Jaksot 40


Laundry Woes

2 syyskuu 201311m

After nearly recovering from a broken heart, Mordecai embarks on a road trip to Margaret's college to return her sweater, taking Rigby along, who wishes for Mordecai to move on, but a hallucination of Margaret gets the better of him.

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Silver Dude

2 syyskuu 201311m

Mordecai and Rigby try street-performing to earn extra money quickly for a video game, but soon compete with another street performer who uses their act to his advantage.

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Benson's Car

9 syyskuu 201311m

Mordecai and Rigby have to fix Benson’s car before he finds out they broke its window.

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Every Meat Burritos

16 syyskuu 201311m

Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, and Hi-Five Ghost strive to get Every Meat Burritos, a new special type of burrito, from the Jimbros' Burritos Drive-Thru.

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Wall Buddy

23 syyskuu 201311m

Rigby buys a device that unfairly divides his share of the room to avoid cleaning his mess in it.

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A Skips in Time

30 syyskuu 201311m

After a time-traveling tornado sends an 18th-century Skips to the present, Mordecai and Rigby have to help present Skips return his teenage self to his time or else he will die.

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Survival Skills

14 lokakuu 201311m

Mordecai and Rigby are charged with bringing Benson tortillas.

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Terror Tales of the Park III (1)

21 lokakuu 201311m

The group makes a bet over who can tell the scariest story at their Halloween party.

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Terror Tales of the Park III (2)

21 lokakuu 201311m

Each of the park guys want to win a bet by telling the scariest story at a Halloween party.

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4 marraskuu 201311m

Pops gives Mordecai and Rigby tants – pants that double as tables – which Mordecai and Rigby pretend to like. However, the duo accidentally ruins the pants and try to fix them not to hurt Pops' feelings.

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Bank Shot

11 marraskuu 201311m

Rigby has to beat a challenger at a bank shooting arcade game.

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Power Tower

18 marraskuu 201311m

Muscle Man wants to win a bodybuilding competition at his gym.

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The Thanksgiving Special (1)

25 marraskuu 201311m

Mordecai and Rigby accidentally ruin Thanksgiving and have to fix it before their families arrive for dinner.

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The Thanksgiving Special (2)

25 marraskuu 201311m

Mordecai and Rigby accidentally ruin Thanksgiving and have to fix it before their families arrive for dinner.

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The Heart of a Stuntman

2 joulukuu 201311m

Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, and Hi-Five Ghost try to get stuntman licenses so they can perform for Timmy's stuntman-themed birthday party.

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New Year's Kiss

31 joulukuu 201311m

Rigby tries to stop Mordecai from kissing a girl named Tracy on New Year's Eve.

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Dodge This

13 tammikuu 201411m

The group wants to win a dodgeball tournament, but Mordecai becomes distracted when he discovers that C.J. is on one of the opposing teams.

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Tekijät 6

Ohjaus: John Infantino, Sean Szeles

Käsikirjoittaja: Andres Salaff, Benton Connor

Vierailevat tähdet 4 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

  1. Robin Atkin Downes

    Gary (voice)

  2. Linda Cardellini

    Cloudy J / Thunder Girl #2 (voice)

  3. Debra Wilson

    Council Woman / Blonde Girl / Thunder Girl #1 (voice)

  4. David Kaye

    Reginald / Big Guy / Big Dude (voice)

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Portable Toilet

27 tammikuu 201411m

Mordecai and Rigby get stuck in a portable toilet at the park after Mordecai takes a dare from C.J.

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The Postcard

10 helmikuu 201411m

Hi-Five Ghost hopes to reunite with a lady from his past after receiving a long-awaited postcard from her.

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Rigby in the Sky with Burrito

24 helmikuu 201411m

With his high school reunion arriving, Rigby tries to accomplish skydiving while eating a burrito, a task he claimed he would do before attending the reunion.

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Journey to the Bottom of the Crash Pit

3 maaliskuu 201411m

Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, and Hi-Five Ghost have to venture into the bottom of the crash pit to find their video camera before their boss Benson notices it's gone.

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Saving Time

10 maaliskuu 201411m

Mordecai and Rigby play a prank on Daylight Saving Time by setting all of the clocks in the park at the wrong time, which leads to disastrous results.

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Guitar of Rock

17 maaliskuu 201411m

When their boss Benson accidentally breaks Mr. Maellard's autographed guitar, Mordecai and Rigby have to help him replace it.

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Skips' Story (1)

14 huhtikuu 201411m

Skips tells Mordecai and Rigby the story of how he became immortal.

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Skips' Story (2)

14 huhtikuu 201411m

Skips tells Mordecai and Rigby the story of how he became immortal.

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Return of Mordecai and the Rigbys

21 huhtikuu 201411m

Mordecai and Rigby revive their band with the rest of the group and compete in a battle of the bands to win an air conditioner during a massive heatwave.

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Bad Portrait

28 huhtikuu 201411m

After an important portrait of their boss Benson is ruined, Mordecai and Rigby attempt to repaint it before it is awarded to him.

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Video 101

5 toukokuu 201411m

Mordecai, Rigby, and C.J. help Eileen make a music video for her college filmmaking class.

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I Like You Hi

12 toukokuu 201411m

Mordecai ponders over his feelings towards C.J. after he sends an auto-corrected text message to her saying that he likes her.

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Play Date

5 kesäkuu 201411m

Mordecai has a date with C.J., but he unfortunately also has to babysit Death's 300-year-old son, Thomas.

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Expert or Liar

12 kesäkuu 201411m

Rigby is humiliated on the game show Expert or Liar and sets off to redeem himself by locating the show's host and making another appearance.

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Catching the Wave

19 kesäkuu 201411m

Pops strives to learn how to surf in order to reconnect with nature after havin a bad day with it.

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Gold Watch

26 kesäkuu 201411m

Benson's chance of winning a gold watch at the park is jeopardized when he eats too many buffalo wings.

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Paint Job

3 heinäkuu 201411m

Mordecai and Rigby have to repaint the park house after throwing pizza pouches at it and ruining its paint job while cleaning it.

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Take the Cake

10 heinäkuu 201411m

Mordecai and Rigby have to bake a cake for Mr. Maellard's surprise birthday party after the original cake is ruined.

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Skips in the Saddle

17 heinäkuu 201411m

Skips tries to find his soul mate on a dating show after seeing how happy everyone else is in a relationship.

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Thomas Fights Back

24 heinäkuu 201411m

Thomas tries to prove his worth by retrieving the park founder's statue.

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Bachelor Party! Zingo!!

31 heinäkuu 201411m

The guys help Skips throw a bachelor party for his cousin Quips.

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Tent Trouble

7 elokuu 201411m

Mordecai and Rigby accidentally destroy C.J.'s brand new tent and need help fixing it before she finds out.

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Real Date

Season Finale
14 elokuu 201411m

Mordecai and C.J. want to go on a romantic date.

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