Jaksot 12


Episódio 1

4 joulukuu 2022

In groups of four, the contestants meet the judges and give solo performances. From each group, one Alpha is selected by vote. Those four become the Alpha group and the remaining contestants are broken up into four groups of Betas.

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Episódio 2

11 joulukuu 2022

In intensive rehearsal, the five groups learn their vocals, choreography and blocking before their final viral song performances.

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Episódio 3

18 joulukuu 2022

The contestants perform as groups for the first time. In the end, seven contestants from the two least impressive teams are sent home and the Best Beta is given the opportunity to challenge two Alphas for a seat.

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Episódio 4

25 joulukuu 2022

The first battle for the alpha seat takes place before the new group arrangements are revealed.

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Episódio 5

15 tammikuu 2023

GMMTV artists are invited to spectate as, in groups of four, the contestants perform "swag" songs. Between the two teams who deliver the best swag performances, a Best Beta is selected to challenge two Alphas for their seat. Four Betas from the weakest-performing teams are eliminated.

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Episódio 6

22 tammikuu 2023

Best Beta Hong competes against Fluke and Lego in hopes of earning his place among the Alphas. The judges have a hard decision to make between three performers with differing strengths.

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Episódio 7

29 tammikuu 2023

The contestants perform "Jo" versions of popular songs. This week, only one team goes into an elimination where one Beta will survive.

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Episódio 8

5 helmikuu 2023

Best Beta Nicky challenges Alphas William and Nut with his performance of Stand By Lo.

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Episódio 9

12 helmikuu 2023

In the final Survival Beta round, the groups perform mashups of thematically similar songs. Only one Beta is eliminated.

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Episódio 10

19 helmikuu 2023

In the final Challenge Alpha, the competition is neck and neck. The final challenge is revealed.

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Episódio 11

26 helmikuu 2023

After selecting teams and songs for the forthcoming finale, the contestants build and rehearse their shows before heading out on group excursions.

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Episódio 12

Season Finale
5 maaliskuu 2023

In the final episode, two Beta teams compete to make it into the second round where they'll compete with the Alphas. Joined by special judges Chin Chinawut, Gam the Star, Maiyarap and Ae Botcash, the eight finalists are scored individually by votes from the judges and viewers. The top four ascend to the Alpha seats. However, once a king's thrown is introduced, one seat is left free.

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