Jaksot 10


The Five-Foot Fence

24 lokakuu 202142m

A discovery in Larry's backyard threatens to derail his latest creative venture, while a clumsy mishap threatens the future of his latest romance. Albert Brooks hosts an unprecedented event, and Leon makes arrangements for an upcoming trip.

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Angel Muffin

31 lokakuu 202136m

Larry is forced to attend an ill-fated work meeting and investigates the truth behind a faulty toilet. Determined to unravel a mystery of his own, Jeff employs Larry's detective skills.

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The Mini Bar

7 marraskuu 202137m

After enlisting Cheryl’s help in a last-ditch effort, Larry has an idea that could save his latest project.

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The Watermelon

14 marraskuu 202139m

Larry hangs out with Woody Harrelson and cashes in on Susie’s favor.

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21 marraskuu 202135m

After enlisting both Jeff and Freddy’s help for the occasion, Larry’s hot date quickly goes south.

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Man Fights Tiny Woman

28 marraskuu 202135m

Larry navigates the complexities of requesting a new chauffeur, letting his roofer do his job, and imparting some constructive criticism to his chiropractor.

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Irma Kostroski

5 joulukuu 202133m

Before Election Day, Larry gets involved in local politics while mediating a conflict on his set.

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What Have I Done?

12 joulukuu 202141m

Larry does damage control to remain in Irma's good graces while encouraging Leon to monetize his knack for husbandly counsel.

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Igor, Gregor, & Timor

19 joulukuu 202135m

Larry does the right thing (and regrets it) while seizing an unprecedented opportunity to avoid Irma. Jeff seeks out a pricey peace offering for Susie.

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The Mormon Advantage

Season Finale
26 joulukuu 202139m

Larry gives out some unsolicited marriage advice; Larry hosts an event for an American hero.

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Tekijät 3

Ohjaus: Jeff Schaffer

Käsikirjoittaja: Larry David, Jeff Schaffer

Vierailevat tähdet 19 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

  1. Ted Danson

    Ted Danson

  2. Tracey Ullman

    Irma Kostroski

  3. Lily Collins

    Lily Collins

  4. Marques Ray


  5. Alexander Vindman

    Alexander Vindman

  6. Lori Alan

    Young Larry's Mom Rose

  7. Ursula Burton


  8. Mark Atteberry

    Councilman Weinblatt

  9. Yvette Cason

    Councilwoman Yovanovitch

  10. Matt Champagne

    Man Who Gets Hugged

  11. Adam Feil

    Assistant Director

  12. Glenn Keogh

    Stan (Prop Master)

  13. Sarah Jane MacKay

    Melinda Johnson

  14. Melanie Minichino

    Mary Ferguson #4

  15. Gil Ozeri

    New Young Larry

  16. Helen Siff

    Weinblatt's Mother

  17. Johnno Wilson

    Micah Johnson

  18. Matt Walsh

    Walt Kinney

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