Corri, giovanotto / Una situazione disperata

2022 年 10 月 14 日23m

Un gruppo di alieni invasori arriva sulla Terra, l'unica speranza per l'umanità è sconfiggere la figlia del leader alieno in una sfida ad acchiapparello, ma l'umano scelto dagli invasori per competere è un liceale cascamorto di Tokyo.


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Un dono tutto per te / Il nastro giallo della felicità

2022 年 10 月 21 日23m

Ataru è perseguitato dalla sfortuna, ma incontra una sacerdotessa che decide di esorcizzare i demoni che lo perseguitano. In seguito Ataru chiede a Cherry di preparargli un nastro per sigillare i poteri da oni di Lamù.


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I guai piovuti dal cielo! / Aggrovigliati nel labirinto

2022 年 10 月 28 日23m

Al liceo Tomobiki arriva il ricchissimo Shutaro Mendo, un nuovo studente che conquisterà il cuore di tutte le ragazze della classe inimicandosi invece tutti i ragazzi che eleggeranno Ataru a capoclasse.


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Un bacio per suggellare il patto!

2022 年 11 月 04 日23m

Mentre i nostri protagonisti giocano a tennis, piove dal cielo una bella principessa aliena addormentata. Secondo la legge del suo pianeta, chi le darà il bacio del risveglio diventerà il suo sposo e dovrà trascorrere una notte d'amore insieme a lei.


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Al liceo Tomobiki c'è una nuova infermiera, che però sembra conoscere molto bene Ataru. Nel frattempo, i ragazzi decidono di scrivere una finta lettera d'amore ad Ataru per fare una smacco a Shutaro, ma il giovane si convince che incontrerà una ragazza in carne e ossa.


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Un bel giorno per partire / Oyuki / Ataru si ritira

2022 年 11 月 18 日23m

Ataru torna a casa ansioso di mangiare il sukiyaki, ma Lamù lo informa che dovrà accompagnarla nell'annuale battaglia contro le divinità della fortuna sul suo pianeta natale. Nella seconda parte, una bellissima donna delle nevi porta una valanga di emozioni nella vita di Ataru.


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Casa è dove si trova il cuore / Rifiuto umido al mare

2022 年 11 月 25 日23m

Mentre sono a divertirsi in un hotel di proprietà di Shutaro, i ragazzi scoprono uno yokai che vive sul fondo della piscina. Dato che il mostro fa scappare tutti i clienti dalla paura, Ataru e Lamù decidono di trovargli una nuova abitazione.


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Lamù si iscrive al liceo Tomobiki e diventa ufficialmente una compagna di classe di Ataru. Tuttavia, proprio mentre pensa di poter vivere tranquilla al fianco del suo darling, scopre che anche la sua migliore amica Ran si è iscritta alla scuola e in più vuole portarle via il suo darling.


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Uccidere per amore / Caos durante l'ora di studio

2022 年 12 月 09 日23m

Rei, l'ex fidanzato di Lamù, arriva sulla Terra per chiederle la mano. Si tratta di un affascinante ragazzo mutaforma che, quando vede il cibo, si trasforma in un mostruoso e ingordo tigrebue, aspetto che Lamù ha sempre detestato.


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La madre di Ataru va a scuola per i colloqui con gli insegnanti e, una volta arrivata, incontra anche la madre di Lamù e quella di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte dell'episodio, Lamù dirà addio ad Ataru e abbandonerà la Terra.


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A scuola arriva una strana ragazza a cui piace fare scherzi che si presenta come la promessa sposa di Shutaro. Nella seconda parte, Ataru e Lamù sono invitati a casa dei Mendo per festeggiare il capodanno, ma si troveranno coinvolti in uno strano gioco.


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È arrivato Ten! / Appuntamento a due

2023 年 01 月 06 日23m

Arriva sulla Terra Ten, cugino di Lamù e piccolo oni in grado di fluttuare e sputare fiammate. Dato che tutte le ragazze lo ricoprono di attenzioni, Ataru prova invidia per il bambino e idea un piano per fare in modo che sia odiato da Sakura.


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La grande guerra del fast food / Un dono da Ten!

2023 年 01 月 13 日23m

I professori del liceo Tomobiki decidono di usare il pugno di ferro per vietare agli studenti di uscire dalla scuola a comprare da mangiare. Nella seconda parte, Ten ordina la Pallina LoveLove™ che mostra l'anima gemella con cui ci si sposerà, ma quando le ragazze la provano non vedono chi si aspettavano.


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That Mizunokoji Boy / Love Letter Trouble

2023 年 01 月 20 日23m

All’s fair in love and… baseball? It’s time for a showdown on the baseball diamond! And once the dust settles, a “love letter” stirs up trouble.


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Lum and Ran are friends, but one can best describe their relationship as prickly.


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Family Feud!! / Hello, Sailor Suit!!

2023 年 02 月 03 日23m

Ataru and his friends were supposed to have a fun beach trip, but they find themselves swept up in Ryunosuke’s family drama instead!


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A Chest Full of Longing!! / Wish Upon a Star

2023 年 02 月 10 日23m

Ryunosuke teams up with three delinquents to help Shinobu ward off an unwanted suitor. Later, Ataru’s family must be careful what they wish for.


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Indelible Lipstick Magic!! / Lethal Attacks: Yaminabe!

2023 年 02 月 17 日23m

There is nothing suspicious about the lipstick Lum wants to put on Ataru. Nope, nothing suspicious at all. Later, Ataru’s class takes the dreaded Yaminabe food challenge!


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Magic Realm! Jungle of Terror / Pickled

2023 年 02 月 24 日23m

Pro tip: never hurt an octopus’ feelings and never give an oni pickled plums.


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Recovering That Which Was Lost

2023 年 03 月 03 日23m

Three punks challenge Lum and her friends to a duel after stealing Benten’s precious chain.


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Cosmo Teacher CAO-2 / Ooh, Scary! Voodoo Doll

2023 年 03 月 10 日23m

Lum and her friends worry the past will come back to haunt them. Later, Mendo’s life becomes much more complicated thanks to a voodoo doll.


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Big Bottle, Little Bottle / When Love Strikes

2023 年 03 月 17 日23m

Lum is quite the handful, no matter what size she is. Later, a shapeshifting fox takes a liking to Shinobu.


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Title Match!! The Tomo-1 Queen Contest

Season Finale
2023 年 03 月 24 日23m

The finalists have different motives. Lum wants Ataru’s attention, Ran wants to get in Lum’s way, Shinobu and Sakura want the money, and Ryunosuke has something to prove.


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Fantasy Balloon Gum / Love Knows No Barriers

2024 年 01 月 12 日23m

Surely Ataru wouldn’t misuse bubble gum that has the power to create whatever he wants. But would that be worse than Lum losing the ability to speak other languages?


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Ryunosuke grew up without a mother and wants to know more about her. Unfortunately, her father is keeping an important detail from her.


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Electric Jungle

2024 年 01 月 26 日23m

Lum has a new suitor, but it doesn’t take long before there’s trouble in paradise.


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Love Thief / That Mizunokoji Girl

2024 年 02 月 02 日23m

Relationship drama swiftly follows when Kurama sets her eyes on Rei. Speaking of relationships, Mendo discovers that he’s engaged to Tobimaro’s sister.


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The Continuation of: That Mizunokoji Girl

2024 年 02 月 09 日23m

As Mendo desperately tries to escape his unwanted engagement, Asuka’s upbringing gives a whole new meaning to the term sheltered.


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Life is full of unexpected events, like an extra lively kotatsu purchase and Lum believing she’s turning into a cow.


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Eerie Earmuffs / Family Tree

2024 年 02 月 23 日23m

No good can come of Ataru and Ten switching bodies, nor using Lum’s shortcut to get to school on time.


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Open the Door (1)

2024 年 03 月 01 日23m

Shinobu, Lum, and Ataru take an unexpected trip to the future. The good news is they discover who their spouses are. The bad news is their disappointment is immeasurable.


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The trio are determined to find their ideal futures, but each one they find leave them unsatisfied. And Inaba’s coworkers are not happy with the group’s meddling.


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Haunted Mendo / Last Date

2024 年 03 月 15 日23m

Whether it’s an octopus or a girl burdened by regrets, spirits need assistance from the living. Unexpectedly, Mendo and Ataru find themselves navigating these burdens.


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Whodunit? No one saw what happened to the principal despite all of them being in the same room. Later, chaos ensues when flowers start spreading rumors around town.


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Lum finds herself in a race against time to save Ataru. Later, a certain fox seeks to recreate an old legend with magic horsetail shoots. Even later, Mark meets Lum's parents.


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Wretched Shutaro!!

2024 年 04 月 12 日23m

What kind of training is Mendo doing, anyway? Lum and Ataru are going to find out.


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Asuka Returns / A Stormy Date (1)

2024 年 04 月 19 日23m

Asuka's mother hatches a plan to help her daughter overcome her fear of men. It appears that drastic measures are on the horizon.


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A Stormy Date (2)

2024 年 04 月 26 日23m

Asuka and Mendo go on a date and to say things don’t go as planned would be a vast understatement.


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Nagisa's Fiancé / The Fairy's Parasol

2024 年 05 月 03 日23m

Ryunosuke and her father are now the proud owners of a seaside cafe and an island after paying a suspiciously cheap price! Later, a fairy asks Ten to find his missing parasol.


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One Night's Battle / Deadly Peril in the Classroom

2024 年 05 月 10 日23m

Nagisa needs a kiss from Ryunosuke to pass on, which is easier said than done. Later, Mark threatens his class with supplementary lessons if he catches them talking.


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Flower Petals of Love and Courage

2024 年 05 月 17 日23m

Inaba returns and has an important question for Shinobu.


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Lum's Wrath / Steal My Heart

2024 年 05 月 24 日23m

Ten must apologize for ruining Ataru’s scarf, but how? Later, candy hearts have the same effect as love potions. Meanwhile, the Dark Dominion lies on the horizon.


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Boy Meets Girl: The Morning of Farewell

2024 年 05 月 31 日23m

Lum is not happy when she learns she’s being forced into an arranged marriage thanks to her great grandfather.


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Boy Meets Girl: Are You Really Getting Married?

2024 年 06 月 07 日23m

Ataru and Mendo team up with Lum’s friends to save her from a forced marriage. But they aren’t the only ones who’re trying to stop the wedding.


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Boy Meets Girl: Crooked Heart

2024 年 06 月 14 日23m

What started as a misunderstanding ends in a falling out. Now Lum refuses to return until Ataru apologizes.


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Boy Meets Girl: I Want You When I Can't Have You

Season Finale
2024 年 06 月 21 日23m

With the fate of the Earth on the line again, Lum and Ataru’s last game of tag begins.


工作人员 21

导演者: Hideya Takahashi, Yumeko Iwaoka

原作: Yuko Kakihara

客串演员 27 完整演职员表

  1. Shinya Takahashi

    Kosuke Shirai (voice)

  2. Jun Inoue

    Hokuto (voice)

  3. Setsuji Sato

    Satoshi (voice)

  4. Daisuke Sakaguchi

    Akira (voice)

  5. Tsuyoshi Koyama

    Sunglasses (voice)

  6. Kana Hanazawa

    Ran (voice)

  7. Katsuyuki Konishi

    Rei (voice)

  8. Saori Hayami

    Oyuki (voice)

  9. Shizuka Ishigami

    Benten (voice)

  10. Kenta Miyake

    Onsen Mark (voice)

  11. Toshio Furukawa

    Ataru's Dad (voice)

  12. Keiko Toda

    Ataru's Mom (voice)

  13. Rikiya Koyama

    Lum's Dad (voice)

  14. Fumi Hirano

    Lum's Mom (voice)

  15. Aoi Yuki

    Ten (voice)

  16. Ayahi Takagaki

    Ryunosuke Fujinami (voice)

  17. Shou Okumura

    Man (voice)

  18. Miyu Irino

    Inaba (voice)

  19. Yuumi Hirota

    Woman (voice)

  20. Yuichi Nakamura

    Rupa (voice)

  21. Cho

    Upa (voice)

  22. Inori Minase

    Karula (voice)

  23. Kosuke Echigoya

    Man (voice)

  24. Hiroya Egashira

    Man (voice)

  25. Masaya Fukunishi

    Man (voice)

  26. Wataru Takagi

    Kotatsu-neko (voice)

  27. Natsumi Kawaida

    Woman (voice)

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