Jaksot 5


Home To Roost

7 marraskuu 201145m

At Hoxley Manor Lady Ellen turns the Great Hall into a hospital with the help of the land girls and ends up being confronted by a face from the past when Dr Channing shows up. At Pasture Farm, Joyce is still waiting for news about John, who is believed to be missing in action. Finch ends up drunkenly driving into Mrs Gulliver's garden and causes havoc. A telegram ends up arriving for Joyce and it has good news inside, John is still alive.

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The War In The Fields

8 marraskuu 201145m

After Iris is called to the farm by Vernon for her proficiency test, the huge threshing machine ends up throwing her to the ground. Connie ends up throwing down the gauntlet and challenges Vernon to a farmers versus land girls ploughing competition. Channing attempts to reassure Joyce that John needs reassurance from her. After Connie goes to see Henry at church she is shocked to see Danny there chatting to him.

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The Enemy Within

9 marraskuu 201145m

John thinks about the flashbacks he is having of his escape from France and talks to Dr Channing about them. Joyce ends up intervening when John can't take any more. Esther has to deal with her problems and starts to think about her options. Finch ends up offering her another solution. Frank informs Ellen about the suspicious man he saw in the woods and she ends up calling the police.

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Farewell My Lovely

10 marraskuu 201145m

Danny threatens to hurt Henry if Connie doesn't submit to his will. Ellen considers if she can trust the man she loves. As Joyce and John grow closer John struggles with guilt over his infidelity. A revelation drives Martin even further away from Esther. Iris is in mourning whilst Walter and Frank square up for a fight with disastrous consequences.

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Tekijät 4

Ohjaus: Steve Hughes

Käsikirjoittaja: Joy Wilkinson

Vierailevat tähdet 8 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

  1. Samuel Edward-Cook

    Walter Storey

  2. Alan Morrissey

    Clifford Molloy

  3. Edward Petherbridge

    Everard Proctor

  4. John Kirk

    Truck Driver

  5. Carolyn Pickles

    Mrs. Gulliver

  6. David Schofield

    Vernon Storey

  7. Bill Fellows

    Ellis Harper

  8. Simon Chandler

    Inspector West

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Last Days Of Summer

Season Finale
11 marraskuu 201145m

Events spiral out of control for Connie when her shady past catches up with her. Iris makes a shocking discovery, whilst John is given some crushing news and Esther decides to face her critics in the village. Meanwhile, can Ellen keep up the pretence with Richard?

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