Episodes 150


Il ragazzo del fulmine

April 6, 200325m

Kiyo Takamine incontra un ragazzino di nome Zatchbell, mandato in Giappone dal padre di Kiyo per aiutarlo a fare più vita sociale,e vedere se riusciva a capire cosa c'era scritto sul libro si zatch, visto che è un ragazzo molto intelligente. Zatchbell, grazie all'aiuto di Kiyo che legge una specie di formula "magica" sul suo libro chiamata "Zaker", può sparare fulmini dalla bocca e grazie a questo potere riesce a battere una coppia di ragazzi di nome Eido, un ragazzo a cui piace skeitare in aria, e un ragazzino simile a Zatch di nome Hyde, che riesce a controllare il vento grazie al suo libro e all'incantesimo "Jiker".

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Incantesimo di ghiaccio

April 13, 200325m

Zatch e Kiyo danno inizio al piano che Zatch chiama "Operazione Eroi della Giustizia" per combattere i bulli della scuola di Kiyo e, durante questa "operazione", incontrano un altro ragazzino simile a Zatch di nome Reycom ,che usa incantesimi di ghiaccio come il "Gikor", e il suo compagno Hosokawa, un ladro. Questi due stavano compiendo una rapina alla banca di Mochinoki in cui era compresa una ragazza amica di scuola di Kiyo di nome Suzy, ma Zatch e Kiyo sventano il pericolo grazie al fulmine "Zaker" di Zatch, salvando gli ostaggi e Suzy.

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Il secondo incantesimo

April 20, 200325m

Grazie al suo eroico gesto di aver salvato la banca e sventato una rapina, Kiyo diventa famosissimo a scuola finendo addirittura sul giornale. Nel tardo pomeriggio però si ritrovano ad affrontare Reycom e Hosokawa, i ladri del giorno precedente, che vogliono sfidarli ad una battaglia due contro due. Durante il combattimento Hosokawa spiegherà come incontrò Reycom e come fa ad usare gli incantesimi:grazie al suo odio. Il combattimento non procede per il meglio: gli avversari sono forti e usano incantesimi di secondo livello (il loro "Freezudo"). Ma Kiyo si ricorda del nuovo incantesimo. Kiyo prova ad usarlo e funziona: il secondo incantesimo è uno scudo elettrico enorme che blocca l'attacco avversario e glielo rispedisce indietro con una scarica di fulmini, chiamato "Rashield". Con questo incantesimo riescono a battere i due, bruciando il loro libro blu, ma dopo succede una cosa strana: Reycom cerca di estinguere le fiamme del suo libro rischiando di ustionarsi e, poco dopo, sparisce nel nulla.

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La battaglia dei Mamodo

April 27, 200325m

Durante questo episodio Zatch scoprirà di non essere un ragazzino normale,cosa che sconvolgerà anche Kiyo. Al parco Zatch, per farsi degli amici, si metterà in mostra provando a lanciare uno dei suoi fulmini dalla bocca,ma non può farcelà da solo e quindi chiederà aiuto a Kiyo, il quale rifiuterà.Ne segue una discussione fra i due e Kiyo,stanco di Zatch,lo lascia abbandonato per strada.Per strada Zatch incontrerà un cagnolino che diventerà il suo nuovo amico. Mentre a casa di Kiyo bussa alla porta una strana coppia composta da una ragazza di nome Sherry e da un ragazzo simile a Zatch chiamato Brago. Sherry spiega a Kiyo spiega chi è Zatch e cos'è la battaglia dei Mamodo,dopo di che lo persuade a consegnargli il libro ma Kiyo,non accettando,viene colpito da un incantesimo di Brago: il "Reis". Intanto,sempre in casa di Kiyo, si scopre che il cagnolino amico di Zatch non è altro che un altro Mamodo crudele che,usando l'incantesimo "Doruk", rivela le sue vere sembianze e attacca Zatch.

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Il Mamodo oscuro

May 4, 200325m

Continua la battaglia tra Zatch e Gofure(il cane che aveva fatto finta di essere amico di Zatch),ma stavolta interviene Kiyo,che non riuscirà ad aiutare Zatch,riuscirà solo a ferirsi gravemente. Quando Gofure stava per sferrare il colpo di grazia,interviene Brago che usa il suo Reis per respingerlo,facendo scappare il suo compagno umano. Finita una battaglia ne incomincia un'altra, ma sta volta contro un avversario incredibilmente più potente. Brago usa incantesimi molto potenti, massacrando Kiyo, sottomendolo anche a un'intensa gravità (il su incantesimo Gravirei). La stessa sorte toccherà a Zatch. Durante la battaglia Zatch e Kiyo diventeranno amici riuscendo a far brillare d'oro il loro libro rosso. Grazie a questo riescono a sfoderare il loro "Zaker" più potente finora che riesce a bloccare il "Gigano Reis" di Brago. Dopo questo Kiyo sviene e Sherry risparmia il loro libro andandosene via.

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La sparizione del libro rosso

May 11, 200325m

Kiyo è ricoverato in ospedale a causa dello scontro con Brago e Sherry.Condivide la stanza con un ragazzo di nome Yuta,che si è rotto una gamba e che è in ospedale oramai da sei mesi.Kiyo rimprovera Yuta di non mangiare salutarmente e per questo non guarisce.Yuta se la prenderà così tanto che arriverà a nascondere il libro rosso e di minacciare di bruciarlo,ingnaro di quello che potrebbe succedere a Zatch.Ma sarà proprio Zatch che darà una scossa emotiva dicendogli che non vuole che Yuta rimanga ancora in ospedale, quindi Yuta gli ridarà il libro; nonostante ciò Yuta cadrà dal tetto, ma Zatch e Kiyo lo salveranno e diventeranno amici.

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Follia botanica

May 18, 200325m

Zatch, Kiyo e Suzy vanno in gita al giardino botanico in città, dove incontreranno una vecchia amica di Kiyo di nome Haivy, padrona del giardino botanico. Durante la gita, incontreranno un mamodo che controlla le piante di nome Sugino, e il suo compagno Haru. Usando il "Juron" riescono a controllare le piante, intrappolando i visitatori del giardino e Haivy, ma Zatch e Kiyo li salveranno distruggendo le radici, ma usado troppi "Zaker" e quindi sprecando energia. I nemici sfrutteranno questo vantaggio, ma Kiyo riuscirà a ritrovare le forze sapendo che i suoi amici credono in lui e utilizzerà "Rashield" respingendo il "Raaja Jugaron" degli avversari e bruciando il loro libro.

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Una Mamodo gentile

May 25, 200325m

Lori, una ragazza molto gentile, ma che viene sempre ignorata dalla propria famiglia, incontra Kolulu, una piccola mamodo di 6 anni che è molto dolce e odia combattere. Il giorno dopo Kolulu incontra Zatch al parco e ci fa amicizia. Nel tardo pomeriggio, però, Lori riesce a leggere il primo incantesimo di Kolulu: il Zeruk, che la farà diventare un vero e proprio mostro senza controllo, quindi Lori deciderà di non leggere mai più i suoi incantesimi. Il giorno seguente Kiyo viene a sapere del disastro provocato da Kolulu. Che è finito sul telegiornale; al parco Lori si vede obbligata ad usare Zeruk perché un camion enorme sta per investire Kolulu. Infatti ancora una volta Kolulu va fuori controllo e devasta il parco, dopo di che inizia la battaglia contro Zatch, e Kolulu apprende Zerusen. Ma Lori alla fine riuscirà a farla tornare normale. Il libro di Kolulu verrà bruciato, su sua richiesta, da Kiyo, che farà usare a Zatch Zaker. In quel momento Zatch promette che diventerà un re benevolo.

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Il terzo incantesimo

June 1, 200325m

Zatch apprende Jikerdor.

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L'élite dei Mamodo

June 8, 200325m

Zatch believes that he has found another kind mamodo, but when kiyo discovers he and his partner plan to destroy the city, will he and and zatch be forced to fight them?

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Folgore l'invincibile

June 15, 200325m

Prima apparizione di Kanchome e di Parco Folgore.

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Il passato di Sherry

June 22, 200325m

Brago ha appreso Ion Gravirei.

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La rivincita

July 6, 200325m

Hyde sfida zatch e apprende il suo secondo incantesimo.

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La ragazzina e la popstar

July 13, 200325m

Zatch incontra Tia e Megumi la padrona del suo libro.

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Un nuovo patto

July 20, 200325m

Zatch sconfigge Maruss e fa un patto con Tia.

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L'invulnerabile Robnos

July 27, 200325m

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Sorpresa al curry

August 3, 200325m

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Tutti a Londra

August 10, 200325m

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Il castello maledetto

August 17, 200325m

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I fiori del male

August 24, 200325m

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Un altro Zatch

August 31, 200325m

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Il Mamodo che danza

September 7, 200325m

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Vai, Ponygon!

September 14, 200325m

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Apollo il viaggiatore (1ª parte)

September 21, 200325m

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Apollo il viaggiatore (2ª parte)

September 28, 200325m

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Una giornata con Zatch

October 5, 200325m

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Danny Boy

October 12, 200325m

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L'avventura di Tia e Megumi

October 19, 200325m

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La battaglia al parco dei divertimenti

October 26, 200325m

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Zatch e Tia fanno squadra

November 2, 200325m

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Una nuova graziosa studentessa

November 9, 200325m

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Il segreto di Shion

November 16, 200325m

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La ricomposizione dello specchio

November 23, 200325m

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Lacrime al tramonto

November 30, 200325m

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L'ultima battaglia per lo specchio

December 7, 200325m

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Zatch contro Naomi

December 14, 200325m

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Battaglia ad Hong Kong (1ª parte)

December 21, 200325m

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Battaglia ad Hong Kong (2ª parte)

December 28, 200325m

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Il cacciatore invisibile

January 11, 200425m

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Kanchome fratello maggiore

January 18, 200425m

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Kanchome l'invincibile

January 25, 200425m

While Folgore is flirting with all of the girls, Kanchome spots candy in a truck, but it seems to be a trap to a circus! Soon Kanchome meets a young girl named Rushka and her guardian Lilly. Kanchome promises to protect her and be her big brother! What happens when a band of thieves led by Fredo and his mamodo Bago attacks? Outside of that, Tia has her first encounter with Naomi in her outing with Zatch.

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Nemici freddi come il ghiaccio

February 1, 200425m

Parco Folgore and Kanchome begin their battle against Fredo and his mamodo Bargo. With Bargo being a powerful opponent, Can Folgore and Kanchome defeat them?

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Joe Mantide: l'eroe della giustizia

February 8, 200425m

While Kiyo is in school, Apollo decides to drop in for a visit, but it wasn't really for a visit. He wanted to have a chat with him about Ropes's book being burnt by Zeno and his bookeeper Dufort.

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Sfida a duello

February 15, 200425m

Zatch decides to go to a Praying Mantis Joe show. And Ponygon, Suzie & the Teacher's Wife decide to come along shopping. Will Praying Mantis Joe save the day when it comes to con artists?

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Zatch contro Bari

February 22, 200425m

Bali, who been searching for an a opponent that is equal to is appellative; then he heard that there is a mamodo in Japan, that who ever mamodo goes there to battle Zatch never came out with a book. Bali challenges Zatch to duel him or else he will destroy the people that he loves, will Zatch and Kiyo can stop him?

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Chiamata per Ponygon

February 29, 200425m

Driven by his goal to become a kind king, Zatch faces off against Bari, who only wants to be the strongest, most powerful king.

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Ruggiti nella neve

March 7, 200425m

Ponygon decides to look for his bookeeper and encounters Kotaro Doronma in his journey. What are Doronma's true intentions?

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Il mistero delle tavole di pietra

March 14, 200425m

As Brago and Sherry search for a Mamodo in the mountains, they must save a boy named Jeff and his grandpa from a giant grizzly bear, land developers, and an avalanche. Meanwhile, Zatch and Kiyo enjoy a recent snowfall in their town with Suzie and Ponygon.

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Il Dottor Rebus e i magnifici 12

March 21, 200425m

Kiyo and Zatch try to find more about the mysterious tablet. Zatch recaps to Tia how many Mamodos he fought. However, a mysterious Mamodo and his bookeeper head toward Japan to claim the tablet.

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Il sesto incantesimo

March 28, 200425m

Kiyo and Zatch are accosted by Dr. Riddles and Kido, who use odd tactics to try to defeat our heroes. After a number of confusing riddles and puzzles, the two human/mamodo teams finally battle it out. But it seems that Dr. Riddles has learned the ins and outs of the spell book!

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Il mamodo con la maschera

April 4, 200425m

Kiyo and Zatch continue their fight against Dr. Riddles and Kiddo with the aid of the sixth spell, Rauzuruk. Will Rauzuruk happen to be the spell that they need? Find out in this exciting episode.

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Il mio amato Zatch

April 11, 200425m

Zofis and her partner Koko invite zatch to a mysterious ball using Suzy. But guess what it ends up being a mamodo battle but that doesnt happen in this episode. To add to the trouble Zofis is a mind controlling mamodo that has fire spells.

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So Giaku, il drago d'acqua

April 18, 200425m

A mamodo who's in love with Zatch comes to Kiyo's school in search of him. When she comes face to face with Zatch, he can't remember her. She swears that she will never forgive him and will burn his book. At Kiyo's school, she challenges Kiyo and Zatch to a battle.

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Zatch contro Kiyo

April 25, 200425m

The battle between Penny and Zatch continues, when a unknown mamodo shows up.

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Il ritorno di Penny

May 2, 200425m

Zatch and Kiyo decide to have a fun day at the park which turns out to be a painful start for him when riding Zatch's train, Zatch and Kiyo then play "Kick The Can" with Ponygon and Suzie, which turns out to be a game with Iwajima, Kane and the teachers wife, Suzie, and Ponygon.

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Saifogeo! La luce della speranza

May 9, 200425m

After a fun day in the park, Zatch and Kiyo decide to finish their day by building a sand castle, but at that moment Penny returns with 3 Ancient Mamodo, Dogmos, Erujo, and Boru Bora, to defeat Zatch and Kiyo and burn Zatch's book once and for all!

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I padroni del silenzio

May 16, 200425m

Tia and Megumi, now with new spells, show up to help Zatch and Kiyo against Penny and her ancient mamodo.

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Tutti contro Milordo Z

May 23, 200425m

Brago and Sherry go against Byonko and 3 "tag-team" ancient mamodo.

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Il ritorno di Folgore

May 30, 200425m

As Zatch, Kiyo, and Tia pinpoint Milordo Z's location, Megumi goes through the hard times at school, Ponygon finds the owner of his book, and Dr. Riddles searches for more allies to help fight Milordo Z.

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Nel labirinto del nemico

June 6, 200425m

Kiyo, Zatch, Megumi and Tia break into the Deboro Ruins with Folgore and Kanchome in order to defeat Milordo-Z (Zofis) and Koko and save the innocent people under their control. Unfortunatly, Folgore and Kanchome have their hands full with Alm.

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Incantesimo di Dolore

June 13, 200425m

When they think that they finally trapped the two mamodo, a huge armored mamodo named Ganz appears behind Kanchome and Folgore. Now, Kiyo, Zatch, Megumi, Tia, Kanchome and Folgore fight agaisn't Alm and two new mamodo, a blue dragon named Geluos and Ganz. The room ends up flooding. Unfortunatly, the lightning spells don't work underwater. Now Kiyo, Zatch and the rest of the gang must come up with a plan to defeat the mamodo's before they call in for help. Meanwhile, Sherry and Brago fight another Millennium Mamodo and also encounter Dr. Riddles and Kiddo.

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Il magnifico Victoream!

June 20, 200425m

Zatch and Tia's battle as Alm and and Geluos rages on as Zatch isn't fighting back. Folgore and Kanchome are still fighting against Ganz and trying to burn his book. After all that is done, Alm warns them that the next opponents will be tougher. Meanwhile, Naomi and Suzie are bored without Zatch and Kiyo around.

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L'ira di Victoream

June 27, 200425m

While resting, Zatch and his friend meet Victoream, a goofy mamodo with a taste for melon, who challenges them to a fight.

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Out of breath and energy, Kiyo and friends come up with a strategy to defeat Victoream.

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Ponygon's Lightning Speed!

July 11, 200425m

The team is attacked by two momodo's right after their fight with victoream. The group is in no condition to fight but luckly is saved when Laila,one of the attacking mamodo's turns out to be a traitor and saves the group. It appeares two mamodo's controled by z can't attack each other. While Dalmos powered up and attacks Laila advises them to run. After giving his book to Tia so she can protect it, Zatch and Kiyo team up with Laila to fight Dalmos. Dalmos gains a huge advantage though, since he can attack zatch but Laila can't attack Dalmos. After a frightening display of power Laila appears to have given up, when Ponygon appears with his book owner to take over the fight.

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The Red Spell Book of Promise

July 18, 200425m

When Ponygon's book owner, Kafk Sunbeam, shows up, we get to see what spells Ponygon has up his sleeves..... or hooves.

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The Wonderful Magestic 12 returns

August 1, 200425m

While Kiyo learns more about the Moon Stone, Tia and friends have Mamodo trouble at the Hotel. Meanwhile, 4 friendly faces show up to help Tia.

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Tia's Plan to Confess!

August 8, 200425m

While battling Byonko and his army of mamodo, Dr. Riddles calls on the Majestic 12 to help them fight.

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Zofis's Evil Desires

August 15, 200425m

While resting at the hotel, Tia tries to cough up the courage to tell Zatch thank you for saving her.

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The Supreme Mamodo

August 22, 200425m

Zatch and his comrades plan to take on Zofis and end up learning Zofis goals.

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The Roar of Roa Diboren!

August 29, 200425m

Zatch and the others go into the ruins.Then Zofis finds them and he gets them seperated. Tia and Wonrei are fighting with Tsaoron (One of the The Four Supreme Mamodo).Zatch and Ponygon are fighthing Pamoon (One of the The Four Heavenly Kings).And Kanchome and Kido are fighthing with Belugimu EO (One of the The Four Supreme Mamodo).

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Sing for Your Lives! The Terrifying Belgim EO

September 5, 200425m

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Dr. Riddles, You'll Always Be My King!

September 12, 200425m

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Pamoon, the Celestial Warrior

September 19, 200425m

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Free Yourself From a Thousand Years of Pain!

September 26, 200425m

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No Escape! The Wicked Zofis Returns!

October 3, 200425m

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The Return of Sherry and Brago!

October 10, 200425m

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I Won't Go Back! Laila's Dark Solitude

October 17, 200425m

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The Last of the Supreme Mamodo

October 24, 200425m

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The Crazed Warrior: Berzerker!

October 31, 200425m

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Victory At Any Cost!

November 7, 200425m

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Selfish Penny's Goodbye

November 14, 200425m

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Zagurzem, the 7th Spell!

November 21, 200425m

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The Final Battle with Demolt!

November 28, 200425m

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Save Koko! Sherry's Dioga Gravidon!

December 19, 200425m

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A New Departure!

December 26, 200425m

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The Hurricane Test Battle!

January 16, 200525m

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Naomi's Evil Plot

January 23, 200525m

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Dr. Riddles' Renewed Vow

January 30, 200525m

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A Voice From Another World!

February 6, 200525m

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The Door to a Different World! Brago vs. Gash

February 13, 200525m

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Attack of the Iron Army!

February 20, 200525m

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The Battle With Brago - Without Sherry!

February 27, 200525m

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Maestro's Revenge on the Mamodo World!

March 6, 200525m

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Miss Wriggle's Class is Now in Session

March 20, 200525m

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The Bagpipes of Sadness!

March 27, 200525m

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Dance! Burst Open! Swing! Huge Airport.

June 12, 200525m

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Raging Zeon! Two Fates. Gash's Secret

March 12, 200625m

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