

2008 • 3 épisodes

La saison 0 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 5 février 2008.

Collection of Naruto shorts.

카제카게 구출

카제카게 구출

2007 • 32 épisodes

La saison 1 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 15 février 2007.

우즈마키 나루토가 돌아왔다! 선인 지라이야와 함께 길에서 2년 반 동안 훈련을 받은 후 나루토는 나뭇잎에 숨겨진 마을로 돌아와 새로운 기술을 선보일 준비가 되었습니다. 그와 사쿠라는 그들의 발전에 꽤 감명받은 옛 스승 카카시를 상대하기 위해 팀을 이룹니다. 나루토의 전 라이벌이자 현재는 모래의 카제카게인 가아라가 납치되었다는 소식이 모래 마을에서 도착하면 그들은 행동으로 옮길 수 있는 충분한 기회를 갖게 될 것입니다! 그리고 범인은 나루토를 쫓는 바로 그 집단인 아카츠키입니다!

사스케 수색

사스케 수색

2007 • 21 épisodes

La saison 2 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 9 novembre 2007.

첩보 임무를 수행하던 도중 갑자기 팀 카카시가 나뭇잎 마을의 숙적인 오로치마루와 마주하게 된다. 나루토는 그에게 도전하고 전투 중에 그의 분노는 구미호의 힘을 불러옵니다. 나루토는 사스케를 찾아 집으로 데려오겠다는 결심을 결코 포기하지 않을 것이지만, 분노로 인해 그는 자신에 대한 모든 인식을 잃고 그가 가장 아끼는 사람들을 해칠 위험이 있습니다.

Twelve Guardian Ninja

Twelve Guardian Ninja

2008 • 18 épisodes

La saison 3 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 4 avril 2008.

사스케에게 패배한 나루토는 카카시와 야마토와 함께 새로운 훈련 프로그램을 시작하기 위해 숨겨진 나뭇잎 마을로 돌아갑니다. 나루토는 자신에게 바람의 차크라가 있다는 사실을 알게 됩니다. 한편, 불가사의한 4명의 무리가 불의 나라 시골 마을을 습격한다. 그들은 누구이며 나뭇잎 마을 닌자에게 정확히 무엇을 원하는 것일까요?

Immortal Devastators - Hidan and Kakuzu

Immortal Devastators - Hidan and Kakuzu

2008 • 17 épisodes

La saison 4 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 22 août 2008.

아스마와 시카마루는 아카츠키 쌍인 히단과 카쿠즈의 놀라운 주술에 직면하면서 발밑에서 생각해야합니다. 마지막 순간에 아카츠키가 소집되지만 존경받는 나뭇잎의 시노비에게 치명타를 가하기 전에는 아닙니다. 남겨진 참담한 닌자는 복수만 생각하지만 츠나데는 예기치 않은 출처에서 도움을 제안할 때까지 계획에 반대합니다.

The Three-Tailed Demon Turtle

The Three-Tailed Demon Turtle

2008 • 24 épisodes

La saison 5 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 19 décembre 2008.

나루토의 새로운 술법 나선 수리검은 믿을 수 없을 정도로 강력하지만, 사용자의 위험 때문에 츠나데는 나루토가 그것을 사용하는 것을 금지합니다! 지라이야가 마을로 돌아오자 나루토는 그의 안내를 구하고, 둘은 해결책을 찾기 위해 온천으로 향한다. 한편, 카카시는 오로치마루의 은신처를 찾아 팀을 이끌고, 나루토가 그 소식을 듣고 합류를 간청한다.

Master's Prophecy and Vengeance

Master's Prophecy and Vengeance

2009 • 31 épisodes

La saison 6 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 12 juin 2009.

사스케의 미래는 오로치마루가 다시 살아날 준비를 하면서 좌우된다. 사스케가 오로치마루가 약속한 힘을 찾아 나뭇잎 마을을 떠난 지 3년이 지났다. 이제 그의 멘토와 대면할 시간이다. 누가 그들의 생존을 위해 전투에서 누구를 지배할 것인가?게다가, 네 번째 호카게의 지도 하에 팀원들과 함께 싸우면서, 어린 카카시의 인생의 전환점으로 한 걸음 뒤로 물러서세요!

The Six-Tailed Demon Slug

The Six-Tailed Demon Slug

2010 • 8 épisodes

La saison 7 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 22 janvier 2010.

The team is heading back to the village when an urgent assignment comes in from Tsunade that will lead them on a perilous journey to protect a young woman!

Two Saviors

Two Saviors

2010 • 24 épisodes

La saison 8 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 26 mars 2010.

Naruto and his friends successfully decipher the code Jiraiya left behind, but it's not enough to solve the mystery of Pain. For Naruto, Jiraiya's passing is more than enough to inspire him to follow Fukasaku to Mount Myoboku, where he begins his training in Sage Jutsu. But will the antsy Naruto ever be able to sit still long enough to achieve Sage Mode? Back in the Leaf Village, disaster strikes when the Six Paths of Pain attack the village, and those dearest to Naruto are thrown into the chaos of battle!

Past Arc The Locus of Konoha

Past Arc The Locus of Konoha

2010 • 21 épisodes

La saison 9 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 3 septembre 2010.

After Pain's attack, the Leaf Ninja set about rebuilding their village. Naruto and Sakura are thrilled to be reunited with Tazuna and his grandson Inari from the Land of Waves, who have come to help. While the restoration proceeds, the Leaf Ninja and their friends reflect on past events that influenced the village and helped gain allies like the Sand.

Plus, we get a glimpse back into Naruto's training journey with Jiraiya, and join the original Team 7 on a mission when Sasuke was still with them!

The Gathering of the Five Kage

The Gathering of the Five Kage

2011 • 25 épisodes

La saison 10 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 11 février 2011.

In the aftermath of the attack on the village, Naruto and Sakura are shocked to discover that Danzo has been selected as the new Hokage. And his first order of business involves Team 7's own Rogue Ninja-Sasuke! Then, the Kage from each village gather for a summit in the Land of Iron, and Naruto seeks a pardon for Sasuke from the Raikage. But the cycle of hatred runs deep in the shinobi world, and while the Five Kage discuss how to deal with the Akatsuki, the mysterious one calling himself Madara steps forward to reveal truths that will turn Naruto's world upside down!

Plus, take a step back in time to a turning point in the young Kakashi's life, as he fights alongside his teammates under the guidance of the Fourth Hokage!

Paradise on the Ship

Paradise on the Ship

2011 • 21 épisodes

La saison 11 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 29 juillet 2011.

Naruto declares to his friends his intention to take on Sasuke by himself, while the Elders of the Leaf make a serious decision about who will fill the vacant seat of Hokage: Kakashi! In Mount Myoboku, Gerotora, Fukasaku and the Great Lord Elder debate whether or not to give Naruto the key to the Tetragram Seal that Gerotora holds, an act that could potentially unleash Nine Tails.

Nine-Tailed Fox Taming and Karmic Encounters

Nine-Tailed Fox Taming and Karmic Encounters

2012 • 33 épisodes

La saison 12 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 5 janvier 2012.

As the Leaf Village prepares for war, each shinobi and clan must contemplate the role they will play in the battles to come. While Naruto's peers seek training from surprising sources, Naruto himself must confront both his biggest weakness and greatest strength – the Nine-Tailed Fox.

To reach optimum power, Naruto must learn to control the beast within him, so he seeks help from the one person who has mastered just that, Killer Bee! But the Jinchuriki of Eight Tails wants nothing to do with training Naruto!

The Seven Shinobi Swordsman

The Seven Shinobi Swordsman

2012 • 20 épisodes

La saison 13 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 23 août 2012.

The Fourth Great Ninja War rages on, and danger comes from every angle. Old comrades and enemies have risen from the grave under the control of Kabuto to fight the Allied Forces. While some retain their calm, others must wrestle with their emotions. Naruto's training has made him more powerful, but some believe his possession of the Nine Tails makes him a liability. Meanwhile, Sakura and the Medical Ninja face unique danger, as an enemy may be in their midst behind the allied lines. Can the Allied Forces survive assassins and their reanimated friends to win the war?

The Fourth Great Ninja War Assailants From Afar

The Fourth Great Ninja War Assailants From Afar

2013 • 25 épisodes

La saison 14 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 17 janvier 2013.

Gaara leads the Fourth Company into battle against the previous Kage, including his own father. Meanwhile Naruto and Killer Bee face the reanimated Itachi Uchiha, who recognises Naruto’s growth as a shinobi and his potential to rescue his brother, Sasuke, from his path of vengeance. Battles rage, and all must face enemies—as well as friends—they never expected to see again!

The Fourth Great Ninja War Sasuke and Itachi

The Fourth Great Ninja War Sasuke and Itachi

2013 • 28 épisodes

La saison 15 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 19 juillet 2013.

As the Fourth Great Ninja War rages on, the endless waves of Reanimated Shinobi take their toll as the Allied Shinobi Forces are forced to keep fighting their own fallen friends and comrades. Meanwhile, Naruto deepens his understanding of warfare, learning to sense the disguised White Zetsu sowing confusion and distrust among the Allied Forces. But all the effort and pain aren't for nothing, as Gaara and Ohnoki draw closer than ever to discovering who is really behind this devastating conflict.

Plus, we get a glimpse back into Naruto's training journey with Jiraiya, and join the original Team 7 on a mission when Sasuke was still with them!

Kakashi: Shadow of the Anbu Black Ops

Kakashi: Shadow of the Anbu Black Ops

2014 • 13 épisodes

La saison 16 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 6 février 2014.

Years before he became Naruto's teacher, Kakashi served as a member of the ANBU Black Ops team, so ruthless he earned the nickname "Cold-blooded Kakashi." But despite his reputation, he is haunted by the deaths of his closest friends during the Third Great Ninja War.

As he wrestles with his loss, Kakashi must uncover who is behind illegal genetic experimentation, survive threats from within his own organisation, escape capture at the hands of Orochimaru's followers, and battle a young shinobi who possesses formidable and very rare Wood Style Jutsu. And after these trials, another young ninja joins his unit–Itachi Uchiha!

The Fourth Great Ninja War The Return of Squad Seven

The Fourth Great Ninja War The Return of Squad Seven

2014 • 11 épisodes

La saison 17 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 15 mai 2014.

With Kakashi unable to get through to Obito, Naruto leaps to his Sensei's defense. The release of Ten Tails forces the Allied Shinobi Forces into an assault on Obito and Madara, but the powerful Tailed Beast proves to be a formidable enemy. The devastation is severe, but Hinata's words spur Naruto to continue fighting with renewed energy, while help arrives from unexpected quarters - including an old adversary! Will Naruto and the Allied Shinobi's efforts be enough to fend off destruction?

Fourth Great Ninja War Obito Uchiha Against the Shinobi Forces

Fourth Great Ninja War Obito Uchiha Against the Shinobi Forces

2014 • 21 épisodes

La saison 18 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 21 août 2014.

On the same side once more, Naruto and Sasuke prepare for battle as Obito absorbs the power of Ten Tails to become the tailed beast's Jinchuriki. As the other shinobi watch helplessly, Obito summons the Divine Tree and begins absorbing their chakra as he prepares to perform the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Naruto and his friends must rally their despairing allies to defeat Obito. But will the final battle truly be physical - or will it be a test of wills?

Naruto's Back The Tracks of His Friends

Naruto's Back The Tracks of His Friends

— • 20 épisodes

Naruto and the Allied Shinobi manage to extract Obito’s Tailed Beasts, leaving Madara as the final foe to defeat. Obito realizes the error of his ways, but Black Zetsu prevents him from interfering. Nine Tails is extracted from Naruto, and he and Sasuke are left near death. In the midst of all this, the turbulent history of the Hyuga clan and events that took place in the Leaf Village while Naruto trained with Jiraya are revealed!
Infinite Tsukuyomi The Invokation

Infinite Tsukuyomi The Invokation

2015 • 87 épisodes

La saison 20 de 나루토 질풍전 a été diffusée à partir du 28 mai 2015.

As Naruto and Sasuke lay near death, Kakashi and a reformed Obito prepare to confront Madara together. But Madara has gained the power of the Six Paths, and Guy may have to make the ultimate sacrifice and open the Gate of Death in order to fight him. But even that may not be enough once Madara activates the Infinite Tsukuyomi, trapping everyone in a dream world. Can this incredible power be broken?

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