Jaksot 8


Fly Me Away

8 maaliskuu 202250m

Rux’s plans to secretly move to Los Angeles to be with her lover are upended by a shocking announcement, and the increasing needs of her demanding boss.

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The Campaign Manual

8 maaliskuu 202244m

While Rux clashes with Liliana’s new campaign manager, Eugen hedges the success of his dream project on his wife’s bid for mayor. Cristina chases a promising lead.

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11 maaliskuu 202251m

Cristina’s decision to seize a career opportunity is met with mixed results. Rux attempts to hide major personal news, while Liliana readies for the first debate, and Denisa breaks the silence with her father.

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Love Thy Neighbor

18 maaliskuu 202244m

Liliana is finding her voice and realizing how much she can do for Bucharest if elected. Rux defends a young boy who is being bullied for wearing a skirt and Andrei starts to fall in love with her. Denisa gets her first fashion commission.

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Justice for Dani

25 maaliskuu 202245m

Denisa is distraught, after realising her first commision was actually someone trying to get closer to her dad. Rux comes up with a plan to comfort her involving men wearing Denisa’s skirts; but soon gets in trouble with the law.

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Birds, Bees, and Boys

1 huhtikuu 202251m

Recently unemployed Cristina joins Liliana’s campaign trail and begins to charm Moscu. Denisa’s criminal ex-boyfriend comes back but the police are soon involved.

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8 huhtikuu 202244m

Rux returns to her apartment shocked to find ”J” has made a surprise visit from LA. Cristina, begins flirting with an unresponsive Moscu and ends up fighting with Rux. Intoxicated with alcohol she decides to drive away in her car.

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All About Wonderland

Season Finale
15 huhtikuu 202249m

Cristina tells Rux the truth about her relationships with Moscu and Andrei. Following the outcome of Liliana’s mayoral campaign Moscu decides there is only one way to get his dream project off the ground, but at what cost to his family....

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