鈴村健一 as Lavi (voice)

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Der Junge, der Akuma jagt

ოქტომბერი 3, 200625m

Das Böse breitet sich auf der ganzen Welt aus, und der junge Exorzist Allen Walker ist die größte Hoffnung der Menschheit, um den aufziehenden Sturm zu überstehen.

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Der Schwarze Orden

ოქტომბერი 10, 200625m

Das hatte sich Allen anders vorgestellt. Als er bei dem Hauptquartier des Schwarzen Ordens eintrifft, wird er für einen Verbündeten des Millennium-Grafen gehalten und vom Exorzisten Yu Kanda attackiert, doch zum Glück findet sich der Brief, mit dem Marschall Cross Marian seinen Schützling im Orden angekündigt.

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Der Geist von Matehl

ოქტომბერი 17, 200625m

Ausgerechnet mit dem unsympathischen Kanda wird Allen auf eine Mission geschickt. Ihr Ziel ist die antike Stadt Matehl, in der ein Geist hausen soll. Der Orden vermutet, dass es dort Innocence gibt. Der Voraustrupp der Finder kann den Geist mit Hilfe einer Barriere schützen, aber gegen die Übermacht der Akuma sind sie machtlos. Mit einem Akuma liefert sich Allen einen verbissenen Kampf.

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Die Arie vom uralten Land und der einsamen Nacht

ოქტომბერი 24, 200625m

Allen erfährt, dass Gusor, der Geist von Matehl, eine alte Puppe ist, die von den Bewohnern der mittlerweile zerfallenen Stadt konstruiert wurde, um sie durch Tanz und Gesang zum Lachen zu bringen. Als die Bewohner die Stadt verließen, ließen sie die Puppe zurück. Während Allen weiter mit dem Level 2 Akuma kämpft, will Kanda der Puppe das Herz herausreißen, um an das Innocence zu gelangen.

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Lass mich dein Wiegenlied hören

ოქტომბერი 31, 200625m

Allen erfährt, dass Lala die Puppe ist, die seit Jahrhunderten in der verlassenen Stadt Matehl lebt. Durch das Innocence in ihrem Herzen konnte sie so lange funktionieren. Gusor war ein kleiner Junge, der sich in die verlassene Stadt verirrte, und gerne zuhörte, wie Lala für ihn sang. Seit über 80 Jahren leben die beiden nun in den Ruinen und sind unzertrennlich geworden.

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Wer das Unheil herbeiruft

ნოემბერი 7, 200625m

Auf dem Weg zurück zum Schwarzen Orden treffen Allen und Toma einen kleinen Jungen namens Jean. Zusammen mit seinem besten Freund Leo hat er eine Patrouille zusammengestellt, um in der Stadt nach Akuma Ausschau zu halten. Tatsächlich erkennt Jean einen der Dämonen, den Allen kurz darauf besiegt.

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Grabstein der Erinnerung

ნოემბერი 14, 200625m

Jean begreift, dass Akuma Wesen sind, in denen eine Seele eingeschlossen ist, die leidet. Er bittet Allen, seinen Freund Leo aus diesem Gefängnis zu befreien und das Akuma zu zerstören. Allen und Linali gelingt es, die Akuma, die der Millennium-Graf gegen sie in Stellung bringt, zu besiegen.

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Ein Verwüstungszwischenfall im schwarzen Orden

ნოემბერი 21, 200625m

Komui überrascht seine Abteilung mit seiner neusten Erfindung: Einen Superroboter, der sie entlasten und ihre Arbeit halbieren soll. Alle sind begeistert. Bis zu dem Moment, als sich der Roboter einen Becher Kaffee schnappt und auf einen Zug leert. Seine Elektronik ist ruiniert, er hat nur noch ein Ziel, jemanden zu operieren.

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Die Stadt, in der sich die Zeit zurückspult

ნოემბერი 28, 200625m

Allen und Linali gelangen in eine deutsche Stadt, in der die Zeit stehen geblieben ist. Jeder Morgen beginnt immer wieder am 28. Oktober und die verschüchterte Miranda scheint die einzige Bewohnerin zu sein, die dieses Phänomen bemerkt. Komui bittet seine Exorzisten zu prüfen, ob Innocence der Auslöser für die Zeitschleife ist.

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Das Innocence der unglücklichen Frau

დეკემბერი 5, 200625m

Noch immer befindet sich die deutsche Stadt in einer Zeitschleife. Allen und Linali haben die ersten Kämpfe gegen die Akuma unbeschadet überstanden. Sie nehmen Kontakt zu Miranda auf und finden heraus, dass sie eine Kompatible ist, die sich unbewusst mit dem Innocence aus ihrer Standuhr synchronisiert hat.

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Das Erwachen der Miranda Lotto

დეკემბერი 12, 200625m

Rhode Camelot und die Akuma halten Linali und Miranda gefangen. Auch die Uhr, die das nächste Fragment Innocence in sich trägt, befindet sich in ihrem Besitz. Die Sache scheint aussichtslos für die Exorzisten. Allen hat bei seinem Kampf lebensbedrohliche Wunden davon getragen. Doch Miranda will ihn nicht einfach sterben lassen und kümmert sich um ihn.

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Schnee fällt auf die Stadt

დეკემბერი 19, 200625m

Rhode genießt es, dem Kampf von Allen und Linali gegen die Akuma zuzusehen. Sie ist beeindruckt, wie er versucht, die Seele eines Akumas zu retten, dem sie befohlen hat, sich selbst zu zerstören, damit die Seele vernichtet wird. Dabei passiert etwas Schreckliches: Allens linkes Auge wird verletzt und seine Akuma-Erkennung funktioniert nicht mehr.

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Mit meinem Mantel

დეკემბერი 26, 200625m

Allen erfährt, dass sein neuer Freund Rabi nicht nur Exorzist, sondern auch Schüler des Bookman ist. Die Bookmen sind die Chronisten des Ordens, sie sammeln Informationen, die nicht in den Büchern stehen. Komui erfährt vom Bookman alles über das Geschlecht der Noahs. Aufgrund seines verletzten Auges kann Allen keine Akuma erkennen und gerät in eine gefährliche Situation.

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Blätter der Wiederbelebung

იანვარი 9, 200725m

Allen, Lavi und Kanda untersuchen eine Region, die von heftigen Wetterumschwüngen heimgesucht wird. Die Exorzisten glauben, dass Unschuld daran schuld sein könnte, aber einige Einheimische glauben an eine mysteriöse Legende.

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Der Schneesturm endet

იანვარი 16, 200725m

Allen und seine Kameraden treffen auf eine Familie, die es geschafft hat, dem Griff des Millennium Earl zu entkommen – aber den Verwüstungen eines hilflosen, untröstlichen Vaters erlag.

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Der Jahrtausend Kämpfer

იანვარი 23, 200725m

Als der Schwarze Orden von einem wilden Krieger erfährt, der seit über tausend Jahren alle Gegner besiegt hat, deuten alle Anzeichen auf eine Beteiligung von Unschuld hin.

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Der Stolz der Schwertkämpfer

იანვარი 30, 200725m

Vittorio kämpft für eine lange vergessene Prinzessin. Allen, Kanda und Lenalee müssen das edle Tier von seiner mysteriösen Waffe trennen – oder den Zorn seines Schwertes erleiden.

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Lenalees Liebe

თებერვალი 7, 200725m

Von Verdacht getrieben, entfesselt Lenalees Bruder Sir Komlin den Dritten. Während der riesige Roboter Chaos anrichtet, bleibt eine Bedrohung mit Absichten, die aus dem größten Übel der Welt stammen, unbemerkt.

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Der Vampir der alten Burg

თებერვალი 13, 200725m

Allen wird geschickt, um nach seinem alten Meister zu suchen - General Cross. In einer fast menschenleeren Bergstadt erfährt er von einer Prophezeiung, die er erfüllen soll.

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Gib dein Bestes Bestes, Exorzist-sama

თებერვალი 20, 200725m

Krory hat wieder angefangen, sich vom Blut der Lebenden zu ernähren. Allen und Lavi müssen die Burg überfallen und seiner Schreckensherrschaft ein Ende setzen.

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Krory greift an

თებერვალი 27, 200725m

Auf einer Erkundungsmission in das Herz von Krorys Versteck treffen Allen und Lavi auf eine dämonische Armee von Pflanzen mit einem wahren Hunger nach Menschenfleisch.

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Eliades Wahrheit

მარტი 6, 200725m

Allens alter Meister prophezeite, dass ein Mitglied des Schwarzen Ordens zurückkehren würde, um die Geschäfte mit der dunklen Bedrohung Krory abzuschließen, und jetzt ist die Zeit der Abrechnung gekommen.

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Den Vampir, den ich liebte

მარტი 13, 200725m

Krory und Eliade kommen von den entgegengesetzten Seiten eines unaufhörlichen Krieges. Die Liebenden haben es geschafft, einen kurzen Moment des Trostes zusammen zu finden, aber letztendlich müssen Feinde als Feinde leben.

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Krorys Abreise

მარტი 20, 200725m

Aus der Asche einer brennenden Burg entsteht eine neue Generation von Kriegern. Vorbei ist der vampische Killer - neu geboren ist der naive Exorzist Krory.

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Die Ketten des Generals

მარტი 27, 200725m

Allen begegnet Yeeger – dem ältesten General des Schwarzen Ordens. Nach einem erbitterten Kampf, einem großzügigen Mahl und einer herzzerreißenden Verlustgeschichte wird der Geist des Exorzisten erneuert.

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Der Anfang vom Ende

აპრილი 3, 200725m

Allen sehnt sich nach einer Vaterfigur, die seinen Lebensweg erhellt, und der Millennium Earl weckt den Clan von Noah auf, um nach dem Herzen der Unschuld zu suchen.

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Mein Lehrmeister, General Cross

აპრილი 10, 200725m

Der Millennium Earl ruft den Clan von Noah herbei, und die Vergangenheit kehrt Allen zurück, als er und Lenalee beauftragt werden, General Cross zu beschützen.

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Exorzist Krory

აპრილი 17, 200725m

Auf der Suche nach dem Herzen der Unschuld jagt der Clan von Noah brutal die Generäle des Schwarzen Ordens. Unterdessen bereitet sich Krory auf seine erste Solo-Mission vor.

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Die Person, die Seelen verkauft (1)

აპრილი 24, 200725m

Lenalee und Allen besuchen ein scheinbar ruhiges Dorf, in dem der Exorzist und sein Meister einst glücklichere Tage verbrachten. Sie finden keine Spur von General Cross - nur eine beunruhigende Anzahl von Beerdigungen.

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Die Person, die Seelen verkauft (2)

მაისი 1, 200725m

Allen und Lenalee vermuten, dass ein Krankenhausdirektor sein Los mit dem Millennium Earl geworfen hat. Um ihren Verdacht zu bestätigen, geht Lenalee als Krankenschwester undercover.

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Verlorenes Kind, Miranda

მაისი 8, 200725m

Das Böse verfolgt Miranda, als sie zum Hauptquartier des Schwarzen Ordens reist. Nur mit ihrer kostbaren Uhr als Reisebegleiterin muss sie sich auf die Freundlichkeit von Fremden verlassen, um ihr Ziel zu erreichen.

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Mysteriöses Geisterschiff

მაისი 15, 200725m

Allen infiltriert eine Bande aufstrebender Piraten. Als die Gruppe in gefährliche Gewässer gerät, setzt der Exorzist sein Leben aufs Spiel, um seine neuen Freunde vor einem vertrauten Feind zu retten.

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Das Dorf in dem eine Hexe lebt (1)

მაისი 22, 200725m

Eine mysteriöse Korrespondenz über den Aufenthaltsort von General Cross veranlasst Kanda, sich auf eine geheime Mission zu stehlen, aber seine abtrünnigen Pläne werden schnell aufgegeben, um Berichten über Hexerei nachzugehen.

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Das Dorf in dem eine Hexe lebt (2)

მაისი 29, 200725m

Als die Leute eines abgelegenen Dorfes beginnen, dem Geflüster über eine Hexe zu glauben, die nachts durch die Straßen geistert, findet Kanda plötzlich Akuma in der Unterlegenheit.

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Der Exorzist, der den Wind trägt

ივნისი 5, 200725m

Suman Dark ist ein Exorzist mit unglaublichen Kräften, aber zu Beginn einer wichtigen Mission zeigt er eine abschreckende Verachtung für eine Gruppe von Kindern, die von Wölfen gejagt werden.

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Kapitel der Finsternis

ივნისი 12, 200725m

Der Millennium Earl versammelt den Clan von Noah zu einem chaotischen und gewalttätigen Frühstück. Während Exorzisten überall um ihr Leben kämpfen, verteilt der Earl Karten mit mörderischen Implikationen.

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Die Nachbarschafts Glocke Charity Bell

ივნისი 19, 200725m

General Tiedoll könnte den Schlüssel zum Auffinden des Herzens der Unschuld in der Hand haben, daher ist es dringend erforderlich, dass der Schwarze Orden ihn vor den Schergen des Millennium Earl ausfindig macht.

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Froi Tiedoll

ივნისი 26, 200725m

Schwärme von Akuma verfolgen General Tiedoll nach Barcelona, ​​und Allen und Lenalee rennen auf die belagerte Stadt zu, um ihre Kameraden zu retten.

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Sarg des Schweigens

ივლისი 3, 200725m

Der Schwarze Orden unterdrückt die Akuma-Streitkräfte bei Barcelona, ​​aber viele gehen im Kampf verloren. Als Allen und Lenalee sich auf den Weg machen, um General Cross zu finden, sucht Tidoll nach neuen Rekruten.

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Rosen der ruhenden Seelen

ივლისი 10, 200725m

Lavi und Krory werden geschickt, um Allen und Lenalee zu beschützen, während sie weiter nach General Cross suchen. Ihre Suche wird unterbrochen, als Akuma ein Rosenfest angreift.

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Eine neue Assassine

ივლისი 17, 200725m

Allen und seine Freunde sind in einer regennassen Nacht gestrandet und werden von einer schwarzen Katze in eine Falle gelockt, aber ein knurrender Magen könnte sich als ihre Rettung erweisen.

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Die Falle der schwarzen Katze

ივლისი 24, 200725m

Lulu Bell legt eine entwaffnende Verkleidung an und führt Krory in einen Hinterhalt in der Wüste und setzt ihren hinterhältigen Plan in Gang, Allen und seine Kameraden zu spalten und zu erobern.

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Wandernde Steinstatue

ივლისი 31, 200725m

Krorys und Allens versuchter Rendezvous mit Lavi und Lenalee wird durch ihre Untersuchung einer wandelnden Statue entgleist. Ist es Unschuld am Arbeitsplatz oder nur eine weitere Falle?

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Das Dienstmädchen mit den Fächern aus Stahl

აგვისტო 7, 200725m

Lenalees Zustand verschlechtert sich und Lavi weiß, dass er sie zur sofortigen Behandlung nach Bookman bringen muss; seine kühne Rettung einer Jungfrau in Not könnte ihn jedoch seine Unschuld kosten.

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Eine seltsame Villa

აგვისტო 14, 200725m

General Tiedoll liebt es, die schöne Landschaft zu malen, die er vorfindet, aber Kanda ist begierig auf Action. Vielleicht wird ein Akuma-Ausbruch in einer ungewöhnlichen Burg ihre beiden Bedürfnisse befriedigen.

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Das Schneephantom

აგვისტო 21, 200725m

Auf der Suche nach einem Führer, der sie durch einen tückischen Bergpass führt, tappen Allen und Krory in eine hinterhältige Falle. Bald werden sie von Visionen der Vergangenheit heimgesucht.

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Das Kristallmädchen

აგვისტო 28, 200725m

Allen und seine Freunde kommen in einem Dorf an, das von einer mysteriösen Wasserknappheit heimgesucht wird. Ihre Ermittlungen führen sie zu einer Wahrsagerin, die Lenalee aus einer verstörenden Vision erkennt.

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Der unsichere Gastwirt

სექტემბერი 4, 200725m

Bookman und Lenalee verfolgen den schwindenden Wasservorrat auf eine verängstigte Wahrsagerin zurück, deren Kristallkugel möglicherweise ein Unschuldsfragment ist.

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Lulubell-samas Glocke

სექტემბერი 11, 200725m

Bevor Mei Ling ihre Ausbildung zur Exorzistin beginnen kann, muss sie ihre Gabe nutzen, um ihren neuen Freunden zu helfen, eine weitere tödliche Begegnung mit der geistesgestörten Mimi zu überleben.

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Aufrichtige Gefühle

სექტემბერი 18, 200725m

Die Exorzisten begeben sich auf eine gefährliche Mission, um Mei Ling ins Hauptquartier zu transportieren, aber Lulu Bell vom Noah-Clan wartet mit einer Überraschung auf sie.

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Segel setzen aus dem Fernen Osten

Season Finale
სექტემბერი 25, 200725m

Allen und seine Freunde setzen ihre Suche nach General Cross fort. Nachdem sie an seinem letzten bekannten Aufenthaltsort angekommen sind, erhalten sie eine schrecklich entmutigende Nachricht.

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ოქტომბერი 2, 200725m

Allen und die anderen Exorzisten brechen mit Anitas Schiff nach Japan auf. Nachdem sie den Hafen verlassen haben, treffen sie jedoch auf einen großen Schwarm Akuma.

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Fallen One

ოქტომბერი 9, 200725m

Allen und Lenalee erfahren, was mit Suman Dark passiert ist, er war ein Exorzist, welcher seine eigene Einheit angegriffen hatte und nun verschwunden ist. Trotz allem beschließen Allen und Lenalee, ihn zu retten.

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The Beginning of the Night of the End

ოქტომბერი 16, 200725m

Sobald Allen frei ist, versucht Allen, Suman davon abzuhalten, weitere Zerstörung anzurichten. Währenddessen bittet Lenalee Komui um Informationen über den Gefallenen.

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A Scream

ოქტომბერი 23, 200725m

Allen versucht, Suman daran zu hindern, ein nahegelegenes Dorf zu zerstören, indem er die Synchronisationsrate seines Innocence auf das Leistungsmaximum erhöht. Während er darum kämpft, die Gefallenen zu stoppen, kehrt Allens Innocence in den Normalzustand zurück und wird schwer beschädigt, was ihm starke Schmerzen zufügt. Währenddessen erfährt Lenalee von Komui die Wahrheit über den Gefallenen und Sumans Schicksal.

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ოქტომბერი 30, 200725m

Der riesige Körper von Suman beginnt zu zerfallen, und Allen verschwendet keine Zeit damit, seinen Innocence zu aktivieren, doch leider beginnt sein Arm unter starken Schmerzen zu leiden, als er versucht, Sumans Innocence zu entfernen. Wie durch ein Wunder gelingt es Allen, Suman und seinen Innocence aus dem Körper zu befreien. Suman ist noch am Leben, aber leider ist sein Geist verloren.

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Loss and Reunion

ნოემბერი 6, 200725m

Nachdem Allen gesehen hat, wie Suman vor seinen Augen zerfällt, begegnet er Tyki Mikk, der nicht nur die teuflischen Schmetterlinge namens Tease kontrolliert, sondern auch die Fähigkeit besitzt, nach Belieben durch alles hindurchzugehen. Er reißt Allen den linken Arm ab und vernichtet seinen Innocence. Da Allen weiß, dass im nicht viel Zeit zum Leben bleibt, befiehlt er Timcanpy, mit Sumans Innocence zu fliehen. Tyki findet mit Hilfe seines kleinen Kartenwächters, Cell Roron, heraus, dass Allen auf seiner Todesliste steht, daher stößt er seine Hand in Allens Herz, wodurch ein Loch entsteht, welches ihn langsam tötet. Als der Mond in den Wald scheint, stolpert ein rosahaariges Mädchen über den sterbenden Allen...

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Asian Branch

ნოემბერი 13, 200725m

Nach der Rettung von Timcanpy vor den verbliebenen Akuma folgen Lavi und Lenalee, Timcanpy, dort müssen sie jedoch feststellen, dass Allen nicht mehr dort ist. Timcanpy zeigt Lavi und Lenalee, Erinnerungen was vorgefallen war, die beiden Exorzisten sind zutiefst beunruhigt. Bei ihrer Rückkehr zum Hafen erklärt ein Mann von der Asienabteilung namens Wong, Allen sei gefunden und in ihrem Hauptquartier (womit er andeutet, dass Allen tot sei), zudem meint er, dass die Exorzisten ihre Reise nach Japan ohne Allen fortsetzen sollen, aber als sein Ersatz, Miranda Lotto mitnehmen, ist es ihr möglich die Schäden am Schiff durch ihrer Anti-Akuma Waffe zu beheben, sodass die Exorzisten ihre Reise fortsetzen können?

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The Road of the Pledged

ნოემბერი 20, 200725m

Allen öffnet endlich die Augen und fragt sich, wie er noch am Leben sein kann. Bak, der Chef des asiatischen Hauptquartiers, erzählt ihm, dass sein eigener Innocence ihm das Leben rettete, indem es die Form einer Partikelwolke annahm und so das Loch in seinem Herzen füllte. Allen ist fest entschlossen, zu seinen Gefährten in Edo zurückzukehren und sein Versprechen an Mana zu erfüllen, er schwört, seine Innocence um jeden Preis zu reparieren, doch er stellt fest, dass es nicht so einfach ist, wie er erst dachte! Zudem trifft Allen auf Wong, den Assistenten von Bak, zudem auf Fou, die Wächterin des asiatischen Hauptquartiers, und auf drei Mitarbeiter der Abteilung: Rikei, Shifu und Lou Fa.

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ნოემბერი 27, 200725m

Entschlossen alles nötige aufzubringen, um sein Innocence wiederherzustellen, beginnt Allen sein training mit Fou, indem Allen im Kampf mit Fou unermüdlich versucht sein Innocence zu aktivieren. In der Zwischenzeit kehren Kommandant Klaud Nine und Kommandant Winters Sokaro zum Orden zurück, nachdem sie erfuhrten das ihre Exorzisten-Einheiten tot sei.

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Sinking Darkness

დეკემბერი 4, 200725m

Zurück auf dem Schiff in Richtung Edo, akzeptiert Lenalee letzten Endes Allens Abwesenheit und zieht ihre neue Uniform an. Ungeachtet dessen verbleibt ihr Schiff jedoch im Kampf mit einem Level 3. Akuma namens Eshii, welcher ein ehemaliger Autor war, dementsprechend hat der Akuma die Angewohnheit vor jeder Attacke „Titel“ zu sagen. Lavi, Krory und Bookman kämpfen erbittert gegen Eshii, allerdings ist ihr Gegner zu starke und Bookman unterlag infolgedessen seiner Verletzung, aus diesem Grund, entschloss sich Lenalee das Schiff zu verlassen um die große Bedrohung vom Schiff wegzulocken.

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Maiden Who Has Fallen into Darkness

დეკემბერი 11, 200725m

Lenalee und Eshii setzen ihren erbitterten Kampf im Himmel fort, währenddessen ihr Schiff unter Offensive des Gegners litt. Viele Crewmitglieder standen unter ebenfalls unter Beschuss und starben, sie konnten jedoch durch Miranda's Innocence wiederauferstehen. Um zu helfen versucht Lavi herauszufinden, wie er einen unsichtbaren Feind besiegen kann. Mitlerweile erreicht der Kampf zwischen Lenalee und Eshii die Wasseroberfläche, so kann Eshii seine wahre Kraft offenbaren. Er benutzt Dunkle Materie um Ketten rund um Lenalee und das Schiff zu spannen, diese Ketten erhöhen die Schwerkraft, sodass die Schiffsmitlieder Unterwasser gedrückt werden. Somit fällt es Lenalee schwer, sich über dem Wasser zu halten, zusätzlich drückt Eshii sie hinunter, sodass sie in den Wassermaßen versinkt. Lavi und Krory tüftelten ein Plan aus, welcher ihn hilft, die Akumas besser zu töten.

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Ship Stalled, Girl Remains Absent

დეკემბერი 18, 200725m

Lenalee, erinnert sich an Allen und an das, was sie ihm über ihre Weltanschauung gesagt hat. Hiernach treibt Lenalee ihr Innocence an ihr Maximum sodass sie ihre Grenzen überschreitet, somit ist es ihr möglich Eshii's Kraft zu übertreffen.

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დეკემბერი 25, 200725m

Während Lenalee gegen den Akuma der 3. Stufe kämpft, versuchen die Matrosen und Exorzisten auf dem Schiff, das Schiff vor weiteren Akuma zu schützen. Nachdem sie die Akuma endlich besiegten, warteten sie nun sehnsüchtig auf Lenalees Rückkehr.

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იანვარი 8, 200825m

Lenalee wurde von ihren Innocence beschützt und mit hilfe von Cross Marian's konverierten Akuma, gelang es Lavi Lenalee zurück zum Schiff zu bringen, jedoch ist es Lenalee nicht mehr fähig zu Laufen. Ein Akuma auf lvl. 2 erklärt, dass es in Japan mehrere Akuma auf lvl. 2 und auch auf noch mit höheren Level gibt. Nachdem sie die Gefahren abwagen setzten sie die Reise nach Japan fort, Miranda deaktivierte ihr Innocence sodass sie nicht mehr die Crew vor ihren sicheren Tot bewaren konnten. Drei Crewmitglieder überlebten und folgten den Exorzisten nach Edo um Cross Marian zu finden, währendessen versucht Allen weiterhin seinen Innocence in die ursprüngliche Form zu rematerialisieren.

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Confusion and Impatience

იანვარი 15, 200825m

The 5 exorcists and a few surviving sailors finally arrived at Japan, but Miranda was too exhausted and Lenalee unable to walk. Chomesuke( Her body is named Sachiko which Lavi occationally calls her that.), a Lv 2 Cross-modified Akuma, told them about the 300 years of Japan's history under the control of the Earl. While heading to Edo, they run into three of the Lv 3 Akumas, who hunted down a Lv 2 Akuma and hungrily and cruelly ate it. Chomesuke was caught by one of the Akuma who proves to be more than a match for both Lavi and Krori. However, Lavi attracts the attention of the other two Lv 3's, and the three begin fighting amongst each other. They take advantage of this to escape.

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Heading to Edo

იანვარი 22, 200825m

Allen trains endlessly trying to regain the control over his Innocence, but the reports of his training show that he is making little to no progress. When he realizes this, he begins to try harder for teh sake of reviving his Innocence as he desprately wants to return to his friends to help them fight against the Akuma. Fou transforms into Roufa and has a talk with Allen reminding him that he isnt fighting just to fight but for something precious, this causes him to remember he is fighting for his friends. Tyki Mikk checks to see if the Cell Ronnin is correct with the Earl and he then sends a lvl 3 Akuma and a Tease to China to finish Allen.

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იანვარი 29, 200825m

A Level 3 Akuma Heads for China to kill Allen. Lenalee and the others head towards Edo and are ambushed by the Level 3 Akumas from earlier when they were at the shore, they use tricks to evade them for a short while and are surrounded a short while later. All Akuma in Japan are then summoned to Edo by the Earl which cuases the three Level 3's to head away. Chomosuke also parts with the group because the earls order is to strong for her to resist, and it is revealed that the Earl is at Edo Castle. While Allen is training with Fou his eye reacts to something and The Earl gives his orders to kill the remaining two generals, hurrying the Noah clan. The Noah Clan and Akuma at Edo Castle are then attacked by Lavi and the rest in order to stop them from getting to the generals. Lavi and The Noah(Tiki Mykk)that destroyed Allen's Innocence are about to fight as he tells them that Allen is still alive and that he sent a Level 3 Akuma to kill him assuming his innocence is gone.The last part shows that the level 3 is about the attack the Asian branch where Allen is...

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თებერვალი 5, 200825m

Episode starts off with recap of why Allen is unable to obtain his Innocence and continues on to another training session with Fou. In the session Allen is showing some signs of strength by being able to throw Fou by her foot, but as she countered and had her blade around Allen he still faced the fact that he was still nothing without his Innocence. Allen whas wotld that his innocence did respond to the training although it did not take form. He then remembered that he only thought about his friends during the training and they tried to revive Allen's inocence. Allen deeply focuses on getting back to the side of his friends his innocence shows some high energy reading which might be linked to reviving allen's left arm. Unfortunately when Allen had a chance at focusing his innocence back his cursed eye returns once again and puts Allen through pain as the eye continues to search for what its looking for while alarming the others. Allen reveals that it feels as if an Akuma is calling for him and the feeling is getting stronger. Allen says he wants to go on and continues to fight Fou while his eye is in pain. His innocence then has a powerful reaction yet again, but unfortunately the cursed eye's pain was too much to handle and allen fainted. The Apprentices and Bak-Chan speculate more again and think about Allen's terrible fate. Suddenly Fou senses something strange happening as Tyki Myki's assassin(the level 3 akuma) finally makes his appearance and strikes easily through Fou's barrier plowing a hole right through her and causing her much pain. The alarm in the Branch goes off and everyone is on a run for the exit. In the midst, Allen hears the alarm, got out of bed, runs into the apprentices, and comes eye to eye with the Level 3 Akuma. His eye invokes itself immediately omitting a strange feeling that Allen wonders about.Fou then indicated that Allen's life was the top poirity while Allen refused to run. The Assassin laughs as he glared at Allen and attacked Allen using dark matter piercing him.

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God's Clown

თებერვალი 12, 200825m

The story recaps on Allen being stabbed by the Level 3's thread. It affects his molecule structure and partially broke it down. While this is happening the whole Asian HQ is going into hiding, along with locking down their information so the Akuma can not damage it. Bak awakens the guardian deity by engraving a mark on his hand to trap the Akuma in beams of light that come from the pillars around it. They run with Bak carrying Fou, they go into a hallway and Bak again uses the guardian deity to close the wall, while it is closing Bak sees the aproaching Akuma and Fou transforms into Allen to fight it. Allen begins to cry blood from his eye and when a tear hits the ground his Innocence manifests around him and he warps infront of the gate Bak finaly opens the wall and Allen jumps onto the back of the Akuma damaging it with his right hand.

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The Name Chronicled

თებერვალი 19, 200825m

Allen engages the Level 3 Akuma in battle. Allen speaks to the soul trapped within the Akuma, and learns that this soul was the one that had previously been calling out to him. The soul asks Allen to save him, and Allen consents. However, because his body's composition is unstable (due to the Akuma's prior attack), Allen literally begins to crack during the fight. When Allen crumbles completely, the Akuma turns on Bak and Fou, partially decomposing their bodies too. Enraged, Allen finally manages to reactivate his Innocence and, and he destroys the Akuma. His new Innocence gives him a long black arm with razor sharp talons for fingers. He also acquires a white cowl that shoots web-like projectiles and is fitted with a mask. Before the Akuma dies, he tells Allen of the gathering of the Noah, the Level 3 Akumas, and the Exorcists in Edo.

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Showdown in the Capital

თებერვალი 26, 200825m

After Allen recovers his left arm, he reflects on his old Innocence while many tests are done on the Ark. The tests show that his Innocence has reached 100% synchro-rate. Bak and Allen decide on a new name for Allen's newly evolved Innocence: God's Clown, otherwise known as Crown Clown. He is then given a new Exorcist coat by Wong, and he bids farewell to the Asia Branch, preparing to leave and board the Ark. Bak gives Allen a wireless communicator in a form of a gold earring, which allows him to talk to Komui. Lou Fa, Rikei, and Shifu return Allen's deck of cards, and Allen prepares to head off to Edo via Noah's Ark. The episode ends with Lavi preparing to engage in battle with Tyki Mikk.

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Kanda Joins the Battle

მარტი 4, 200825m

The Froi Tiedoll unit arrives in Edo. The General tells his apprentices to go help Lavi and the others, who continue to struggle against the huge Akuma and Tyki Mick.

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Edo Annihilated

მარტი 11, 200825m

The fight between Lavi and Tyki continues. While Lavi is repeatedly beaten down by Tyki, Bookman and Krory continue their assault on the huge Akuma, but their attacks continue to fail. Meanwhile, Miranda can no longer maintain her Innocence's barrier over the storage room, giving Tyki the opportunity to capture Lenalee. Chaoji and his comrades attempt to help her, but their efforts are in vain. Just as Tyki is about to deal them the killing blow, Kanda intervenes and begins a fight with Tyki. With Lavi's help, he manages to save Lenalee. Tyki prepares to counterattack, but he retreats when ordered to by the Millennium Earl. Marie uses his Noel Organon's ability to paralyze one of the giant Akuma. Kanda then reveals Mugen's second illusion, Nigentou, and destroys the Akuma in one slash. However, before the Exorcists can relax, the Earl fires off a black orb of energy that grows larger and larger, engulfing Edo in the process.

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Clown and Auguste

მარტი 18, 200825m

The Earl's black orb of energy completely destroys Edo. The Exorcists are left in various conditions, though General Cross' group is more severely wounded. Lenalee, however, is protected by her Innocence, which once again encases her in a crystal-like form. This form catches the Earl's interest, and he sends Tyki, Skin, and the giant Akuma to obtain her Innocence. Kanda fights Tyki, Lavi and Marie confront Skin, and General Tiedoll confronts the giant Akuma. However, with all the Exorcists doing battle with the Noahs, Lenalee is left unguarded, giving the Earl a chance to obtain her Innocence himself. Just as he is about to kill Lenalee, a white arm stops him. The ark's gate is shown open, leading directly to Lenalee, where Allen and the Earl meet face to face once again.

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A Key and Noah's Doors

მარტი 25, 200825m

The battle in Edo continues. After greeting the Earl, Allen vows to protect Lenalee. The Earl retaliates and thus begins fighting Allen. During the fight, the Earl reveals some of his hidden abilities by turning Lero into a sword. Eventually, Allen hits the Earl with a Cross Grave attack, but the Earl seems unaffected. The Earl laughs and assures Allen that they will continue their fight another time, and he fires a purple orb of energy, which causes a massive explosion. When the smoke clears, The Earl, Tyki, and Skin are gone, and the Exorcists are in confusion. Inside the Ark, The Earl reveals to Tyki that both Allen and his Innocence are still alive. In Edo, the Exorcists seize their chance to heal and regroup. Despite General Tiedoll's warning of the upcoming dangers, General Cross' group decides to keep moving forward. Lenalee awakens and thanks Allen for trying so hard to save Suman. A pentacle suddenly appears on the ground, and Lenalee is kidnapped by Lero and disappears.

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The Skinn Bolic Room

აპრილი 1, 200825m

In one of the rooms in the ark, Allen and the others encounter Skinn Bolic, a member of the Clan of Noah. Kanda declares that he will fight Skinn while the others move forward to find the next door.

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Forbidden Skill, Sangen Style

აპრილი 8, 200825m

Kanda decides to fight the Noah, Skin Boric, and tells the others to go ahead. They refuse and insist on staying with Kanda until he finally attacks them in fury. They go ahead after Lenalee makes Kanda promise to follow them. Nonetheless, they worry because they know that the room will be destroyed once it finishes downloading. Now alone, Kanda fights Skin one-on-one. Tyki Mikk watches them (as well as the other Exorcists) in a room with Road. In Edo, Marie and Tiedoll continue to fight the giant Akuma.

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Noah's Memory

აპრილი 15, 200825m

Kanda, superior in speed, and Skin, superior in power, fight to an apparent stalemate. Skin reflects on his past while barraging Kanda with blasts of lightning; Kanda responds by using his Nigentou. The room shakes, signaling that it will collapse soon; Kanda then activates his Kinki Sangenshiki (Taboo Three Illusions). As he uses this move (which drains part of his life), Kanda remembers a conversation that he had with Komui regarding the duration of his life, as well as a lotus blossom that symbolizes the amount of time that he has left. Suddenly, chains (representing Skin's dark energy) materialize, connecting Kanda to Skin. Skin uses these to throw Kanda around, telling him that the Noahs can never die. Finally, Kanda unleashes a final attack. As Skin falls, Kanda tells him that anyone can die as long as they remain mortal. Sure of his victory, Kanda heads for the exit. However, as he approaches it, Skin reawakens and prepares for his final attack.

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The Twins' Trap

აპრილი 22, 200825m

Believing he defeated Skin, Kanda walks to the exit of the room, but the numbness in his left hand and knee hinder him. In addition, too much of his life was consumed in the battle with Skin. As he is about to lose consciousness Skin's eyes start to bleed. Skin remembers three years ago, when he went to see a priest who told him about Noah. Remembering the pain the Innocence caused his ancestors, the Noah revives to fight Kanda once more. Draining more of his life, Kanda restores Mugen momentarily and destroys him, but the exit crumbles before he can leave. As the room crumbles, Kanda thinks of his friends and of the lotus blossom representing the remainder of his life wilting. The room then completely collapses. In Edo, Miranda notices that someone's time has vanished.

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Debt Crisis

აპრილი 29, 200825m

As Skin Boric dies, the Noah within the others begin to cry. They then find out that General Cross had escaped from the Noah twins, Jasdero and David, once again and left them with the debts. Road notices that Allen's name is on the bills. While the group continues walking down the corridor, the twins set several traps which involve liquor bottles and gambling. Allen manages to beat these challenges through his knowledge of past experiences with General Cross. Eventually they come face to face with Jasdero and David. The fight begins with the twins using their guns to fire Cross's bills at Allen, before firing a bigger bullet.

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Bad Game

მაისი 6, 200825m

The Exorcists begin fighting the twins, Jasdero and David. The Twins fire several kinds of bullets: blue (freezes everything it touches), red (ball of fire) and white (nulls the effect of their own power). The Twins want Allen to pay the debts General Cross tricked them into paying, which Allen claims are nothing compared to those he had. Soon after, the Twins fire a purple bullet covering the eyes of the Exorcists causing them to hallucinate. The Twins hide from sight and Allen loses Road's key in a sea of illusionary copies summoned by the Twins' ability.

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Jasdevi Enters the Scene

მაისი 13, 200825m

Jasdero and Devit have merged and become Jasdevi. Jasdevi is so overwhelmingly powerful that Allen, Lavi, and Krory have a hard time fighting him.

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Bloody Krory

მაისი 20, 200825m

In their combined form, Jasdevi has become exponentially stronger. Krory fights Jasdevi one on one to allow the others time to escape. When Krory drinks one of his three bottles of Chomesuke's blood, he is able to fight almost on par with Jasdevi. Jasdevi angers him by casually calling him a vampire and a monster. It reminds him of his lost love, the only one allowed to call him "vampire." Fueled by his anger, Krory drinks a second bottle of blood, but the fight has left him too weak to break down the poison within the blood. He grows weaker, but tries to avoid drinking the last bottle. As the fight wears on, he decides he must drink the last bottle, but Jasdevi takes it from him and drinks it himself. With Krory greatly weakened, Jasdevi is able to enclose him inside an iron maiden.

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Dark-Colored Rhapsody

მაისი 27, 200825m

After Krory's defeat, Jasdevi moves onward toward Allen and the others. Meanwhile, the dying Krory encounters his lost love, Eliade, who tells him that by dying he'll lose those humans who considered him a friend. More determined than ever, Krory's blood leaves his body and attacks Jasdevi in a form created by his innocence called "Bloody Krory." This weakens Jasdevi alot and after one final clash, Jasdevi de-materializes into Jasdero and David, causing them to stop and rest, ultimately falling through the door and disappearing. After the room Krory is in collaspes, Allen, Lenalee, Lavi, and Chaoji continue their walk through the ark and come to the final room, at the top of the tower, where Road and Tyki await.

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Weak Humans

ივნისი 3, 200825m

With only the tower left standing on the Ark, the group is now trapped inside with two Noah. Lenalee and Lavi are shocked to learn Innocence has literally become part of Allen's heart. This leads Lavi to speculate Allen, in addition to Lenalee, may be the heart. Soon after, Allen and Tyki face off once again. Meanwhile Road traps Lenalee and Chaoji and sends Lavi's mind and spirit to another dimension, where he has to confront himself and if he survives Road promised to release their trapped comrades.

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Transcendent One

ივნისი 10, 200825m

Allen's battle with Tyki Mikk and Lavi's struggle with Road's dream continue. Tyki is determined to crush Allen's Innocence once again, and "snaps" after Allen pushes his Innocence to injure Tyki in a surprising move. Meanwhile, Hevlaska writhes in pain as a new general, who has pushed his Innocence synchronization rate past 100, is being born.

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ივნისი 17, 200825m

After exceeding critical point, Allen's power and synch-rate with his Innocence has exponentially increased. His new sword, which resembles the Earl's, scares the Noah upon first sight of its power. As Allen escapes from Tyki's vacuum, Lenalee and Chaoji attempt to escape Road's cell, but hurt themselves in the process. Meanwhile, Tyki defends against Allen's Innocence and remembers events from his "white" side and his "black" side. Allen finally breaks through the defenses and cuts him. Thinking he should be dead, Tyki and the others are confused to see he has suffered no apparent damage yet felt pain. Allen reveals purpose: to save the human, or "white" side, of Tyki Mikk. Stigmata form where the cut should be and Tyki begins to feel the pain of the Noah inside him dying. As Road watches in horror, Allen exorcises the Noah from Tyki and the Noah's gray skin and forehead stigmata fade away. But Chaoji is suddenly stabbed by Road's candles. After watching her family member exorcised, Road surrounded them with candle stakes and swore her revenge, deciding to destroy Lavi's mind trapped within her. Meanwhile, Lavi realizes that his illusionary environment can still hurt him. Surrounded by his "dead" allies come back to life, Lavi prepares to attack the illusions.

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Voice of Darkness

ივნისი 24, 200825m

In Road's dream world, Lavi cuts down his comrades as he tries to ignore their pleads. But he is defeated by his illusionary friends. Road reveals Lavi was never injured, but went into shock because he believed his friends stabbed him. She releases Lavi, now controlled by his bookman heart, and orders Allen to kill him, or Lenalee and Chaoji will die by her candles. But Allen refuses and instead stabs Road. But she is uninjured as it is not her true body. Allen is engulfed in flames, but realizes that the heat is not effecting him. The candles surrounding Lenalee and Chaoji begin to melt instead. Back in control of his body, Lavi burns himself and engulfs Road in flame. She still seems uninjured however, until a blade pierces her body. Back in the dream world, Lavi realizes that Allen is the true Road, and succeeds in damaging her.

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Black Carnival

ივლისი 1, 200825m

After damaging Road in the dream world, Lavi starts to fade away. However, the other Lavi realizes he is the exorcist's real mind and returns to his body. Screaming Lavi's name, Allen manages to save him and the fire seal turns into stone. Road breaks out of the stone and is unable to move. Lenalee starts to believe that Allen and Lavi are gone, but they also emerge from a pile of stone. Road starts to laugh hysterically until she bursts into smoke. Soon after, the room starts to crumble. When they reach the exit, Allen decides to save Tyki, but is pulled down to the floor below. After the dust clears, it seems something is wrong with Tyki, who has transformed into something terrifying.

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ივლისი 8, 200825m

The transformed Tyki is too fast and too powerful for Allen and Lavi and with the door destroyed, there is no way out of the Ark. Despite there is little hope, the Exorcists fight back. When the tower crumbles, Chaoji reacts to an Innocence, saving his and Lenalee's life for the while. The fight continues, as Allen vows to fight until his life ends. Meanwhile, strange beings guard a large round object and seem to be defeated by one of their own.

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Shadow of the Player

ივლისი 15, 200825m

Tyki is gaining momentum while Allen and Lavi are weakening. As Allen falls through a hole, he is saved by a stranger who turns out to be his master, General Cross Marian. Cross single handedly defeats Tyki with his innocence Grave of Maria and his second Innocence, Judgment. Just as he is landing the final blow, the Millenium Earl interrupts. The Ark crumbles and Lavi and Chaoji fall into the abyss, as the Earl and Cross face each other.

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ივლისი 22, 200825m

The Earl and General Cross Marian share a brief conversation, and when the Earl mentions all of the Exorcists who "disappeared," Allen becomes enraged and attempts to fight the Earl, despite the fact that he is quite seriously wounded. Upon seeing Allen's new innocence, the Earl comments that it is just like his own sword, and after trading a few blows with Allen, decides to take the unconscious Tyki and escape the crumbling Ark. As Allen attempts to follow the Earl, General Cross uses the Carte Garde ability of his innocence Grave of Maria, and orders Allen to stop fighting the Earl from his hatred. The General then takes both Allen and Lenalee to the Akuma Egg, and orders Allen to control the Ark, and sends him and Timcampy into the "secret room" of the 14th Noah, where Allen faces a dark apparition in the mirror who calls Timcampy "My Timcampy." The black Ark of the Earl is revealed, and it seems that all is lost as the Original Ark disappears; but when Allen begins to play on the white piano, using a mysterious set of symbols projected by Timcampy as the music, the Ark begins to join back together again.

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ივლისი 29, 200825m

Allen managed to control the Ark, so the Ark was repaired with all the Exorcists who perished in the Ark brought back to life. Furthermore, the "factory" egg for creating akuma was half downloaded due to General Cross's spell, so it doesn't function. Chaoji then gains his innocence in the form of two bracelets interlocked as he tried to rescue the excorcists when the fell through a bottomless door; a pair of interlocked bracelets attached to his left hand. They suddenly realise that General Cross, who is a womanizer, is alone with Lenalee. They hurry back only to discover the General and Lenalee appear to be in a passionate embrace.

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Lamb and Dog

აგვისტო 5, 200825m

Allen and all of his friends return safely to the HQ and Miranda deactivates her Innocence, making the injuries the Noahs inflicted on the Exorcists reappear. While the excorists recover in the hospital of HQ, Bak and other scientists study the ark's ability to teleport people anywhere in the world. Allen goes into the piano room with Tim and ponders on how the symbols he and Mana created years ago were the song to move the ark. Elsewhere, the Earl becomes enraged by the fact that the 14th Noah has somehow helped the Exorcists obtain the ark and the Akuma "egg".

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Still the Clock Ticks

აგვისტო 12, 200825m

Komui and Bak meet with other Branch heads and the four Generals, and were confronted by Special Inspector Malcolm C. Levellier and his Howard Link. Levellier and Link outlined all the events that started in Edo, and proposed severe punishments for Cross because of his unorthodox handling of his mission. They also proposed putting Allen on trial for heresy, because he and Cross clearly have some sort of tie with the enemy, specifically the Fourteenth Noah. Cross was alarmed that Leverrier knew about the Fourteenth, but he was confident that nothing would be turned up in any investigation. Thus, Leverrier assigned Howard Link to supervise Allen's every movement.

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Attack on Headquarters

აგვისტო 19, 200825m

Howard Link confronts Allen in the cafeteria, while notifying him that he will be under surveillance. After hearing Howard talk to Allen, Lenalee talks to her brother to understand the meaning of this. She comes in contact with Inspector Malcolm C. and remembers her past, when she was traumatized by him. Eventually, Allen learns that he is suspected of being related to the "Fourteenth". Later on, it is discovered that the science department of the Order somehow removed the Akuma "egg" from the ark to study it. The heads of the Asian branch come in and said they would help with the study of the egg as well, but they were rejected. Thus, Johnny was stabbed by the Noah Lulubell, who was in disguise, while hundreds of Akuma appear behind her.

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The Power of Generals

აგვისტო 26, 200825m

A violent battle ensues with Allen and Bookman fighting Lulubell's army of Level 3 Akuma, while the science department is slowly turned into a colony of Skulls.

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The Noah of Lust

სექტემბერი 2, 200825m

Allen exorcises numerous Akuma but they won't stop coming at him, their aim being to prevent the exorcists from reaching the egg.In the meantime, Lulu Bell opens a new gate that will take the kidnapped Allen and the egg back to the Earl. Will she be able to make a clean escape?

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Level 4

სექტემბერი 9, 200825m

The Exorcists defeat all but one Combined akuma. However, when Lulubell came back for the Egg, she transformed into a liquid form and the Generals were unable to damage her. Lulubell trapped Miranda inside her liquid form and escaped with the Egg. The Generals use their Anti-akuma weapons to fire at Lulubell, despite Miranda being inside her. However, Miranda is protected by Allen, so she was not harmed. Meanwhile, Johnny went looking for Tapp. However, Tapp was already a Skull and thought of Johnny as an enemy. Johnny is then swallowed up by the only remaining alive Combined akuma. And Allen heard someone laughing, foreshadowing that a Level 4 is coming.

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To the God I Hate So Much

სექტემბერი 16, 200825m

A Level 4 akuma appears and creates a big ruckus, destroying a lot of things. Allen fights with it, but the fight doesn't go well. Will he be able to survive?

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The Promise

სექტემბერი 23, 200825m

The Level 4 starts its attack on the Central Headquarters. He targets Komui, thinking that he is an exorcist. When the Level 4 is trapped in a shield, Komui takes the oppurtunity to find Hevlaska, with Kanda and Chaoji following him. Meanwhile, Malcolm forces Lenalee to follow him and meet Hevlaska, with Lavi running after them. When Komui and Kanda go down the elevator, the Level 4 attacks them. Hevlaska tries to force the Innocence into Lenalee's body, but suddenly, the Level 4 attacks Hevlaska, leaving her seriously injured. Lenalee tries to call out for her Innocence while the Level 4 steps on her head.

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Echoes in the Long Morning

Season Finale
სექტემბერი 30, 200825m

The Level 4 appears to be defeated, but is it? In the aftermath of battle, rescue teams are dispatched to gather the survivors. General Cross is sent to Central Office while everyone else must prepare for the relocation of the Black Order's Headquarters. Meanwhile, Krory regains consciousness, much to the joy of his friends. As the Exorcists ponder the significance of Lenalee's evolved Innocence, the "Crystal Type", Allen declares that they must become stronger in order to defeat the Earl. The scene changes to show that the Noahs are attending a ball. The Earl is shown in the shadows with a humanoid shape. The end credits show the exorcists continue their duties; reunited with their innocences and sporting new outfits. The post credits reveal the Earl buying flowers from a poor girl with the letters Fin appearing.

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