MF GHOST girdisini tartış

Item: Turn02「衝撃のMFG新世代」 (1x2)

Extra Details: Shinichiro Miki narrates the next episode preview but he isn't credited in the ED credits.

The contribution bible doesn't say anything, but given there's an "uncredited" tag for characters, I wonder if he still deserves a guest star credit here, @raze464, @Shei? Though I can understand if he shouldn't be credited when he doesn't actually narrate anything in the main episode (which is the case for episode 2 only thus far).

Also, thanks, raze464, for removing all the secondary characters from the regular cast. I was anticipating complaints, so didn't want to do it until a few episodes in, but then that messes up the guest star order. Also, just good info to know that that's what should be done with series that have just started.

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I'd be fine with him being credited with an added (uncredited) in this case.

@Sheigutn said:

I'd be fine with him being credited with an added (uncredited) in this case.

Does it even need the uncredited tag? From what the contribution bible says, it doesn’t seem like it needs the tag since he’s been credited with that role at least once. I just mentioned that tag as an argument for adding him to all episodes (if someone who is never credited can be added, then why not continue crediting someone who’s previously credited role “appears” in another episode even when it’s not credited).

Yeah, I completely forgot about this rule... Feel free to go ahead and add him without the tag then. smiley_cat

I'm seeing this only now but I removed basically all of the regular cast that was added because there are divisions in the credits and, while there are no credit type sections or labels, there are gaps in the credits that seem to align with the credits being organized as Main, Supporting, Featured (if applicable), and Guest cast, in that order. Or I simply looked for meaning where there was none and the gaps were just gaps and I ruined the Regular Cast for this anime. If it's the latter, absolutely feel free to fix my mistake.

My edits to the Regular Cast section also depend on the TV anime because if the cast credits are gapless like on Edens Zero, I won't edit the Regular Cast section at all until the cours is finished (or unless there is an unreasonable amount of actors added to it) so I can keep track of the characters listed on the website, which would be considered the "regular cast," and how many episodes each voice actor is credited in.

I don't remember any narration in episode 2, except for the next episode preview, so I assume Shinichiro Miki wasn't credited because he technically didn't "appear" in the episode.

If Shinichiro Miki ends up being credited only in episode 1, or is credited in half of the episodes or less, he should really should be added to the remaining episodes as (uncredited).

@raze464 I noticed you changed "Ryosuke Takahashi" back to "Ryo Takahashi". In episode 2, Fumihiro calls him "Ryosuke" over the phone (a few minutes before the eye-catch break), and he's clearly the same character from Initial D. Isn't it better to credit him with his full name, regardless of how it's shown in the ED credits?

Also, does Yoji Tanaka need "(Live Commentary)"? I know that's how he's credited, but he has appeared onscreen, and is heard talking/commentating without the radio/PA sound effect/filter.

@nhkchk said:

@raze464 I noticed you changed "Ryosuke Takahashi" back to "Ryo Takahashi". In episode 2, Fumihiro calls him "Ryosuke" over the phone, and he's clearly the same character from Initial D. Isn't it better to credit him with his full name, regardless of how it's shown in the ED credits?

Also, does Yoji Tanaka need "(Live Commentary)"? I know that's how he's credited, but we do see him and hear him talk without the radio/PA sound effect (if that makes sense).

That's how they're credited. Yes, Yoji Tanaka does need "(Live Commentary)" but I do see your point with Ryo Takahashi. I think it could be OK to change it back to Ryosuke Takahashi but add the "Ryo" short name from the credits as a nickname, with the credit being "Ryosuke 'Ryo' Takahashi."

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