Jaksot 12


The Third Truth

14 huhtikuu 202423m

When Shin finds himself trapped in a video game turned deadly with thousands of other players, he fights until the bitter end to free everyone. His reward? Waking up inside the game five hundred years later, where he must now forge a new legend!

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A Little Partner

21 huhtikuu 202423m

In an attempt to avoid unwanted attention, Shin tries to keep a low profile as word of his deeds already begins spreading through town. But even so, a curious request from a curious girl has him back in the northern woods on a rescue mission.

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A Strange Request

28 huhtikuu 202423m

Shin finds a strange request from the church orphanage on the guild board. Intrigued and hoping to learn more about the orphan girl he met before anyway, he decides to go scope out the situation there.

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After the Long Night

5 toukokuu 202423m

Shin escorts a young nun on a mission into the Ghost Plains, notorious for spawning undead at frightening rates. Shin's going to find more than he bargained for there, both for better and for worse.

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A Momentary Break

12 toukokuu 202423m

Now that the immediate danger has passed, Shin opens up to Wilhelm and catches up with an old friend. Then it's time to plan for his next adventure. This world has secrets, and Shin is still determined to figure them out.

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Escort Mission

19 toukokuu 202423m

Shin and Tiera begin making preparations for the trip ahead of them. Then, on the way out of town, they pick up Tiera's first adventurers guild quest: an escort mission for a merchant.

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25 toukokuu 202423m

Shin and Tiera complete their quest and reach Bayreun, where they'll make a few important acquisitions and meet up with Schnee before setting out on the second half of their journey.

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Trusted and Entrusted

1 kesäkuu 202423m

Shin and company reach the Farnid Beast Alliance, where they meet Shin's former companion and the nation's first king, Girart. After five hundred long years, Girart has an unusual request for his old friend...

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The Princess of Bayrelicht

8 kesäkuu 202423m

Shin decides it's time to raise his adventurer rank, but waiting for him at the guild is royal summons from Bayrelicht.

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15 kesäkuu 202423m

Shin's summons to the castle doesn't go exactly as he thought it would when the princess challenges him to a duel. Then when the aftermath of their fight goes horribly awry, it's up to Schnee to investigate.

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The Closed Holy Land

22 kesäkuu 202423m

Shin and Princess Rionne now find themselves effectively trapped in the holy land, forced to fight their way out. Can Shin pull it off without revealing his true strength?

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Major Flood

Season Finale
29 kesäkuu 202423m

Shin and Rionne spy a large horde of monsters headed straight for Valmer, where they're supposed to meet up with Schnee and Tiera. Can they reach the city in time to save it?

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