Jaksot 10


Episodio 1

31 lokakuu 201745m

A dangerous terrorist is on the loose and it's up to Section 20 to find him.

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Episodio 2

7 marraskuu 201745m

Section 20 start to close in on terrorist Omair Idrisi and his wife Jane Lowry, but the team is forced to extract devious arms dealer Morgan Ives from Libya.

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Episodio 3

14 marraskuu 201745m

As Jane Lowry surfaces in Budapest, Mac and Wyatt are forced to go undercover to infiltrate a dangerous group of white supremacists that has something she needs.

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Episodio 4

21 marraskuu 201745m

Things aren't looking good for Mac. He's blown his cover and is now facing certain death. Donovan digs into Zarin's past... and she doesn't like what she learns.

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Episodio 5

28 marraskuu 201745m

Section 20 must stop Lowry and Dr Markov from making and unleashing a deadly chemical weapon. In desperate need of intel, Novin infiltrates a drug lord's home.

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Episodio 6

31 tammikuu 201845m

Locked, loaded and set to resume their high-stakes mission, Section 20 are back. And they've got a big problem on their hands.

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Episodio 7

7 helmikuu 201845m

It's Section 20 vs Jane Lowry in a race to get to Omair Idrisi. It's a mission that hurls comms officer Jensen into extreme danger. Contains sexual scenes.

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Episodio 8

14 helmikuu 201845m

Watch out for a massive twist as Jensen digs into Project Tenebrae. Things don't go to plan for Mac and Wyatt as they storm a black site in search of Idrisi.

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Episodio 9

21 helmikuu 201845m

The team run into trouble as they race to get Idrisi back across Europe. The surprises keep coming as they learn the truth about Jensen and Project Tenebrae.

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Episodio 10

Season Finale
28 helmikuu 201845m

Section 20 are desperate to clear their names. And to do so, they hatch a big and wreckless plan.

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