Jaksot 22


Death in a Funny Position (1)

22 lokakuu 198230m

A yacht cruise becomes a murder mystery when the owner of the boat is stabbed to death.

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Death in a Funny Position (2)

22 lokakuu 198230m

Murders abound on a working vacation aboard a yacht, but Benson saves the day.

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What a Revoltin' Development

29 lokakuu 198230m

While attending a conference in Latin America, Benson and Pete are kidnapped by revolutionaries. In exchange, they want 6 United States fighter jets in their possession.

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Thy Brother's Keeper

5 marraskuu 198230m

Benson's younger brother visits him at the same time an important report is due.

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Quest for Retire

12 marraskuu 198230m

Charlie, the mansion's gardener, is about to retire. Charlie wants to still work, so he tries to get Benson's help.

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Teacher's Pest

19 marraskuu 198230m

Benson must pass an economics test to keep her job, but when she finds out that Benson is going to be her teacher, she thinks that it's hopeless.

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Benson's Army Reunion

26 marraskuu 198230m

Benson holds an army reunion and hatred surfaces when Kim, a Korean kid they befriended during the war, turns out to me a successful mulit-millionaire.

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Benson's New Home

3 joulukuu 198230m

Benson buys a house from a shady real estate salesman and since the house has so many major problems, Benson tries to get him to renovate it.

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Crimes of the Hearth

10 joulukuu 198230m

When Benson's condo is robbed, he finds out that it won't be easy to catch the crooks.

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Mary and Her Lambs

17 joulukuu 198230m

It's Christmas time and Benson helps an assistant cook keep her foster children.

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Pen Pal

31 joulukuu 198230m

Kraus' pen pal, who is an Ex-convict, visits her hoping for a job, which disrupts the execitive mansion.

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The Honeymooners

7 tammikuu 198330m

Kraus is about to get married. But when he can't make it, Benson plays as a substitute and ends up really getting married to Kraus. What makes him married to Kraus is the fact that he signed the marriage license and didn't sign her real husband-to-be's name on the license.

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Close Encounters on the Third Hole

14 tammikuu 198330m

While Benson and the Governor are playing golf, a UFO shows up.

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Katie's Boyfriend

21 tammikuu 198330m

The Governor allows Katie to go on her 1st date aside from the rise of an ecomonic crisis.

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The Royal Painting

28 tammikuu 198330m

A former street gang is hired to paint the mansion for the visiting Queen of England.

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Boy's Night Out

4 helmikuu 198330m

The men come to Benson's house to swap stories, play cards, and watch tv. Also, the Governor is a little disappointed at Benson for vetoing a legislative bill he was for.

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Family Tree

18 helmikuu 198330m

When an aunt dies, Benson and Clayton, learn that they might be related to each other.

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Calamity Kraus

25 helmikuu 198330m

Kraus pretends to be a wealthy heiress to keep a manufacturing plant in the state.

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Kraus Sings the Blues

4 maaliskuu 198330m

Benson hosts a telethon and lets Kraus sing when other acts cancel out.

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Half-Court Trap

11 maaliskuu 198330m

Benson learns that his nephew, a basketball star, can hardly reador write.

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A View From the Roof

18 maaliskuu 198330m

Benson and the Governor try putting an antenna on the roof, but the ladder falls and the two get trapped up there.

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Love in a Funny Phase

Season Finale
31 maaliskuu 198330m

Benson is upset when his girlfriend Jennifer, decides to date other men.

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