will bring their sexual habits with them and it will accelerate famine in countries that don't have the same birth rates as the countries these people are moving from. As distasteful as it may be - a dictatorial world government might be the only answer to saving the planet because if people wont do as they are asked then there is no option but to make them do as they are told.

I favor strong sovereign nations. The forced immigration trend, favored by George Soros and others in the Club of Rome, is meant to destroy sovereignty and help pave the way for a world government. The evils inherent in a world dictatorship outweight any potential benefits.

We must maintain strong sovereign nations, those of us in the west. The immigration of peoples from foreign cultures is killing western nations, like Sweden, now the rape capital of the world.

Let's face it. The immigrants there don't want to change and live like Swedes, according to Swedish laws. They are intent upon turning their host nation into the same type of hellhole they ran away from.

They are like the idiots who want to make the USA a communist country. You tell them "look, where has communism ever actually worked to improve the lives of the people?". You point out the poverty, the deaths from starvation, from massacres, etc. You point to the history of communism. And they respond, "but the United States has plenty of money, so it will work here". Venezuela used to be a wealthy country. They are oil rich. And after a few decades of socialism they are now starving to death.
But the idiots will always believe "well, they just didn't do socialism right. We will." (Plus they point to market based economies like those in Denmark and Sweden and claim they are examples of successful socialist countries. They are NOT socialist! They don't even know what they are talking about. But they are determined to destroy the golden geese, western market based countries.

The immigrants from foreign cultures whose laws and customs are incompatible with those of western host nations will ruin us if we allow them here in any numbers. We MUST stop this nonsense. Let them continue to live according to their customs and by their laws in their own shithole countries.

Overpopulation will be taken care of by wars I think, or by naturally occurring famines and such. But I don't want a world dictatorship. Think about it. There would be no escape from it, anywhere. That kind of power always corrupts those who wield it. They care nothing for us.

You are right of course - it's just so difficult to try and think of any solution which doesn't involve mass genocides. There is a rise in far-right parties all over Europe because immigration is fast becoming colonisation - that is why Brexit is happening. One family of immigrants today will expand to how many in twenty years at the rate they multiply. Whole towns are being taken over now - I think it is the same in America. Why can't governments see what is happening? What is their motive in allowing it to happen - it can't just be cheap labour and votes surely - would you destroy your country's heritage and decimate its indigenous population for that? What kind of people can they be? I just feel so frustrated and confused and hopeless. It's depressing because I can't see any way out of it.

@strangebedfellows said:

. Why can't governments see what is happening? What is their motive in allowing it to happen - it can't just be cheap labour and votes surely - would you destroy your country's heritage and decimate its indigenous population for that?

Nothing happens that isn't planned to happen when it comes to politics. George Soros and his buddies in the Club of Rome want to destroy national sovereignty. Soros is very open about his hatred of the United States (where he chooses to live by the way). They are the ones pushing all this migration "for humanitarian reasons". They buy off politicians. Germany's Merkel is bought and paid for, and so are a great number of American politicians, both Republican and Democrat. I support Trump, not because I like his personality or his speaking skills, but because he stands for American sovereignty, and he knows how to make good deals. Unemployment is at record lows in America today. The economy is doing well. Obama claimed GNP would never see 2% again. haha And unemployment under him was never higher since the great depression. Trump turned it around in no time. Trump fights for us. He spends his own money. Unlike other politicians who become multi millionaires after they are elected, Trump is about a billion dollars less wealthy now. He cannot be bought off, so they hate him. I don't care how many pussies he has grabbed in his past. He fights for me.

I know it is depressing. But the overpopulation problem isn't as bad as they claim. Hell, they have been telling us the world would end in 10 years for the past 30 years. London is supposed to be under 10 feet of water by now, according to what Al Gore told the world back in the 1980s and 90s. They know how to sell us on a crisis, to get us upset and worried, and then they tell us "pass this bill, give us unheard of power, relinquish your rights, and we will save the world". Bullshit. You have common sense, you see what immigration is doing. I know, you have told me before. I think you guys are now facing another Battle of Britain. If I were there I would probably join a right wing movement; not a whacky one, not some fighting in the streets thing, but a nationalist party or movement. Those bought off politicians like Merkel in Germany, and I am sure you have plenty as well, they are selling out their people.

SORRY......politics is one subject best left alone. I hope I have not said anything which is upsetting to you. I apologize if I have. I will leave this topic alone now, unless you want to talk about it.

You have not said anything to upset me - it is the state of the world that upsets me !! I think the British people have woken up to the lies their government tells - they used to be far more trusting and believing in years past - now they are cynical of anything that comes out of a politicians mouth. To paraphrase a favourite phrase of Judge Judy's "You always know when a politician is lying - his lips are moving "!! I think our referendum proved that the British are not going gently into that good night - (thank you Dylan) and Nigel Farage is going to make damn sure of it. There is still hope for us - I will cling to that !!

Yes, I believe the majority of people, those who are not represented in the news or by the corrupt establishment, are waking up here and across the Atlantic. We can still turn things around.

I am starting to watch season 3 on Netflix now. Hardy and Miller are still together. I have watched the first two seasons about 3 or 4 times now. I don't know what the ratings are like, but I hope they keep this show going.

I will probably start watching it again over the weekend - I assume it is on Netflix - there is nothing else on worth watching. Our television channels cost the earth and spew out endless repeats on a loop - it is such a rip off. Having said that and just checked Broadchurch is not on Netflix and I am not going to pay Amazon extra to what they charge already to see something I have already seen. Very irritating. Never mind - I might give "River" a re-watch. I have seen it twice already but it's a good series and I like Stellan Skaarsgard in particular. It's a strong story - if a bit quirky - with an end scene which I really enjoyed - have you seen it?

No but I will look for it. Funny, Netflix over here has Broadchurch, three seasons now. I hear the fourth will be out soon.

Do you have a German show called "Dark" on your Netflix? It is a very interesting show. I had to watch the first season twice to follow the plot. It seemed too confusing the first time around. But I like it. It is a different kind of time travel plot. I have seen a lot of time travel movies and this one is different than most of them. The first time I watched it, it was hard for me to keep up with the different characters, their families, in the different time periods. I just erased all I had written. I started to tell you too much about the plot. I don't want to ruin it.

Of course you may not like it. It is dubbed in English, and they did a pretty good job of it. If your Netflix has it, check it out and see what you think.

I responded to your other thread on this show (Dark) I am on Series 1 - I've gotten to where the apocalypse seems to have happened and she says "Welcome to the Future" to Jonas before knocking him out! I must say I am finding it difficult to follow - particularly with the teenage children of the families. I know they put before and after photos of them sometimes in the beginning of the story but it doesn't help much !! I suppose it will be revealed in future episodes but I have to ask why those particular children - and why the mutilations? I am not keen of shows that kill children - even though I know its fiction - it just doesn't sit well with me - neither does cruelty to animals. I also fail to understand how a dystopian society can be an improvement on the present one !! It seems there is a lot more going to happen in different time periods - I hope they make it a bit easier to follow !!

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