Jaksot 22


Benson's Appointment

6 marraskuu 198130m

The Governor tries to work out the struggles to make Benson the State Budget Director.

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The Grass Ain't Greener

13 marraskuu 198130m

Benson goes undercover to investigate conditions in a Prison.

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27 marraskuu 198130m

In Benson's office, a conductor holds a concert in protest. He would like to point out the musician's plight with the culture's subsides. Meanwhile Mary has her last working day with Benson.

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Double Exposure

4 joulukuu 198130m

Benson must help an FBI agent uncover a bribe scandal, but as the job becomes more complicated, the Attourney office jumps in to accuse the corrupt politicians.

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The Lobbyist

11 joulukuu 198130m

Benson's lobbyist girlfriend approaches Benson with a project he approves, but the project bring Benson a bunch of charges of corruption.

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18 joulukuu 198130m

The Governor hold an encounter session with the staff.

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Rainbow's End

25 joulukuu 198130m

While Benson learns that his old flame (Rosalind Cash) is confined to a wheelchair, Clayton is trying to celebrate his birthday.

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Once in a Blue Moon

8 tammikuu 198230m

Clayton is assaulted and Benson approves of tighter security at his expense. Meanwhile a ""being"" is claiming that starships are coming.

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Kraus Falls in Love

15 tammikuu 198230m

Kraus falls in love with a man who is ineligible for her.

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Stocks & Options

22 tammikuu 198230m

Benson accepts some stock from Pete as a debt payment. He tells Denise this information and tells her not to tell anyone. She accidentally slips and tells Gretchen and Clayton and they invest in the stock too. Unfortunately when Pete gets the idea that his stock went up, he buys back the stock from Benson and Clayton and Kraus get an unfortunate end of the deal. The stock they bought was in a rubber ball factory, but they thought they were buying in a satellite investment.

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Kraus's Deadly Mistake

5 helmikuu 198230m

Kraus tries to live life to the absolute fullest after she gets the idea that she only has 6 months to live.

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Wild Irish Rose

12 helmikuu 198230m

The former Governor Mulligan pays his successor a visit. He intoroduces his hot niece Rose to the astonished present. Clayton is striked by her beauty and tries to ingratiate himself with her.

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Street Gangs

19 helmikuu 198230m

Benson tries to help a street gang stay out of trouble by trying to bid for a job in the city which requires a government contract.

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Katie's Romance

26 helmikuu 198230m

Katie starts to have romantic feelings for Pete after he accompanies her to a gymnastics meet.

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Clayton's Condo

5 maaliskuu 198230m

Clayton ends up buying into an apartment building and at the same time Benson tries to get the landlord to fix the problems in his apartment. Benson also learns that the apartment complex that he lives in, is the apartment building Clayton just bought, so when Benson asks Clayton what he should do to take measures against a landlord, Clayton gives Benson the ammunition that would soon turn against his new landlord. Suddenly, Benson and Clayton threaten each other with lawsuits and when Clayton decides to tear it down, he learns that the complex is historical and comes to terms that Benson and the tennants won and that it would be a goldmine to keep running.

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Getting Even

12 maaliskuu 198230m

When a wealthy investor seeks sexual favors from Denise more than contributing to the state, Benson steps in by pretending that Denise was murdered by the man himself and a big ""witness"" act is brought up which eventually puts fear into the man.

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Pete the Hero

19 maaliskuu 198230m

Pete Begs Benson to borrow his car and when Benson finally let him, Pete comes back with the car totaled. Pete stopped a van with a couple of armed robbers using Benson's car. Everything looks great for Pete on account of his good deed, but nothing looks good for Benson who is not only out of a car, but who's insurance will not even pay for the damages. Finally, it's up to Pete, Benson, and a televised conference which may give Benson a chance to broadcast his way into coverage for his totaled car.

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In the Red

26 maaliskuu 198230m

Pete and Benson are captured by guerrillas when they visit an island.

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Teed Off

2 huhtikuu 198230m

Benson, the Governor, Clayton, and Pete are at each others throats after playing a round of golf together.

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Tekijät 3

Ohjaus: John Rich

Käsikirjoittaja: Terry Grossman, Kathy Speer

Vierailevat tähdet 0 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

Vierailevia tähtiä ei ole lisätty.

Jakson kuvat 0 Katso kaikki jakson kuvat

Jakson kuvia ei ole lisätty.

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The Party's Over

30 huhtikuu 198230m

The Governor learns a lot about dirty politics when his party won't support his renomination.

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The Lumber Mill

7 toukokuu 198230m

After visiting his old Lumber Mill, the Governor decides to run for re-election as an independant.

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Black Tuesday

Season Finale
14 toukokuu 198230m

The Governor's campaign comes to a hectic close and the election results show that he has lost.

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