Jaksot 10


Grip and Hold!

7 huhtikuu 201224m

Seishou Academy is a school for very unique girls. Their new homeroom teacher gets a crash course lesson in how special they are, from models numbers to underwear.

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Go For It! Pass It!

14 huhtikuu 201224m

Funko, Ichiyon, Eru have failed and are required to take remedial classes. Their older sisters from Seishou Academy High School Division have come up with plan to help. School is war.

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Wash and Scrub!

21 huhtikuu 201224m

The Japanese teacher is learning more about his students, and on a trip to the high school he gets to meet their older sisters. Funco, Eru, and Sigu lead a group of elementary guns on a volunteer cleaning trip.

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Sing! Compete!

28 huhtikuu 201224m

Eru is misunderstood by the other guns, teachers, and suffers from frequents breaks. After getting into a fight with Ichiroku before the team battle exams, she pulls a no show, leaving Ichiroku to fight alone.

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Graze It! Beat It!

5 toukokuu 201224m

The battle exams continue with Ichiroku making it to the semi-finals by herself with some amazing shots. The next round brings the duo Galil and Sako, both very dangerous and vengeful guns, which one girl will find out.

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Take it! Hurry!

12 toukokuu 201224m

Sako has shown she will do anything to win the competition and take over the school. Aug wants to get close to Funco, but getting a chance to talk her is proving to be impossible.

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Be Afraid! Visit!

19 toukokuu 201224m

After enjoying a snow ball fight and a unique hotpot, the girls decide to visit the Japanese teacher as he got sick before the break. The only ones to make it to the apartment are Funco and Ichiroku, a duo guaranteeing a disaster.

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Take a Look! Scold Someone!

26 toukokuu 201224m

The Seishou School Fair is unlike any other fair. Tanks, live fire, optical camo, and camels imported from Israel are just the beginning. The Japanese teacher is not ready for this!

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Burn Up! Go Mad!

2 kesäkuu 201224m

Seishou Academy is on their annual retreat. A private beach, fun in the sun, and designated shooting areas makes it an enjoyable time. That was until three students were shot in vital parts and war was declared.

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And Then! Upotte!

Season Finale
9 kesäkuu 201224m

The girls have split up into two teams, Ichiroku/Shigu and Funco/Eru. The goal is to flank the attackers in the train station. Ichiroku gets hit by a shotgun blast and Eru’s magazine catch is damaged. What is the attacker’s endgame?

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