James Kyson como Ando Masahashi

Episodios 78


25 de septiembre de 200653m

Крыша Нью-Йоркского административного здания. Питер Петрелли простирает руки, готовясь к полету. Ветер развевает полы его плаща. Последний вздох - и он, совершив молитву, прыгает. Земля стремительно приближается к нему, но тут перед нами появляется кто-то другой...

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Не оглядывайся назад

2 de octubre de 200643m

Питер Петрелли с трудом открывает глаза, и постепенно его взору открывается больничная палата. Рядом с Питером сидит его брат Натан. Сознание Питера медленно проясняется, но от рассказа Натана туман вновь застилает его рассудок. Натан уверяет своего младшего брата, что тот пытался покончить жизнь самоубийством, что никто из них никогда не летал, что Питер встал на пожарную лестницу, а он, Натан, поднялся и помог Питеру спуститься. "Все остальное - просто бред, понимаешь?"

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Один гигантский скачок

9 de octubre de 200643m

В бесплодных землях пустыни Невады Клэр обнаружила скелет со странным кольцом на пальце. "Ди Эл, сукин ты сын, - прошептала она, - ты действительно сделал это". Теперь можно считать, что дело сделано. Клэр энергично принимается за выполнение своей ближайшей и главной задачи: похоронить два мертвых тела, которые спрятаны в багажнике ее машины.

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16 de octubre de 200643m

Мэтт Паркман приходит в сознание и обнаруживает себя связанным и прикованным к какому-то медицинскому устройству в месте, мало напоминающем госпиталь. Загадочный отец Клэр стоит над ним, произнося таинственные слова: "Нам пришлось усыпить тебя наркотиком... Я не принадлежу ни к какой организации". Кто-то еще входит в комнату; это человек из бара, который "отключил" Мэтта. "Продолжай дальше, прочисти ему мозги", - говорит вошедшему отец Клэр.

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23 de octubre de 200643m

Посланец из будущего по имени Хиро Накамура приходит к Питеру Петрелли, чтобы доставить простое сообщение: "Спаси участницу группы поддержки. Спаси мир". Прежде чем возобновить течение времени, Хиро дает Питеру указание нанести визит Исааку и не рассказывать Сьюреш слишком много. Между тем группа врачей продолжает работу с Клэр, а Броди смотрит на девушку с соседней больничной койки, на которую он угодил после того, как его машина врезалась в стену.

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30 de octubre de 200643m

По телефону Питер поручает Хиро "спасти участницу группы поддержки и спасти мир" и встретить его и Исаака в Нью-Йорке. Вешая трубку, Питер обращает внимание на пропавшую картину и настаивает на том, чтобы он и Исаак связались с Симоной и отыскали картину, поскольку она может содержать ключ к разгадке тайны о местонахождении чирлидера.

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Скрывать нечего

6 de noviembre de 200643m

Питер читает Чарльзу Дювуа главную страницу, но "в конце" Чарльз произносит: "Любовь - единственное, что имеет значение". Питер посвящает Чарльза в тайну своего умения летать. Пока Чарльз в недоумении наблюдает за ним, Питер выпрыгивает из окна и пробуждается в своей квартире от того, что Симона громко звонит в дверь: ее отец умер.

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Семь минут до полуночи

13 de noviembre de 200643m

Мохиндер развеял пепел своего отца по водам Каньякумари в Индии.

Тем временем в другой точке планеты Исаак просыпается и ищет Иден, которая ухаживает за ним. "Ты в два счета будешь совершенно чистый, - говорит она. - Мы не позволим случиться тому, что изображено на этой фреске на полу". Закончив брить Исаака, Иден сообщает ему, что она сама прошла через то же самое.

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Бал выпускников

20 de noviembre de 200643m

Вся команда болельщиц была шокирована и возмущена, когда Клер стала королевой бала бывших выпускников школы даже после того, как отправила в больницу нападающего - звезду футбольной команды. Клер получила это звание потому, что за нее проголосовали все чудаки и аутсайдеры школы.

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Полгода назад

27 de noviembre de 200643m

Полгода назад. Хиро прибывает из настоящего и успевает как раз на день рождения Чарли; тем не менее, он думает, что телепортировался только на один день назад. В Бруклине Чандра Суреш вручает Габриэлу Грею копию своей книги. Чандра говорит Гэбриэлу о своей вере в то, что тот совершил эволюционный шаг вперед.

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Final de mitad de temporada
4 de diciembre de 200643m

На другом конце странной и ужасной ночи отец Клер рассказывает окровавленной дочери, что он уже не один год знает о ее способностях. Он заявляет, что виноват в совершении неприглядных поступков, но он делал это лишь ради безопасности Клер. Когда девушка признается, что Лили и Зак тоже знают о ее даре, отец требует, чтобы она никого больше не посвящала в свою тайну, особенно мать.

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Счастливый случай

22 de enero de 200743m

Звуковой сигнал от медицинского аппарата неторопливо, извилистым путем идет к руке Питера Петрелли, который лежит в палате госпиталя; его мать и брат находятся рядом с ним. В другой части страны группа избитых полицейских арестовывает Ники. Они забирают Ники из ее жилища и намерены разговаривать с ее адвокатом.

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29 de enero de 200743m

Hiro continues to search for a sword while being chased by mysterious figures. An invisible man named Claude has something to teach one of the heroes. D.L. takes on new family responsibilities, and Matt opens up to his wife. H.R.G. continues to focus on the captive Sylar. Claire seeks out the Haitian and then her birth parents. Mohinder looks for those on the list, and receives a surprise visitor. A psychiatrist offers to help Niki.

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5 de febrero de 200743m

Hiro deals with explaining his new heroic path in life to his ambitious sister and tycoon father. Niki has the chance to reunite with D.L and Micah. Claude's mentoring of Peter leads Peter to question those closest to him. Claire goes to a trailer park looking for her birth mother. Sylar wears a disguise and makes a move against HRG.

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12 de febrero de 200743m

Matt enters the private security business and receives an objectionable client. Suresh finds another person on the list. As her home-life worsens, Claire strives to learn more about her birth parents. Hiro and Ando get sidetracked in Vegas again while searching for the sword. Nathan is forced to deal with a secret from his past. Still indebted to Mr. Linderman, Jessica resorts to unsavory methods that could spell doom for a fellow hero.

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19 de febrero de 200743m

Peter learns that he and Claude may have been betrayed. Matt's reunited with the radioactive Ted Sprague and Hana Gitelman a woman with "wireless" mental abilities. Hiro makes a tough choice about his mission. Claire can no longer hold back her anger towards HRG.

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Преданный сотрудник

26 de febrero de 200743m

H.R.G.'s past catches up to him as Matt and Ted Sprague come to Texas looking for answers, and take him, his wife, son and Claire hostage -- leading to a tragic, explosive showdown.

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5 de marzo de 200743m

With the election and New York City's destruction looming, Nathan has a disturbing face-to-face meeting with the shadowy Linderman. Hiro's attempt to steal the sword steers him into a grim new direction. Suresh makes a breakthrough on the list—at great cost. D.L. begins to suspect all is not well at home. Isaac paints his most terrible painting yet. New hero Candice Wilmer makes an illusive debut.

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Семь сотых процента

23 de abril de 200743m

After "helping" Suresh search for more people with special abilities, Sylar's rampage continues with two "heroes" being confronted by the stronger-powered serial killer. Nathan must factor what he's learned from Linderman into difficult decisions that will shape the future, for him, his family, New York City and the world.

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Пять лет спустя

30 de abril de 200743m

Hiro and Ando's trek into the future leads them to meet some of the heroes as they are five years later, after the nuclear fallout. This includes a darker side of Matt, a Jessica/Niki with a clear winner in their battle, a brown-haired Claire, and a man named Andy, who's a big hearted Texan. It also features an event at an upscale gentleman's club.

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Самое сложное

7 de mayo de 200743m

Hiro and Ando's determination is put to the test. Nathan wants to win the election and he's taking drastic measures to ensure that he will. This episode will feature Sylar, his home life, and where he came from. Jessica and D.L. discover some of the stuff that Linderman wants from them and Micah. Also there is a new hero who is supposed to be holding the key to stopping Sylar.

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14 de mayo de 200743m

Poised to become a member of Congress and maybe more, Nathan considers the cost to those he loves, along with his mother's advice and Linderman's prophecy. As he prepares to face Sylar to the death, Hiro learns of his lineage from his father. While various "heroes" fatefully arrive in New York City, Peter and Claire attempt to leave the city before the foretold explosion. H.R.G.

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Как не дать человеку взорваться

Final de temporada
21 de mayo de 200743m

Can Sylar be stopped? Will Linderman's vision live on with Nathan? What will it take for Peter to save the world, what sacrifices will be made? With all the horrible predictions unfolding before them the heroes face moments of pain and peril in Kirby Plaza.

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Четыре месяца спустя…

24 de septiembre de 200743m

Four months after the events of the showdown between Sylar and Peter, new Heroes emerge. These include brother and sister Alejandro and Maya. Hiro remains in the past, but what will come of this? Someone dies and someone isn't dead. Claire and her father and the rest of their family get a new life.

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1 de octubre de 200743m

Peter falls in with Irish gangsters who know about his past. Hiro works to contain the damage caused by his journey into the past. Kensei's power will be revealed. Suresh locates and cures the Haitian. Matt investigates the murder of Mr. Nakamura. West comes to know of Claire's powers. Maya and Alejandro enter Mexico and find their powers more of a hindrance than a help.

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Кровные узы

8 de octubre de 200743m

Suresh finds an undiscovered Isaac Mendez painting that shows someone's death; Maya frees Alejandro from a Mexican jail; in the past Hiro discovers something new about Kensei; and Niki and Micah leave Las Vegas to get away from their past. Claire and West take a little trip.

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Доброта незнакомцев

15 de octubre de 200743m

Monica starts to exhibit new abilities while working with Micah, Nana, and Damon. Nana is the grandmother of Micah, Monica, and Damon. They all currently reside in New Orleans. Matt asks Molly to locate the man in her dreams. He may be the newest threat to the Heroes. Maya and Alejandro continue their trek to the U.S. Both Claire and her father are suspicious of one another. Angela reveals a lot of her secrets.

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Бежать или сражаться

22 de octubre de 200743m

A woman named Elle is searching for Peter. Ando looks for Hiro in the past. Matt looks for the man in Molly's dreams. HRG takes another step in hopes of protecting his family and himself.

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29 de octubre de 200743m

Peter goes on a search. West convinces Claire to stand up to someone. Hiro struggles with his feelings for Yaeko. Suresh has more problems with the Company. HRG tries to locate more of Isaac's paintings. Alejandro doesn't trust Sylar.

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Времени нет

5 de noviembre de 200743m

Peter and Caitlin learn about the endstage effects of the Heroes virus. Many of the Heroes work together to fight the Nightmare Man. West is shocked to the identity of Claire's father. Hiro and Kensei's journey comes to an end.

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Четыре месяца назад…

12 de noviembre de 200743m

The events of the "missing four months" are explored. Maya and Alejandro must go on the run, it is explained how Peter ended up in Ireland and what happened to Nathan, Nikki, and D.L.

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19 de noviembre de 200743m

Mr. Bennet prepares to move his family when he thinks the Company has found them, but Claire doesn't like the idea. Hiro returns to the present and upon discovering his father's death, travels back in time to stop it. Meanwhile, Matt works to master his new mental abilities.

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Истина и её последствия

26 de noviembre de 200743m

Peter travels to Primatech in Texas to destroy the virus, but not everything is what it seems. Hiro continues the pursuit of his father's killer, while Matt pursues the last Company member in the photo. Nikki is reunited with Micah but has bad news, while Maya has to choose to remain with Alejandro, or go with Sylar.

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Final de temporada
3 de diciembre de 200743m

In Texas, Peter faces off against former friends due to Adam’s misleading story about the Shanti virus. Micah enlists the help of his mother to rescue Monica. Maya is shocked when she learns the truth about her new friend Sylar. Elle tries to make her father proud.

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Второе пришествие

22 de septiembre de 200843m

After a look into the future, Nathan's shooter is revealed. Matt chases him and winds up in a desert. Hiro receives an important message from his father. Sylar visits Claire. Maya gives Mohinder an idea for his research. Nathan recovers and gets a visit from Linderman.

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Эффект бабочки

22 de septiembre de 200843m

Sylar goes to the Company and inadvertently releases 12 super-powered criminals in a fight with Elle. Future Peter tries to fix his mistake. Angela takes over the company. Claire learns more about her powers. Hiro and Ando travel to Paris to track down the speedster who robbed them. Maya discovers that Mohinder's injection has changed him. Matt meats Usutu, an African with a familiar power.

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Один из нас

29 de septiembre de 200843m

HRG and his new partner go to a local bank heist with four villains; including Peter being trapped in one of them. Hiro and Ando track Daphne to Germany, and meet the Haitian. Tracy Strauss goes to New Orleans to find out more information about Niki. Meredith teaches Claire a lesson about fighting. Usutu shows Matt a series of paintings about him.

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Я есть смерть

6 de octubre de 200843m

Peter travels to the future and adopts a dangerous ability in order to try to save the world. Meanwhile, Mohinder struggles with his continuing evolution from the formula, and Hiro and Ando re-unite with an old enemy.

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Ангелы и чудовища

13 de octubre de 200843m

Claire decides to take on one of the villains herself, but she may not be as invulnerable as she believes. Nathan and Tracy search for the truth about their origins. Maya makes a shocking discovery. Hiro and Ando look for help in the most unlikely places.

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Низвержение света

20 de octubre de 200843m

Villains Knox and Daphne are on a quest to recruit Hiro and others to the Pinehearst fold. Angela and the Company are paralyzed from recent events. Peter goes to Pinehearst searching for answers but is stunned to learn who the founder is. Claire and Sandra go on a mission to save Meredith from the clutches of Doyle, a villain with abilities to control people mentally and physically. Nathan and Tracy try to trace their origins with Mohinder's help.

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Все там будем

27 de octubre de 200843m

Trapped, Nathan and Tracy must fight to save their lives against Suresh, who has changed dramatically. Elle returns with shocking news for Claire and her family. Meanwhile, Angela tries to convince Sylar to save Peter; Daphne is ordered to kill Matt or she will be killed herself; and Hiro questions Usutu's advice.

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10 de noviembre de 200843m

Hiro attempts to delve into Arthur Petrelli's past to uncover the mystery behind him creating a rival company Pinehearst and his hatred towards Angela. Sylar stricken by guilt tries to stop his murderous ways with HRG and Elle vying for his blood. Meredith's training goes up in smoke with the arrival of her brother.

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Совсем скоро

17 de noviembre de 200843m

Nathan learns of his father's plans, while Flint and Knox launch attacks on Hiro, Ando, Peter, and Claire. Meanwhile, Matt tries to revive Angela, Sylar meets with Elle, and Mohinder begins testing of his newest superpower formula.

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Затмение, часть 1

24 de noviembre de 200843m

The eclipse plays havoc with the heroes' powers. Arthur orders Elle and Sylar to bring in Claire. Hiro, Ando, and Matt follow Daphne to her hometown to learn what hold Arthur has on her, and Peter and Nathan travel to the Haitian's hometown to recruit him for the war with Pinehearst.

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Затмение, часть 2

1 de diciembre de 200843m

The eclipse continues to create chaos. Sylar and Elle face HRG's wrath. Peter, Nathan and the Haitian go up against Baron Samedi. Ando, Sam, and Frack try to help Hiro with his memory loss.

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Отец наш

8 de diciembre de 200843m

In order to stop Arthur, Hiro and Clair team up and travel back in time to when Kaito gave Claire to H.R.G. Meanwhile, Peter and the Haitian head out to stop Arthur, but are stopped by Sylar and Suresh has a breakthrough with the formula.

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Две стороны

Final de mitad de temporada
15 de diciembre de 200843m

Following the showdown against Arthur, Nathan and Peter find themselves pitted against one another, and Nathan makes a decision that will have an effect on the entire world. Meanwhile, Sylar holds Claire, H.R.G., Meredith and Angela hostage at Primatech; Ando, Matt and Daphne try to rescue Hiro and find their only hope may lie in Suresh.

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Прямая и явная угроза

2 de febrero de 200943m

Three weeks after the destruction of both Primatech and Pinehearst, and the death of Arthur Petrelli, the now-villainous Nathan returns with a vengeance by persuading the U.S. President and the government to round up all people with abilities, leading to Claire, Ando, Hiro, Matt, Peter, as well as Tracy to become fugitives from the people who were their former allies.

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Вера и кровь

9 de febrero de 200943m

Following a chain of unexpected events, our Heroes are on the run from their latest adversary and one of their own, Nathan Petrelli. After Matt paints a series of prophetic images, the tragic fate of someone close to him is revealed. Elsewhere, Sylar continues his search for his father and encounters a young outcast with information and an ability of his own.

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Здание 26

16 de febrero de 200943m

Nathan's plans face exposure as Homeland Security begins an investigation under direct orders from the President of the United States. Sylar and Luke embark on a road trip to find Sylar's father, but are secretly being hunted by Nathan's agents. Life gets complicated for the Bennet family as Claire goes into action to protect a young man with abilities from being captured by HRG. Elsewhere, Matt's prophetic images lead Hiro and Ando to India and a mysterious ally comes to the aid of our Heroes

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Холодные войны

23 de febrero de 200943m

While being held hostage, HRG is subjected to Matt Parkman's unique brand of interrogation, revealing how he became involved with Nathan's government plot to capture those with abilities. Meanwhile, Matt's discoveries bring Peter face-to-face with "The Hunter"

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2 de marzo de 200943m

After receiving a tip from "Rebel", Matt and Peter race to Building 26 to rescue Daphne and recover files that will expose the government's plans for those with abilities. Claire finds help from an unlikely source in smuggling Alex out of the city. As Sylar and Luke continue their road trip, Sylar begins to have memories of his father that lead him to the truth about his mother. Meanwhile, "The Hunter" puts his own agenda into action with an explosive surprise for one of our heroes.

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Оттенки серого

9 de marzo de 200943m

When Sylar comes face-to-face with his long lost father, the reunion proves to be what he least expected. Elsewhere, after receiving a tip from "Rebel", Claire must decide if she will help her sworn enemy, Eric Doyle, evade capture. Meanwhile, as "The Hunter" plans to uncover the Petrelli family's secrets and take control of Nathan's operation, Matt finds himself in the spotlight and on the verge of leveling Capitol Hill.

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Зимняя стужа

23 de marzo de 200943m

HRG convinces Emile Danko, a.k.a. "The Hunter", to release Tracy from Building 26, in hopes that she will lead them to "Rebel". As Angela evades capture, she turns to an old friend for help. In Los Angeles, Hiro and Ando continue on their latest mission from "Rebel" to protect the newest hero.

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30 de marzo de 200943m

Now that Nathan’s ability has been revealed and he has lost control of his operation, he and Claire go into hiding in Mexico. With Emile Danko now in control of the government operation, his plan to destroy everyone with abilities is set into motion as he teams up with an unlikely partner. Meanwhile, Angela and Peter seek refuge in a church and begin to mend their broken relationship.

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Перед лицом неизвестности

6 de abril de 200943m

As Danko spearheads the government operation, someone close to him is put in the line of fire. HRG’s life continues to spiral out of control and his marriage is dangerously close to the breaking point. Meanwhile, Hiro and Ando continue their road trip with a special delivery for Matt Parkman. Elsewhere, Angela Petrelli unearths the demons of her past.

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13 de abril de 200943m

As Nathan, Claire, Peter and H.R.G. help Angela uncover her past, she reveals the dark secrets that have haunted her for years. Meanwhile, Mohinder learns of his father’s involvement in a long forgotten government operation.

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Я Сайлар

20 de abril de 200943m

Sylar continues his unusual partnership and begins to have an unexpected identity crisis. Hiro and Ando take measures toward bringing down Building 26. Meanwhile, Matt’s new found fatherhood changes his priorities. Elsewhere, Nathan sets a plan in motion to right the wrongs of his government operation.

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Незримая нить

Final de temporada
27 de abril de 200943m

Nathan faces off against Sylar to keep him from meeting the President. Sylar has his own plans for his new partner. Meanwhile, Hiro learns that there are repercussions to regaining his ability. Elsewhere, Matt is forced to go to extraordinary lengths to protect his future with his family.

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21 de septiembre de 200943m

Claire, back home in California, begins attending college, but is having difficulty adjusting when a mysterious death of a student during the orientation puts her back in the spotlight. In Japan, Hiro and Ando continue their quest to help people with abilities and go so much as to advertise themselves. Meanwhile, Angela fears Nathan/Syler will discover his true identity. Matt tries to settle down back in Los Angeles and raise his son and not worry about unexpected visitors. Elsewhere, Peter is using his ability for good when a mysterious carnival clan, led by Samuel Sullivan, arrives in town which could spell trouble for him and everyone else.

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Jump, Push, Fall

21 de septiembre de 200943m

Claire and her new friend Gretchen investigate the death of Claire's roommate Annie, while Noah comes to Peter for assistance. Samuel and Edgar recover the compass, Hiro realizes his new destiny, and Matt is tormented with mental images from a dangerous foe.

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28 de septiembre de 200943m

Peter faces unexpected consequences for his heroic acts and encounters a reluctant new hero. As Claire continues to adjust to college life, she must figure out how to deal with her ability having been revealed. Meanwhile, Samuel moves heaven and earth to recapture the memories of his late brother Joseph. Elsewhere, Matt struggles with his internal demons as Sylar mysteriously resurfaces.

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Посмотри правде в глаза

5 de octubre de 200943m

As "Nathan" starts displaying new powers, he has visions of an incident from his past involving a young girl and decides to investigate. Hiro tries to save a co-worker and learns a truth about himself. Tracy tries to regain her old life and job.

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Истерическая слепота

12 de octubre de 200943m

Samuel prepares for new additions to his family, while Lydia warns him of the consequences. Claire discovers that her roommate Gretchen may have a hidden agenda. Meanwhile, Peter finds an unexpected way to connect with Emma, who would prefer to stay distant. Elsewhere, a different side of Sylar emerges as he desperately tries to remember the person he used to be.

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Табула раса

19 de octubre de 200943m

Under Samuel’s guidance, Sylar starts on a path to rediscover his true identity. Hiro helps Emma accept and understand the great possibilities that go along with having an ability. Meanwhile, Peter enlists HRG to help him find a healer who can save Hiro’s life.

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Странное притяжение

26 de octubre de 200943m

Matt goes to extreme measures to extinguish Sylar , who continues to torment him. Elsewhere, HRG calls in a favor from Tracy to save a troubled young boy whose misfortunes resemble her own. While Claire and Gretchen are being hazed by their new sorority sisters, they realize pledging might not be their biggest problem.

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Однажды в Техасе

2 de noviembre de 200943m

When Hiro travels three years into the past, he has a second chance to save Charlie from the hands of Sylar. However, Samuel’s presence serves to complicate Hiro’s mission even further. Elsewhere, H.R.G.’s past with his Primatech partner is revealed.

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Бой с тенью

9 de noviembre de 200943m

Claire is determined to get to the bottom of the Sorority Rush attacks on her own, until H.R.G. intervenes only to realize he may be the source of her troubles. Meanwhile, Peter's new ability is a perfect fit for his job and gives him the opportunity to help Emma accept her new life. Elsewhere, Sylar's battle at gaining full control over Matt's body escalates with potentially dangerous implications at stake.

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Сторож брату моему

16 de noviembre de 200943m

Samuel learns just how powerful he can become and takes dangerous measures to reach his full potential. Meanwhile, as Tracy begins to lose control of her ability, one of her own comes in harms way. Elsewhere, Sylar continues his battle with Matt.

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День благодарения

23 de noviembre de 200943m

H.R.G. hosts an untraditional Thanksgiving dinner. Elsewhere, the Petrelli family gets a surprise guest at their table. Meanwhile, Samuel continues to hold Hiro hostage, as Lydia goes in search for the truth.

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Пятая ступень

Final de mitad de temporada
30 de noviembre de 200943m

Unexpected visitors greet H.R.G.; Samuel's plan starts to come to fruition; struggling to accept the truth, Peter takes extreme measures to get what he wants; Claire's journey leads her to an unexpected destination.

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На камне этом

4 de enero de 201043m

As Claire becomes immersed into the world of the Carnival, she becomes increasingly suspicious of Samuel's motives. Hiro is on a mission to rescue one of his own, but has difficulty communicating his intentions to Ando.

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Пусть льётся кровь

4 de enero de 201043m

Sylar returns to the Carnival in search of answers, H.R.G. tries to forge an alliance with Edgar and Peter continues to struggle with the loss of his brother.

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Рядом с тобой

11 de enero de 201043m

H.R.G. recruits Matt to help him take down Samuel, as they use his long-lost love, Vanessa, to lure him to them, but Samuel has his own plans for Vanessa in the works. Meanwhile, Hiro and Ando go to extreme lengths to save Dr. Suresh. Elsewhere, Peter's introduction of Emma to his mother brings forth visions of a very grim future.

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18 de enero de 201043m

Hiros life hangs in the balance as his brain tumor worsens, prompting him to subconsciously deal with some of his past decisions. Meanwhile, Sylar pays Claire an unexpected visit to get answers as to why he isn't quite himself. Elsewhere, Samuels plan to impress his long-lost love, Vanessa, takes a terrifying turn.

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Искусство обмана

25 de enero de 201043m

H.R.G. enacts his plan to take down the Carnival with the help of Lauren and Suresh. Sylar visits Matt looking to understand his desire to make a human connection, but Matt has a plan of his own. Meanwhile, Peter warns Emma of Samuel's intentions after his grim vision of the future.

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1 de febrero de 201043m

Fueled by his vision of Emma in grave danger, Peter attempts to rescue Sylar from his worst nightmare. At the carnival, Samuel reveals H.R.G.s secret past in order to bring Claire to his side. Meanwhile, Lauren makes a bold move to put a stop to Samuel.

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О, дивный новый мир

Final de temporada
8 de febrero de 201043m

Everyone bands together to try to stop Samuel from taking the lives of thousands. Peter joins forces with his most unexpected ally to save Emma. Meanwhile, H.R.G.'s life hangs in the balance as he and Claire find themselves trapped underground with oxygen quickly running out. Elsewhere, Hiro starts to come to grips with the decisions he has made and is called into action to help stop a disaster.

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