Jaksot 21


Bahamian Rhapsody

23 syyskuu 2009

Christine and Matthew fly to the Bahamas to get Barb an illegal visa after she was arrested by immigration during Richard and New Christine's wedding ceremony.

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Burning Love

30 syyskuu 2009

A trip with Barb to retrieve some of Richard's things sees Matthew worry that New Christine isn't letting out her feelings over the wedding fiasco. Meanwhile, Christine and Richard meet up with some of their friends from college and are shocked to see how badly they've aged.

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The Mole

7 lokakuu 200930m

Old Christine finds a suspicious mole on her left breast, and overreacts, thinking shes dying. Meanwhile, Richard tries to negotiate with New Christine regarding their house.

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For Love or Money

14 lokakuu 2009

An aggressive divorce attorney is hired by Christine after being convinced that Barb owes her alimony.

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Dr. Little Man

21 lokakuu 2009

Christine starts seeing a therapist who's Matthew's mentor, but they are both confused on whether they want to have a professional or romantic relationship. Richard and New Christine have trouble adapting to living under the same roof.

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The Curious Case of Britney B.

4 marraskuu 2009

When Ritchie is asked to a dance by the most popular girl in school, Christine believes that she is popular by association and has finally surpassed the Meanie Moms. Meanwhile, Matthew and Richard find an apartment that they want to rent together. Unfortunately, they will have to find a way to evict an old lady that lives there before they can move in.

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11 marraskuu 2009

Max decides it's time to tell Christine that she quits anything that gets too hard for her, which includes relationships, and he points out that is the reason he chose to be her therapist rather than her boyfriend.

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Christine has set up a date between Richard and a gorgeous, passionate woman who works out at her gym, while Tom (Richard's friend) continues trying to woo Chrisine.

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I Love Woo, I Hate You

25 marraskuu 200930m

Barb, afraid that a marriage proposal is iminent, asks Christine to run interference on her next date with Dave; Richard realizes he must try to woo New Christine if he wants her back.

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Christine discovers that Ritchie has become a bully at school and attempts to change his behaviour by changing her own ways.

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It's Beginning to Stink a Lot Like Christmas

Mid-Season Finale
16 joulukuu 2009

Christine learns a juicy neighborhood secret when reluctantly attending the Christmas block party.

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A Whale of a Tale

13 tammikuu 201030m

Christine tells her therapist, Max, that she is in love with him, but his reaction is not quite what she is expecting.

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Truth or Dare

20 tammikuu 201030m

Mr. Harris returns just as Christine starts falling in love with Max.

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A Family Unfair

10 helmikuu 2010

Christine asks Richard to have a baby with her after becoming envious of Richard and New Christine's happiness in planning for theirs.

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Sweet Charity

3 maaliskuu 2010

When the gym suddenly begins to become profitable, Christine and Barb find themselves coming into a lot of money. Barb decides to give to charity, and Christine must make the tough decision between splurging on a designer dress or following Barb's lead.

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Subway, Somehow

10 maaliskuu 2010

In an attempt to teach Ritchie's class some street smarts, Christine encourages the school administration to let them take the subway on a field trip, but she ends up being stranded at the station when the trains leaves without her.

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Up In The Airport

7 huhtikuu 2010

Christine realizes that Ritchie has never been on a real family vacation, so she plans a trip to Florida, with disastrous results.

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Revenge Makeover

14 huhtikuu 2010

Richard is secretly planning an impromptu wedding for him and New Christine, so to help him out, Christine drags a very cranky and pregnant New Christine to a fancy salon while he puts the plan together.

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I Love What You Do For Me

21 huhtikuu 201030m

When Christine is told that her five-year car lease is up, she realizes that her life hasn't evolved during that time the way she'd hoped and decides to make some major life changes, with a little help from her boyfriend, Max. Meanwhile, Matthew seeks a roommate to replace Richard.

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5 toukokuu 201030m

Christine mistakes a good looking cop for a stripper, who alerts her that there is a prowler in the neighborhood. In order to feel more secure, Christine asks Matthew to stay over. Meanwhile, New Christine goes into labor, with the sole goal of avoiding having the baby arrive on Old Christine's birthday.

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Get Smarter

Season Finale
12 toukokuu 2010

When Christine has Matthew and Barb throw her a "surprise" engagement party so she can get to know Max's friends, she begins to feel intellectually inferior to one particular guest, driving her to make a "surprising" decision.

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Vierailevat tähdet 3 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

  1. Eric McCormack

    Dr. Max Kershaw

  2. Beth Littleford

    Tony Kershaw

  3. Drew Wicks

    Party Guest

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