Episodios 66


Il Mostro del Lago Naso

19 de febrero de 200922m

I due fratelli insieme alla famiglia vanno in vacanza al lago Naso, dove Candace trova lavoro come bagnina, nel frattempo Phineas & Ferb si mettono alla ricerca di Nasetto, un gigantesco mostro marino che si nutre di zinco, che sfortunatamente per lui, il dr Doofenshmirtz ha deciso di estrarre dal lago, ma grazie all'intervento di Perry, tutto si risolve. Contemporaneamente Candace entra in paranoia credendo di vedere il mostro ovunque con l'effetto di scatenare il panico tra i bagnanti.Phineas e Ferb intanto fanno amicizia con Nasetto e per poco Candace svela il loro segreto. Ma alla fine decide che è meglio lasciarlo tranquillo nel suo lago e butta via le prove della sua esistenza, Phineas e Ferb contenti la ringraziano e Nasetto la ringrazia con una bella leccata. Alla fine a Candace viene ridato il lavoro e Phineas e Ferb si godono il loro amico Nasetto finché possono prima di tornare a casa.

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Il Perry Traduttore

20 de febrero de 200911m

Phineas e Ferb si domandano cosa il loro ornitorinco Perry gli voglia dire attraverso il suo verso.Perciò costruiscono un Perry Traduttore che stranamente funziona con tutti gli animali tranne Perry.

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Il mitico Puntale

21 de febrero de 200911m

I due fratelli decidono di far concentrare l'attenzione della città sul puntale, la punta dei lacci delle scarpe, il cui nome sembra non interessare nessuno, e per farlo organizzano un concerto a cui Candace parteciperà solo dopo una forte titubanza.

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Una grande sorella

21 de febrero de 200911m

Candace vuole diventare più alta per diventare la testimonial di un marchio di prodotti di bellezza e per questo beve una pozione di Phineas e Ferb che pero la fa alzare di 15 metri!

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Un acquario per Goldie

21 de febrero de 200911m

I ragazzi comprano un pesce rosso e, per farlo sentire più a suo agio, costruiscono un grande acquario con delfini e balene e organizzano uno spettacolo di giochi acquatici a cui Candace si troverà a partecipare a propria insaputa.

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Il giorno della gelatina vivente

28 de febrero de 200911m

When Phineas and Ferb get inspired by Candace's dessert club to create the biggest piece of gelatin ever, even Jenny and Stacy want to join in. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz has a horrific plan, to turn Perry evil!

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Elementare Stacy!

28 de febrero de 200911m

La famiglia Fletcher è in visita dai nonni inglesi; Candace e Stacy per passare il tempo in assenza di internet leggono l'intera saga dell'ispettore Sherlock Holmes e provano a beccare Phineas e Ferb usando il "metodo Holmes".

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Occhi aperti!

4 de abril de 200911m

Fed up with her brother's inventions always disappearing, Candace enlists the help of everyone in the neighbourhood to build and watch a big and obvious invention, that they might finally see exactly what happens to everything. Meanwhile, is it mime? No, it's Doofenshmirtz' new Invisibility Ray.

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Equipo 7

Dirigido Por: Robert Hughes

Escrito por: Kim Roberson, Antoine Guilbaud

Estrellas invitadas 0 Reparto y equipo completo

No se han añadido estrellas invitadas.

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Una cena davvero speciale

4 de abril de 200911m

Phineas e Ferb aprono un ristorante in giardino chiamato "Dall'Ornitorinco" in cui Perry è ovviamente la star, Ferb è il cuoco e Isabella accompagna ai tavoli. Doofenshmirtz organizza un appuntamento con una donna in questo stesso ristorante. Ma se andrà male, è pronto a rovinare l'amore di tutti gli altri con una delle sue diavolerie... La ragazza, però, sembra decisamente la sua anima gemella.

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La Tecno-Mamma

11 de abril de 200911m

When an early end to their daily project causes Phineas and Ferb to mistake an egg for Perry's, the boys use all their technological knowhow to help hatch the new part of the family. However Candace has different plans for the egg, as a nature show brings her to be the one to convince Phineas and Ferb that the newborn will need a real mother. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz is doing all he can to convince Perry that his latest scheme really is evil.

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Prigionieri nel cyberspazio

11 de abril de 200911m

Buford has a new game, "Jump and Duck", which everyone is loving the look of. But Phineas is always one for a challenge, and Candace's comment about a game "sucking them in" is just the inspiration he needs to create a virtual reality machine of "Jump and Duck". The trouble begins when Candace, in her preparations for a Cotillion Jeremy has asked her to, gets pulled in before the boys. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz has a slightly more disturbing childhood horror revenge story, but is the song and dance really necessary for this one?

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Le cronache di Meap

18 de abril de 200922m

It's another average, logic defying day for Phineas and Ferb, until a crashed space pod, carrying an unbearably cute alien, Meap, thrusts the boys into another adventure in space! Everyone has a different role to play, while Candace holds on to Meap by accident, Ferb is fixing up the ship, as Phineas uses the new cute tracker to find where their new friend is, to the slight irritation of Isabella, as he can't get what *cough* is causing cute interference, but of course, it all has to lead up to the big explosive finale in SPACE -ace-ace. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz has a new plan, simplistic in nature, but buried in an avalanche of backstory, oh dears.

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Prova di abilità

15 de junio de 200911m

Visiting relatives of the Flynns' neighbors bear an uncanny resemblance to Candace, Phineas and Ferb. Meanwhile, Perry finds himself in the middle of Dr. Doofenshmirtz's family reunion.

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Il pellicano di carta

15 de junio de 200911m

Phineas and Ferb set out to build a bigger plane than Howard Hughes' wooden Spruce Goose, so they build it out of papier-mâché, to do a similar theme to the Spruce Goose, complete with in-flight service and entertainment. Dr. Doofenshmirtz is doing his part to be green by using recycled materials to build an "Evaporator-inator" to dry up all the pools in the Tri-State area. Meanwhile, Candace and Stacy attend Jeremy's pool party only to discover an adventurous Australian girl is capturing Jeremy's attention.

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Facciamo un quiz

22 de junio de 200911m

Candace scopre che il suo fidanzato Jeremy fa una pubblicità in TV, quindi pensa di paragonarsi a lui per sentirsi al suo 'stesso livello', quindi si rivolge ai suoi fratelli, che stavano aiutando le FireSide Girls per dei distintivi televisivi e per questo hanno ingaggiato Baljeet e Buford in un gameshow, ma, essendoci due posti, Baljeet esce fuori dallo show. Intanto Perry ha la missione di verificare perché ci sono state tante consegne di nella casa di Doofenshmirtz. Intanto Jeremy, con la sua pubblicità diventa sempre più famoso...

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22 de junio de 200911m

Phineas and Ferb create an automatic carwash in order to raise money for Isabella and the Fireside girls.

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Oh, eccoti qua Perry

11 de julio de 200911m

Perry the Platypus is reassigned and forced to move to the Quad State area with a new family and battle a new villain, the Regurgitator. During his new assignment, Phineas, Ferb, and Candace put in every effort to find him, hoping he'll return to them.

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Una gita tempestosa

11 de julio de 200911m

La famiglia Flynn-Fletcher parte per una gita in barca, ma a causa di una violenta tempesta si ritrova su un'isola sperduta. Mentre Lawrence ripara la barca per ritornare a casa al più presto possibile, anche perché Candace vuole partecipare a una festa organizzata dal suo amato Jeremy, Phineas e Ferb costruiscono un riparo tra gli alberi dotato di tutti i comfort. Nel frattempo, Perry rimane a casa con Baljeet e Buford, e il Maggiore Monogram manda in missione Carl sotto copertura con un camioncino dei gelati per distrarli, consentendo quindi all'Agente P di effettuare la sua missione.

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Piccolo è bello

18 de julio de 200911m

To play a game of indoor hide-and-seek Phineas and Ferb shrink down their friends including, their new extreme fan, Irving. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz attaches a nanobot to Perry in an attempt to discover where he lives.

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Operazione Cupido

18 de julio de 200911m

Phineas and Ferb build a ocean liner so that Baljeet can go on a romantic cruise with his friend Mishti, whom he now notices is a very pretty girl. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz wants to move all the lighthouses to the other side of town so that he can get a good night's sleep instead of hearing the constant noice from the boats surrounding the bay by his headquarters

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Rock e roll

25 de julio de 200911m

Phineas and Ferb learn that Baljeet has signed up for rock camp and worries he may get his first failing grade. So the boys help by forming a band to help him express his feelings, especially for math. Meanwhile, Candace wonders why Jeremy doesn't give her a cool nickname as Stacy gets close to Coltrane, the rock camp director. Doofenshmirtz's latest plan has him wanting his own army of babies by broadcasting his heartbeat all over the tristate area.

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Chi fa da se...

25 de julio de 200911m

Vanessa Doofenshirtmz tries to convince her dad that she's responsible enough to have her own car. For that, she has to get a special chemical for him in hopes she doesn't always have to ride with him on the family scooter. At the mega mall, a chase for the chemical ensues as it's tossed around between Candace and Stacy, Buford and Baljeet, and Ferb, who joins Vanessa's quest in hopes he'll be able to get her attention.

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Coniglietti? No grazie!

1 de agosto de 200911m

Candace trova un coniglietto che sembra essere adorabile, ma in realtà è un nemico di Perry. Intanto Phineas e Ferb inventano gli occhiali a raggi x.

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Una giornata al centro benessere

1 de agosto de 200911m

Stacy has a spa day planned for herself and Candace, but they get side tracked when Jeremy is participating in a house-building program for the homeless and Candace joins as well in hopes of impressing him. Fortunately, the girls are able to get their spa day after all when Phineas and Ferb build their own spa with its own special features. Meanwhile, Doofenshmritz finds a cat which causes a lot of problems when he's trying to carry out his latest evil plot.

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Viaggio nello spazio-tempo

25 de septiembre de 200922m

The boys travel into the future to borrow a tool, but when their future sister Candace finds what they are up to, she realizes that she has the evidence she needs to travel back into the past to bust her brothers. When she returns to her own time, she realizes that she has made a terrible mistake that only she can fix.

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Una fantastica Top-ten

16 de octubre de 200922m

Perry the Platypus is reassigned and forced to move to the Quad State area with a new family and battle a new villain, the Regurgitator. During his new assignment, Phineas, Ferb, and Candace put in every effort to find him, hoping he'll return to them.

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Tutti in bolla!

17 de octubre de 200911m

The boys are able to create a giant bubble which enables them and their friends to float and view all of Danville from above as Candace tries to bust them while on a practice drive with Mom for her learner's permit. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to gain popularity by singing country and western music and Perry must stop him before the concert crowd submits to his latest invention.

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Sulle tracce del MaracaMandorlo

17 de octubre de 200911m

While Phineas and Ferb get the bubble ready, Isabella and the Fireside Girls head out to the "Old Abandoned Old Abandoned Amusement Park" where the maracanut tree is and try to get the sap from it. Meanwhile, Isabella's pet dog, Pinky tries to stop his nemesis, Professor Poofenplotz, from stealing hairspray.

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Coraggio, Candace

24 de octubre de 200911m

Phineas and Ferb build a ocean liner so that Baljeet can go on a romantic cruise with his friend Mishti, whom he now notices is a very pretty girl. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz wants to move all the lighthouses to the other side of town so that he can get a good night's sleep instead of hearing the constant noice from the boats surrounding the bay by his headquarters

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Fireside Girl a tutti i costi

24 de octubre de 200911m

Candace hopes to join the Fireside Girls before the Paisley Sideburn Brothers perform.

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Il bullo servitore

31 de octubre de 200911m

When Baljeet saved his life, Buford vows to become his slave. Then, when Candace and Stacy accidentally send bad pictures of Candace to Jeremy's cell phone, they get a job at Mr. Slushy Dawg in order to get his phone and delete the pictures before he sees them.

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Alla ricerca di Mary Macguffin

31 de octubre de 200911m

Dad accidentally sells Candace's favorite doll at a yard sale. Phineas and Ferb become detectives and interview various people to find the doll. Meanwhile, Perry the Platypus tries to get the doll back from his nemesis.

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Una foto e via!

7 de noviembre de 200911m

After Ferb accidentally leaves his skateboard at his grandparents' house, he and Phineas develop a teleportation device that can retrieve any object. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to rid the world of mimes.

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Gara di ballo

7 de noviembre de 200911m

Unsure of his own dancing skills when he agrees to go on a TV show with Candace, Phineas and Ferb develop a device to help Jeremy imitate the dance moves of a professional. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz and several other villains try to broadcast an evil message during the taping of the show.

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Ingegneria inversa

14 de noviembre de 200911m

The boys reconstuct one of Doofenshmirtz's inventions to discover what it does after it lands in their front yard.

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14 de noviembre de 200911m

Phineas and Ferb discover the lost city of Atlantis, Candace enters a sand castle building contest, and Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to use a growth formula to make plants evil.

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Un Natale anche per Danville

6 de diciembre de 200936m

Phineas and Ferb are decorating their city for the arrival of Santa Claus. But when the evil mad scientist Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz uses a machine to ruin the holiday, Phineas and Ferb must find a way to fix it and save Christmas.

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Oltre la materia

6 de febrero de 201011m

Phineas and Ferb create an orb that allows its user to pass through objects to help find Linda's guitar pick, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to destroy a statue honoring his brother Roger.

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Il grande giorno di Candace

6 de febrero de 201011m

When Aunt Tiana and Uncle Bob’s wedding is moved to the Flynn-Fletcher's backyard, Candace hopes that her brothers do not upstage her role as maid of honor. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to transform food into junk food

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Un robot di mezza età

13 de febrero de 201011m

Durante i preparativi per una gara tra padri e figlie, Lawrence, spinto dalla curiosità, entra in un tunnel che porta al quartiere segreto di Perry, ma poi scivola e finisce sul cancella-memoria, che lo fa regredire all'età di un anno. Monogram allora richiama l'Agente P dalla missione e gli dà il compito di guidare un robot che ha lo stesso aspetto del signor Fletcher e di adoperarlo nella gara insieme a Candace fino a quando la memoria di Lawrence non verrà ripristinata.

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Lezione di perfidia

13 de febrero de 201011m

Candace panics when she inadvertently agrees to babysit Jeremy's little sister Suzy but to her surprise, Suzy is docile in the absence of her brother, saying that when Jeremy isn't around, she's "off the clock." The two of them bond and Suzy shows Candace how to get Phineas and Ferb to bust themselves. Meanwhile, the boys build a replica of Niagara Falls in their backyard with the intention of riding over the falls in a barrel. Back at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc., Dr. Doofenshmirtz decides to increase his carbon footprint, (though he doesn't know what that is), by inventing a Carbon Footprint-inator.

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L'agente Carl

13 de febrero de 201011m

When the boys build an Anti-Gravity Fun Launcher, Carl accidentally intercepts their plans and assumes they are working for Dr. Doofenshmirtz, so he is sent undercover to figure out what they are doing. Meanwhile, Perry tries to find a lost agent, and Dr. Doofenshmirtz also acquires the blueprints to help with a parking issue on his street.

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Il giorno dell'unificazione

13 de febrero de 201011m

Phineas and Ferb decide to help build floats for all the neighborhood kids in the yearly "Tri-State Area Unification Day" parade, but a family grudge leads Buford and his family to try and wreak havoc on the parade.

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Ferb è un alieno

20 de febrero de 201011m

After watching a sci-fi movie marathon, Candace becomes convinced that Ferb is an alien. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to market an evil invention by claiming it to be a cleaning device.

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Non è cosa per bambini

20 de febrero de 201011m

The boys trick out the kiddie rides at a store, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to burn his name into the atmosphere.

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Niente Phineas e Ferb

27 de febrero de 201011m

Irving’s brother Albert doesn’t believe that Phineas and Ferb are anything special, and since he claims to be the “Truth Detector,” he can prove it. Desperate to prove Albert wrong, Irving convinces Baljeet and Buford to pose as Phineas and Ferb beside a giant hologram of the boys’ Eiffel Tower construction. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz is fed up with the quality of accessories for his model train set, and decides to shrink down a variety of national monuments to add to his collection.

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Le Acchiappa-Phineas e Ferb

27 de febrero de 201011m

Candace, Stacy, and Jenny team up to try and bust Phineas and Ferb together. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz enlists a new robot to replace Norm, but a power surge causes it to glitch and turn against him.

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Il ragazzo che sussurrava ai sauri

6 de marzo de 201011m

Phineas and Ferb find a chameleon in the backyard, who grows to the size of a dinosaur, thanks to Doofenshmirtz's Gigant-Inator, and takes a walk through downtown. Meanwhile, Jeremy teaches a song to Doofenshmirtz, who plans to use it to summon aliens to do his bidding.

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Il rodeo dei robot

6 de marzo de 201011m

Phineas and Ferb build a robotic rodeo in the backyard. Candace tries to prove she can focus so she can go to a concert with Stacy. Doofenshmirtz stalls to finish his entry into the Inator Creator competition.

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Phineas e Ferb supereroi

8 de marzo de 201022m

Khaka Peü Peü arrives in Danville to challenge Phineas and Ferb after the boys are mistaken as a superhero (while wearing an indestructible suit they designed to safely conquer their newly built extreme skate-track) known as The Beak. With the super villain wreaking havoc, it's up to Phineas and Ferb to thwart him while Dr. Doofenshmirtz tells the people of the Tri-State area that he is in charge, in hopes that they will actually just go along with it. Meanwhile, his brother Roger is worried that everyone will blame him for the recent super villain catastrophe so he decides to make Doofenshmirtz Mayor.

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Candace, sindaco di Danville

14 de junio de 201011m

Candace is awarded the opportunity to be mayor for the day, so she create laws that can bust her brothers. Back at home, Phineas and Ferb build an authentic log cabin and pioneer village. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz is scheduled to play golf with his brother Rodger but isn't happy about it.

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Il chiosco della limonata

14 de junio de 201011m

Phineas and Ferb build the ultimate lemonade stand and begin to offer franchise opportunities. Meanwhile, Candace and Stacy’s relationship is put to the test when Candace feels she must pick between their friendship and busting her brothers, while Dr. Doofenshmirtz creates a “Paper-Cut-Inator” so that he can make millions selling band-aids.

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Phineas e Ferb - Aloha (Parte 1)

9 de julio de 201011m

The Flynn-Fletcher Family go on a vacation to Hawaii. While they are there, Phineas and Ferb make living sea creatures and Candace find a lava necklace of bad luck. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz creates a De-Evolution-inator and Perry and him get stranded on a island.

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Phineas e Ferb - Aloha (Parte 2)

9 de julio de 201011m

The Flynn-Fletcher Family go on a vacation to Hawaii. While they are there, Phineas and Ferb make living sea creatures and Candace find a lava necklace of bad luck. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz creates a De-Evolution-inator and Perry and him get stranded on a island.

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Un'estate straordinaria

2 de agosto de 201048m

It's the summer solstice, so Phineas, Ferb, and their friends decide to travel around the world in one day in an effort to create the "biggest, longest, funnest summer day of all time". But not everyone believes they can actually achieve what they have set out to do, especially Buford. Candace tags along because Jeremy is on a trip to Paris, and she fears that there he may meet other girls. Also, Isabella finds her affections for Phineas sorely tested when his steadfast focus on achieving his goal puts pressure on her. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz takes a father trip to Tokyo, Japan with Vanessa, but sets out with Perry and Major Monogram to find her when she joins Phineas, Ferb and the others.

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Fanta guerra tra fans

16 de agosto de 201022m

Phineas and Ferb head to the Tri-State area’s annual sci-fi/comic book convention to meet their hero, special effects guru Clive Addison. Their plan gets sidetracked when they’re swept into a duel between fantasy fans and sci-fi geeks. Meanwhile, Candace tries to keep secret that she’s a fan of Ducky Mo-Mo, another convention staple. Across the convention hall, Dr. Doofenshmirtz has taken television executive Jeff McGarland hostage so he can pitch him a show he’s developed, Doof ‘N’ Puss.

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Divertiti Candace

24 de septiembre de 201022m

When Phineas and Ferb spin the house in order to paint it more quickly, Candace, inside the house, gets dizzy and collapses. She wakes up in the magical land of Odd and heads down the yellow sidewalk to Bustopolis to meet the Wizard.

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Questo sì che è un labirinto

1 de octubre de 201011m

Phineas and Ferb create a life sized maze filled with fun obstacles. Melissa, the leader of the Little Sparks, a younger branch of the Fireside Girls, is immediately captivated when she meets Candace and finds out that she was a Fireside Girl who earned 50 patches in one day. When the girls try out the maze, Candace takes charge, but things don’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz reasons that if the Leaning Tower of Pisa can generate souvenir revenue, then surely he can use his latest invention, the "Tilt-inator," to tilt buildings so he can sell souvenir replicas.

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Un passato da star

1 de octubre de 201011m

When Linda is asked to do a Lindana reunion concert, Lawrence worries that she might be missing the excitement of her old life, so he asks the boys to help turn him into a pop star so that he can perform at the concert and show mom he too is an exciting guy. Across town, Dr. Doofenshmirtz plans a faux alien invasion in order to take over the Tri-State area.

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Il segreto del successo

8 de octubre de 201011m

Phineas and Ferb are building an ATV powerful enough to handle extreme terrains and even buildings. Meanwhile, Candace and Stacy go to a leadership seminar where Candace learns the steps needed to achieve her ultimate goal of busting her brothers. Dr. Doofenshmirtz is hosting a Telethon of Evil.

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Tutta colpa della luna

8 de octubre de 201011m

Phineas and Ferb plan to put Danville on the map by building the world's tallest building. However, Candace teams up with Albert and utilizes his expertise to bust her brothers. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz wants to be responsible for all the evil in the Tri-State Area, and since he believes that evil levels rise during a full moon, he plans to rotate it so that only the infamous "dark side of the moon" faces Earth.

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Doppia personalità

29 de octubre de 201011m

Candace accidentally gets hit by Phineas and Ferb's molecular separator ray which causes her to have two different personalities - Romantic Candace and Busting Candace, so the boys have to figure out a way to put her back together again. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to get over his fear of high diving, but he figures that if he can't, he will just use his "Look-away-inator" to zap everyone so that they do not witness his shame.

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29 de octubre de 201011m

Phineas, Ferb and the gang are all sick with a cold, so they decide to make it the best "sick day" ever by creating a live television feed to their friends' homes so that they can all enjoy a day of fun together. Meanwhile, Vanessa learns from her mom, Charlene, that her dad is picking her up from a party she is going to with her punk rock boyfriend Johnny and is worried that he will embarrass her yet again. However, Dr. Doofenshmirtz is busy trying to use his "Deevolution-ator" to drain Agent P's will power so that he can control him, and things get out of hand when Dr. Doofenshmirtz picks up Vanessa at the party, and it's up to Agent P to save the day.

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Montagne russe: Il Musical

28 de enero de 201122m

I due fratelli ricostruiscono le montagne russe fatte all'inizio dell'estate come musical, e quindi molte canzoni.

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Principessa per un giorno

11 de febrero de 201111m

Candace switches places with a princess who looks exactly like her, while the real princess helps the boys build a giant jukebox filled with live bands.

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Questa non è una festa

Final de temporada
11 de febrero de 201111m

Candace vista l'assenza dei genitori per una sera vuole invitare delle amiche a casa sua ma si ritrova per sbaglio una enorme festa in casa e per questo viene beccata dalla madre e messa in punizione nonostante non fosse sua intenzione fare una festa.

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