Diskuse o Conan

Item: Season 1

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: This season is based on incorrect Year based season numbering. Please remove.

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@Powerhouse wrote:

Item: Season 1 Language: en-US Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Thanks for your report(s)! slight_smile

Extra Details: This season is based on incorrect Year based season numbering.

I'm going to hide all your other reports, because it's confusing to have a number of reports for the same issue. What you basically mean is -> in the list of seasons here:


the season numbering is wrong and has to be fixed.

Please remove.

The problem with removing is: We would loose the episode data within the seasons. I think it would be easier to rename them - but that can only be done by the admin Travis, not by us moderators. I'll keep this discussion open - I'm not sure what's the best way to go forward?!? thinking

Yeah, sorry about the many reports. First time doing this.

I was actually planning to spend today inputting all the episodes for seasons 1-9 today anyway so deleting the seasons that are numbered by year would be the way to go. The episode numbering within them will be off anyway as episode number 1 for each season would be the first episode aired that year so I'd have to edit every episode anyway. Whereas the first season would start on November 8th, 2010 and the second season should start at around the same date the next year. IMDB and TVDB have their episode guides divided into seasons not based on years so I was going to go by the dates they use for the first episode of each season. This would be in line with the way seasons and episodes are listed in the similar show "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" (https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/4573-late-night-with-conan-o-brien), which I also plan to fill in at some point. That one is a little trickier as there are already plenty of numbering and air date mistakes from about season 7 onward, whereas with "Conan" I will basically be working with a blank slate.


Hey @Powerhouse,

I just came from work and see that you already add data. This is just a quick and short response with 2 important questions:

1.) Are you 100% sure that you can trust the data on IMDb and TVDb for that show? (Here at TMDb, we usually try to look on the official network and use their data - if that's available, of course.)

2.) Are you 100% sure that the seasons are officially split/divided in the way that IMDb/TVDb do it? (For example, if the network does not count the episodes in any seasons, we put all episodes in 1 season.)

I can't answer those 2 questions right now, and I don't know/watch the show -> that's why you have to be sure that this is the correct way to add the data. It would be a mistake if, at the end, we have to change it again because that's not 100% correct.

I have to eat something and go get some groceries, but after that I can help clean up the wrong seasons. Well, if I don't fall asleep, that is. grin bed sleeping

Hi Janar,

I'm actually not using the data from IMDB or TVDB to fill the seasons, I was only citing their date that determines the first episode of each season. The dates they have chosen make logical sense as they are the first show of the week closest to November the 8th - the first airing date of the show. It makes sense since you wouldn't start a season in the middle of a week of shows. It is also how the TMDB listing for Late Night with Conan O'Brien is laid out. As for the rest of their data, I don't trust either site to do a very good job on accuracy. IMDB in particular I find is rarely correct about any listing they have so must be taken with a grain of salt.

As far as dates and episode titles, I'm cross-referencing using a variety of sources for the episode titles, which they only use up until 28th January 2014, after which they revert to titleing each episode with the featured guests. For the guests I am checking my own collection of every episode which I have painstakingly named by watching each episode intro and added each guest in and confirmed the spelling so I know they are correct for sure. I checked the dates for the episodes on the Teamcoco/TBS website schedule page at the time they first aired to confirm the correct air dates in the filenames. I'm also checking these against several sources and there seems to be no errors so far.

Unfortunately there is no official source material for this show as with many, if not all, late night talk shows. Since that is the case there is also no official splitting of seasons that I'm aware of... however if you were to put all episodes into one season, this would result in a single season with over 1200 episodes and counting, which would probably be somewhat of a messy concept to Kodi users and the like. I am splitting the show into seasons because:

1.) It makes logical sense that a complete year of shows would comprise one season of the show.

2.) The TMDB listing for Late Night with Conan O'Brien (which is basically the exact same show) is also split into seasons based on one year worth of episodes per season, using the same formula: the first episode of the week closest to the original air date is marked as the start of each season.

3.) Seperate seasons for a show with this many episodes will be much less cluttered and easier to navigate.

4.) The show listing here at TMDB already included seasons 1-9 although few or no episodes had been added to each season.

5.) Each of those seasons already has a well made poster.

I've finished inputting the information for the first two seasons and that is all I have time for today. I'll probably leave the rest until this is all resolved I guess. I hope you will be happy to leave the show split into the 9 seasons and simply remove the seasons that are named by year.

Have a good sleep.

@Powerhouse wrote:

I'm actually not using the data from IMDB or TVDB to fill the seasons, I was only citing their date that determines the first episode of each season. The dates they have chosen make logical sense as they are the first show of the week closest to November the 8th - the first airing date of the show. It makes sense since you wouldn't start a season in the middle of a week of shows. It is also how the TMDB listing for Late Night with Conan O'Brien is laid out. As for the rest of their data, I don't trust either site to do a very good job on accuracy. IMDB in particular I find is rarely correct about any listing they have so must be taken with a grain of salt.

Okay, I understand now. I was just scared that you might want to use IMDb's data ... scream_cat

As far as dates and episode titles, I'm cross-referencing using a variety of sources for the episode titles, which they only use up until 28th January 2014, after which they revert to titleing each episode with the featured guests. For the guests I am checking my own collection of every episode which I have painstakingly named by watching each episode intro and added each guest in and confirmed the spelling so I know they are correct for sure. I checked the dates for the episodes on the Teamcoco/TBS website schedule page at the time they first aired to confirm the correct air dates in the filenames. I'm also checking these against several sources and there seems to be no errors so far.

Okay, this all sounds wonderful - you're truly the expert here! open_mouth

Unfortunately there is no official source material for this show as with many, if not all, late night talk shows. Since that is the case there is also no official splitting of seasons that I'm aware of...

Yes, about that: I was looking at other talk shows here on TMDb and how we usually handle the season split. And it's exactly how you suggested it and how it is organized at TVDb (as far as I could see). So, I think you can go on with adding episodes to the seasons as planned.

however if you were to put all episodes into one season, this would result in a single season with over 1200 episodes and counting, which would probably be somewhat of a messy concept to Kodi users and the like.

This might be true, but there are actually long running shows without any seasons that we put into 1 season -> for example, another Conan, Detective Conan (the episodes are officially numbered, too):


It looks messy, but we can always create episode groups to make them more accessible (and as far as I know, Kodi user can use those episode groups - somehow).

Anyhow: I'm okay with splitting the seasons in the way you proposed.

I've finished inputting the information for the first two seasons and that is all I have time for today. I'll probably leave the rest until this is all resolved I guess. I hope you will be happy to leave the show split into the 9 seasons and simply remove the seasons that are named by year.

I started to went through the existing data of the wrongly numbered seasons and copied the ID's and a few backdrops in season 1 and partly season 2. The downside of many backdrops is: They include the network logo (which is not allowed here on TMDb) and the quality isn't really good (too small, pixely). I wish there were better one's; I couldn't find the time to search for better backdrops.

About removing the wrong seasons -> I think it's more practical for me when I remove them after you fill the new seasons. This way, I can compare the ID's, and it's easier to detect mistakes. I hope that's okay for you - I don't see any problems with that.

Have a good sleep.

Haha, thanks. smile_cat Eventually, I kept awake the whole day but now I'm practically sleep-awake! joy

Thanks for all your work on this Janar. I'll continue inputting the episodes as time allows and reply here when it's all done so you can remove the wrong seasons.

As for the season posters, you are right about the quality... I hadn't looked at them close up to realise how bad they look. I'll see what I can do about recreating the same posters in higher quality in photoshop. The source images shouldn't be too hard to find.


@Powerhouse wrote:

Thanks for all your work on this Janar. I'll continue inputting the episodes as time allows and reply here when it's all done so you can remove the wrong seasons.

Yes, that's a deal! laughing

As for the season posters, you are right about the quality...

No, I didn't mean the season posters. I meant the episode backdrops. Here, for example:


They are all this tiny and in pretty bad quality! But I'm afraid we won't find better backdrops for this show. And, unfortunately, many of them contain network logos (ONE and TWO) -> I can't copy/paste them from the old "wrong" seasons because those logos are not allowed here on TMDb. worried

I hadn't looked at them close up to realise how bad they look. I'll see what I can do about recreating the same posters in higher quality in photoshop. The source images shouldn't be too hard to find.

Okay, if you find the time, go for it! smiley_cat

Ah the backdrops. I see what you mean. I'll consider doing screencaps from my collection and editing out the logo, but as I have the collection in Standard Definition (to save space) the max resolution I could achieve would be 624x352 or thereabouts. It's a bit of a step up but not a whole lot. I think I might be able to automate screengrabs from all my files and batch process them in Photoshop... I'll look into it.

Hello Powerhouse,

I hope you are alright! sunglasses

This is just for info -> I spent today to catch up with you, and now we are at the same point, episode 1 in season 5, here:


I was able to remove all wrong seasons except for this one, 2015:


I'm going to remove it when you add the data to seasons 5 and 6 in the future.

About the backdrops:

Ah the backdrops. I see what you mean. I'll consider doing screencaps from my collection and editing out the logo, but as I have the collection in Standard Definition (to save space) the max resolution I could achieve would be 624x352 or thereabouts. It's a bit of a step up but not a whole lot. I think I might be able to automate screengrabs from all my files and batch process them in Photoshop... I'll look into it.

Yes, that would be great, if you find the time! Many of the old backdrops included network logos, and I couldn't use them. The most important thing is that they have to be in good quality in the size that you upload them. Otherwise we have to wait until someone else finds good backdrops in the future. fingers_crossed_tone5

Thanks Janar, just got busy IRL lately but planning on coming back to this as soon as I can to finish it off.

I'll reply here when it's done.


@Powerhouse wrote:

Thanks Janar, just got busy IRL lately but planning on coming back to this as soon as I can to finish it off.

Of course, I understand. grinning

I'll reply here when it's done.


I’ve added all the episodes missing on every season so I think season 2015 can be removed now. There’s just the backdrops missing but that’s another struggle! 😅

@jmjviana wrote:

I’ve added all the episodes missing on every season so I think season 2015 can be removed now.

Oh, that's great! Thank you so much! kissing_cat

And I'm very sorry about my reply to your report -> I should've taken a look at your changes! face_palm_tone4

I have to finish something else first, but when I'm done with that, I'll take care of season 2015! grin

There’s just the backdrops missing but that’s another struggle! 😅

Yes, that - and someone with lots of time could add all the guests of the show as cast to each episode ... see_no_evil

Good on you jmjviana, saved me a few hours work. grin

Hello @Powerhouse and @jmjviana,

here's an update with a question and a link for backdrop pics:

1.) I removed season 2015 today - now the season structure should be correct:


I'm not done with adding all IMDb and TVDb ID's for each episode, because it's a boring task. I'll finish this day by day when I find some motivation - it's not very urgent anyways. see_no_evil

2.) I have a question regarding the following episode:


The original air date added is November 28, 2018. When I go back to the posts before, @Powerhouse decided the following regarding the episode structure:

"The episode numbering within them will be off anyway as episode number 1 for each season would be the first episode aired that year so I'd have to edit every episode anyway. Whereas the first season would start on November 8th, 2010 and the second season should start at around the same date the next year. [...] The TMDB listing for Late Night with Conan O'Brien (which is basically the exact same show) is also split into seasons based on one year worth of episodes per season, using the same formula: the first episode of the week closest to the original air date is marked as the start of each season."

Doesn't this mean that this episode 117 should be episode 1 in the next season? Because November 28th is after November 8th? Or is that irrelevant, because it's the closest episode?!? thinking

3.) The official coco website provides or at least did provide proper backdrop pics without logos - the following url is an example for that:


If you look at the url, you can go back by changing the url according to the air date:


I have no idea how many pages there are - maybe the Wayback Machine Site Map can help finding those faster?!? I don't have time to do this on my own - this is something a fan of the show has to figure out in the future and add those backdrops accordingly. Or backdrops from a different source ...

If there's anything else I can do regarding this TMDb entry, just reply here in this report and I'll take a look at it. I hope I didn't forget anything ... grinning

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