Jaksot 12


Enter Dokkoida!

5 heinäkuu 200324m

As Suzuo arrives in the city, he desperately needs a job, so he takes an offer: become a test subject

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Purple Hair, How Hip Can Ya Get?

12 heinäkuu 200324m

Things aren't going so well, even with the recruitment ads they can't seem to get past the bad press.

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Dokkoida vs. Edelweiss

19 heinäkuu 200324m

When the Umeki family moves into the compound, along with their daughter Ruri, a new threat arrives.

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The Strange Neighbor, Sayuri

26 heinäkuu 200324m

With all the strange noises coming from the complex, one would think it was haunted! It's no ghost! It's the new neighbor, Sayuri.

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Tekijät 1

Ohjaus: Hiroatsu Agata

Käsikirjoittaja: Kirjoittajaa ei ole lisätty.

Vierailevat tähdet 0 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

Vierailevia tähtiä ei ole lisätty.

Jakson kuvat 0 Katso kaikki jakson kuvat

Jakson kuvia ei ole lisätty.

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Suzuo is barely making ends meet. He finds out that the villains are getting paid a higher compensation, Suzuo demands a raise.

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Cycling Contest for a Day at the Pool

9 elokuu 200324m

A heat wave hits the city, and it's too hot to fight. A new complex has a fantastic pool, but the entry fee is expensive.

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Kurika's Dream

16 elokuu 200324m

Summer is here, and everyone is planning to see the fireworks. Meanwhile, Kurika gets damaged and finally has a dream.

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Little Sister Love

23 elokuu 200324m

After a new TV movie comes out, the neighbor's become a bit suspicious that something might be going on between Suzuo and Kosuzu.

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Some Like It Hot

30 elokuu 200324m

A superstar goes missing, Marilyn Ronmoe and the GFP is tasked to find her. All of the sudden she ends up showing up at Suzuo's apartment.

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Mogumokkuru's Makeover

6 syyskuu 200324m

Chief Mogumokkuru launches a PR campaign to better the public sentiment of the GFP. Hilarities ensues as the Inspector decides on reality TV.

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Cosmos House's Last Hour?

13 syyskuu 200324m

Summer is over, The Dokkoida and Neruloid Girls teams are now out of work as the ultimate weapon for the GFP is complete.

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The Battle of Zealousness

Season Finale
20 syyskuu 200324m

Fighting together, not as villains and test subjects, they unite as Cosmo's house resident's to gain back their jobs.

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