白石涼子 como Yozuru Kagenui (voice)

Episódios 40

Ghostory (Monstory)

7 agosto 20091m

A recap of episodes 1-5 of Bakemonogatari.

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Tsubasa Cat (3)

3 novembro 200925m

Tsubasa suffers from an inexplicable headache. Koyomi rushes to meet Tsubasa at the park, and learns of her paranormal situation.

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Tsubasa Cat (4)

23 fevereiro 201025m

Koyomi takes Tsubasa on a visit to Meme to find out how to save her. For some reason, Meme is acting indecisively.

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Tsubasa Cat (5)

25 junho 201025m

Meme is not himself these days, caused by Shinobu’s disappearance from the house. Koyomi, Mayoi, Suruga and Nadeko all search for Shinobu.

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Abeja Karen - Parte 1

8 janeiro 201225m

Los problemas de las cinco chicas con los seres sobrenaturales se han resuelto, y ahora son las vacaciones de verano, con la feria cultural terminada. Koyomi Araragi tiene dos hermanas pequeñas, autoproclamadas 'héroes' apodadas las Hermanas del Fuego, Karen y Tsukihi.

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Abeja Karen - Parte 2

15 janeiro 201225m

La tentación persigue a Koyomi, mientras visita Sengoku se le presentan varias ofertas tentadoras. Después de sobrevivir a cada uno, su visita a Kanbaru continúa poniéndolo en situaciones comprometedoras.

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Abeja Karen - Parte 3

22 janeiro 201225m

Araragi sale de la casa de Kanbaru y conoce a un hombre peligroso llamado Kaiki. Mientras lo sigue, se encuentra con Senjougahara, quien lo regaña por faltar a sus estudios.

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Abeja Karen - Parte 4

29 janeiro 201225m

Karen está gravemente enferma, ya que fue envenenada por una abeja malvada y sobrenatural. ¿Podrá Koyomi curarla a tiempo?

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Abeja Karen - Parte 5

5 fevereiro 201225m

Koyomi se entera de toda la historia sobre lo que sucedió entre Karen y Kaiki. Después de recibir una oferta tentadora de Hanekawa, habla con Shinobu para salvar a Karen.

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Abeja Karen - Parte 6

12 fevereiro 201225m

Koyomi deja a Karen en casa para hablar con Senjougahara. Senjougahara parece estar planeando enfrentarse y asesinar a Kaiki. Cuando regresa a casa, se entera de que Karen se ha ido, cuando todavía está enferma.

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Abeja Karen - Parte 7

19 fevereiro 201225m

Araragi va a enfrentarse a Kaiki y evitar que abandone la ciudad. Pero Kaiki es astuto e inteligente, y no es fácil disuadirlo cuando hay dinero en juego.

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Tsukihi Phoenix - Parte 1

26 fevereiro 201225m

Karen está actuando pegajosa y muy linda, completamente fuera de lugar. Pero es un truco para que Araragi le presente a Kanbaru. En respuesta, diseña una prueba que Karen debe pasar; una prueba con su cepillo de dientes.

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Tsukihi Phoenix - Parte 2

4 março 201225m

Mientras lleva a Karen a encontrarse con Kanbaru, Araragi se encuentra en una posición comprometedora. En el camino, se encuentra con alguien que le pregunta sobre cosas familiares.

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Tsukihi Phoenix - Parte 3

11 março 201225m

Araragi acepta llevar a Shinobu de viaje para comprar donas. En el restaurante, un viejo conocido puede dar información sobre los nuevos visitantes del pueblo.

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Tsukihi Phoenix - Parte 4

Season Finale
18 março 201225m

Mientras Shinobu explica cómo Tsukihi llegó a estar en su situación actual. Araragi decide evitar que los forasteros la maten. Pero a diferencia de Oshino y Kaiki, Kagenui habla con el puño y habla mucho.

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A short recap before Nekomonogatari (Black) where Araragi explains what happened to him in Kizumonogatari, then briefly introduces the girls encountered in Bakemonogatari before focusing on Hanekawa.

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Nekomonogatari Kuro: Tsubasa Family (1)

31 dezembro 201225m

Koyomi Araragi begins the day by being rudely awoken by his sister, Tsukihi. He decides to discuss love with her, asking how one can tell if they are in love or not. It turns out that recently, he can't stop thinking about his classmate, Hanekawa Tsubasa. Later, he runs into Hanekawa, who reveals a shocking fact which he may not tell anyone else about.

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Nekomonogatari Kuro: Tsubasa Family (2)

31 dezembro 201225m

Later, Araragi meets up with Oshino Meme, who quizzes him about Hanekawa. He reveals everything except the secret he was sworn not to tell, including finding and burying a silver cat with no tail. From this, Oshino warns that Hanekawa may have been possessed by an Oddity, the Curse Cat. He instructs Araragi to find Hanekawa, whilst he looks for the shallow grave they dug for the silver cat. Araragi finds Hanekawa, but things then take a turn for the worse...

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Nekomonogatari Kuro: Tsubasa Family (3)

31 dezembro 201225m

Araragi, initially ignoring Oshino's warning not to involve himself any further in this incident, visits Hanekawa's house and is shocked by what he finds. He returns home and convinces his sisters not to involve themselves in the Curse Cat incident either. A few days pass and Hanekawa is still nowhere to be found. Araragi returns to Oshino to find him severely injured from his numerous encounters with the Curse Cat. Later, Araragi manges to find and talk to the Curse Cat occupying Hanekawa. Calmer and less violent now, she tells him to leave her to her own devices in order to relieve her master's stress.

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Nekomonogatari Kuro: Tsubasa Family (4)

31 dezembro 201225m

Araragi begs Shinobu for her help, which she eventually provides. He then formulates a plan to confront the Curse Cat and save Hanekawa.

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Tigre Tsubasa - Parte 1

7 julho 201325m

El primer día del segundo trimestre, Tsubasa Hanekawa conversa con la niña fantasma Mayoi Hachikuji camino a la escuela. Inmediatamente después, es testigo de la aparición de un 'tigre' gigante. Más tarde ese día, su casa se quema por completo a causa de un incendio.

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Tigre Tsubasa - Parte 2

14 julho 201325m

Preocupada por Tsubasa Hanekawa porque perdió un hogar al que regresar, Hitagi Senjyogahara le permite a la niña pasar la noche en su casa. Tsubasa come una comida preparada por Hitagi y se despierta junto con ella.

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Tigre Tsubasa - Parte 3

21 julho 201325m

Suruga Kanbaru, un estudiante de primer año, vino a visitar a Tsubasa Hanekawa ahora que ha vuelto a asistir a la escuela. Aparentemente, Koyomi Araragi ha pedido la presencia de Suruga esta noche. Tsubasa regresó a la casa de Hitagi sin saber qué estaba pasando.

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Tigre Tsubasa - Parte 4

28 julho 201325m

A discreción de Hitagi Senjyogahara, Hanekawa Tsubasa termina viviendo bajo el techo de la residencia Araragi. Al pasar una noche en la casa de Koyomi, Tsubasa se da cuenta de que se había convertido en Black Hanekawa la noche anterior.

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Tigre Tsubasa - Parte 5

4 agosto 201325m

Tsubasa determina la identidad de la aparición del tigre gigante 'Kako' y escribe una larga carta. La carta estaba dirigida a Black Hanekawa, la aparición que podría describirse como su otra personalidad.

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Summary I

11 agosto 201325m

A recap episode retalling the events of Nekomonogatari (Kuro), narrated by Koyomi. On the first day of Golden Week, Koyomi Araragi, together with Tsubasa Hanekawa, buries a tailless cat that was ran over by a car. A supposedly petty and commonplace event. However, the curtain rises on the “nine days of hell" that follow.

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Jiangshi Mayoi - Parte 1

18 agosto 201325m

El 20 de agosto, Koyomi Araragi salió de su casa para entregarle a Mayoi Hachikuji algo que había olvidado, pero no pudo encontrarla, se dio cuenta de que no había hecho ninguna de las tareas que se suponía que debía hacer, sin embargo, mañana ya era la ceremonia de apertura de trimestre...

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Jiangshi Mayoi - Parte 2

25 agosto 201325m

Koyomi y Shinobu retrocedieron inesperadamente al 13 de mayo hace 11 años. Koyomi piensa en salvar a Mayoi Hachikuji, quien estaba 'destinada a convertirse en un fantasma después de sufrir un accidente de tráfico cuando se dirigía a ver a su madre al día siguiente, el Día de la Madre'.

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Jiangshi Mayoi - Parte 3

1 setembro 201325m

Después de lograr cambiar el destino de Hachikuji, Koyomi Araragi y Shinobu Oshino regresaron al 21 de agosto, 11 años en el futuro. Allí, los dos descubren que su mundo original había sido completamente aniquilado.

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Mayoi Jiangshi - Parte 4

8 setembro 201325m

Shinobu Oshino se da cuenta de que la humanidad se había convertido en zombies gracias a los poderes de Kiss-shot. Koyomi Araragi dispara fuegos artificiales como señal de SOS, pero, en cambio están rodeados de zombis. Sin embargo, un individuo inesperado llega a la escena...

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Summary II

15 setembro 201325m

A recap episode retelling the events of Bakemonogatari from "Hitagi Crab" to Nadeko Snake", narrated by Koyomi. One day, Koyomi Araragi caught the body of his classmate Hitagi Senjyogahara, who was falling down after slipping on the stairs, knowing that it was dangerous to do so. However, her body was surprisingly light, as if the concept of weight did not exist.

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Nadeko Medusa - Parte 1

22 setembro 201325m

Los compañeros de clase de Nadeko Sengoku están muy tensos debido al 'hocus-pocus' del estafador Deishu Kaiki. Por eso, Nadeko va a la escuela todos los días con el corazón apesadumbrado; pero un día, comienza a ver serpientes blancas por todas partes.

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Nadeko Medusa - Parte 2

29 setembro 201325m

Kuchinawa, una deidad serpiente, le pide a Nadeko Sengoku que encuentre su objeto de adoración. Nadeko acepta y va a la escuela secundaria durante el día con Kuchinawa, que se parece a un coletero blanco, mientras busca en la ciudad por la noche el objeto de adoración.

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Nadeko Medusa - Parte 3

6 outubro 201325m

Nadeko pasó la noche en la residencia Araragi después de que Araragi la confundiera con haberse escapado de casa y la llevara de vuelta a su casa. A la mañana siguiente, habla con la hermana menor de Koyomi, Tsukihi, una amiga de la escuela primaria.

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Nadeko Medusa - Parte 4

13 outubro 201325m

Nadeko finalmente encontró el objeto de adoración. Kuchinawa, ahora de buen humor, le dice a Nadeko que le concederá un deseo. Pero Koyomi aparece en ese momento y comienza su intento de convencer a Nadeko de que suelte ese objeto de adoración.

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Summary III

20 outubro 201325m

A recap episode retalling the events of Bakemonogatari's Tsubasa Cat and the entirety of Nisemonogatari, narrated by Koyomi. During the summer vacation after all the apparition-related incidents around the five girls have been resolved, Koyomi Araragi's two risky younger sisters – the self-proclaimed heroes of justice, Karen and Tsukihi – become involved in some trouble.

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Hora de Shinobu - Parte 1

27 outubro 201325m

Koyomi regresó del túnel del tiempo con Shinobu. Desde el Santuario North Shirahebi, se dirigió a casa junto con Mayoi Hachikuji y le devolvió su mochila. Sin embargo, justo después, los dos son asaltados por una misteriosa 'Oscuridad'.

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Hora de Shinobu - Parte2

3 novembro 201325m

Con la ayuda de Yotsugi Ononoki, Koyomi y Mayoi pudieron escapar de la 'oscuridad'. Dentro de las ruinas de la escuela intensiva a la que escaparon, se consulta a Shinobu sobre la 'oscuridad'. Empieza a hablar de lo que pasó hace 400 años.

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Hora de Shinobu - Parte 3

10 novembro 201325m

Koyomi termina de escuchar la historia de Shinobu hace unos 400 años. Yotsugi se une a ellos en el lugar y Mayoi se despierta de su sueño. Los cuatro estaban hablando dentro de las ruinas de la escuela preparatoria, pero la 'oscuridad' aparece por segunda vez en ese lugar.

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Hora de Shinobu - Parte 4

17 novembro 201325m

Koyomi y compañía bajaron de la montaña en la que se escondían después de escapar de la 'oscuridad'. Al visitar un pueblo entre las montañas, se encuentran con Izuko Gaen y reciben una explicación sobre la 'oscuridad'.

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Sentencia de Hitagi - Parte 1

24 novembro 201325m

El 1 de enero, Hitagi Senjyogahara llama por teléfono a Deishu Kaiki, su supuesto archienemigo. Fue una decisión difícil de su parte para salvarse a sí misma y a Koyomi Araragi de su 'sentencia de muerte'.

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Sentencia de Hitagi - Parte 2

1 dezembro 201325m

Kaiki, que decide aceptar la solicitud de trabajo de Hitagi, visita la ciudad donde viven Koyomi y sus amigos. Comienza a investigar sobre Nadeko Sengoku, la chica de secundaria convertida en dios del Santuario North Shirahebi, que es el objetivo actual del engaño.

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Sentencia de Hitagi - Parte 3

8 dezembro 201325m

Kaiki se encuentra cara a cara con Nadeko Sengoku en el Santuario North Shirahebi. La personalidad de Nadeko se volvió mucho más brillante una vez que se convirtió en el dios serpiente, y comienza a hablar con Kaiki de una manera despreocupada sobre cómo iba a matar pronto a su hermano mayor Koyomi...

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Sentencia de Hitagi - Parte 4

15 dezembro 201325m

Kaiki se dirige al Santuario North Shirahebi todos los días para engañar a Nadeko, el dios serpiente, pero se encuentra siendo seguido en su camino a casa. Además, recibe una amenaza misteriosa que le dice que 'se retire de este caso'.

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Sentencia de Hitagi - Parte 5

22 dezembro 201325m

Tsubasa Hanekawa, supuestamente en el extranjero en busca de Meme Oshino, de repente se acercó a Kaiki para hablar con él. Después de intercambiar información con Tsubasa, Kaiki da los últimos toques a sus preparativos para engañar a Nadeko, el dios serpiente.

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Sentencia de Hitagi - Parte 6

Season Finale
29 dezembro 201325m

Kaiki procede a engañar a Nadeko Sengoku. Sin embargo, Nadeko con sorprendente facilidad ve a través de las mentiras de Kaiki y ataca con numerosas serpientes blancas. ¿Qué será lo último que saldrá de la lengua de un estafador al borde de la muerte: una mentira o la verdad?

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Hanamonogatari: Suruga Devil (1)

16 agosto 201425m

After the graduation of Araragi and Senjougahara, Suruga alone to deal with her left hand that has been turned monsterous from her mother's monkey paw charm. After hearing rumors of a "Devil" that can solve one's problems no matter what, Suruga set out to find this person.

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Hanamonogatari: Suruga Devil (2)

16 agosto 201425m

After having her hand healed, Suruga has many questions for her former classmate Rouka. She was unable to contact her, however a meeting with Keiki Deshu, who seems to have survived the attack from the previous season, answers some questions of hers.

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Hanamonogatari: Suruga Devil (3)

16 agosto 201425m

Suruga realizes that the collector is in fact Rouka, and she has been collecting parts of the "devil" as she feeds off the misfortune of others. Her motives are questionable...

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Hanamonogatari: Suruga Devil (4)

16 agosto 201425m

Rouka challenges Suruga to a one-on-one basketball match as the two discuss the events that led up to their collection of their respective "devil" parts. Suruga is still coming to terms with the ability to use her left arm again.

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Hanamonogatari: Suruga Devil (5)

16 agosto 201427m

Upon finding the Demon's head, she meets Rouka once again. Instead of giving the head to Rouka, she refuses. She is unable to stand the sight of her because of the fact that she can see her as she is a ghost. Suruga then challenges Rouka to one-on-one basketball in a wager for the head if Suruga loses.

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Tsukimonogatari: Yotsugi Doll (1)

31 dezembro 201425m

Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino discuss the true nature of Shikigami doll Yotsugi Ononoki, and Koyomi is being rudely woken up by his sisters who tell him to cram for his upcoming college entrance exams.

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Tsukimonogatari: Yotsugi Doll (2)

31 dezembro 201425m

Koyomi Araragi sees that he has no reflection, and discusses this with Shinobu. She then suggests that Koyomi should see Yozuru Kagenui and Yotsugi Ononoki.

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Tsukimonogatari: Yotsugi Doll (3)

31 dezembro 201425m

When Yotsugi tells Koyomi that he is indeed becoming a vampire, Koyomi reasons that using his vampiric powers must have come with a price. Yozuru tells him that while there is no way to undo the progress of his transformation, there is a way he can stop it from progressing further: he must no longer use his powers as a vampire. However, this turns out to be quite a challenge when he learns his sisters and Suraga have been kidnapped.

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Tsukimonogatari: Yotsugi Doll (4)

31 dezembro 201425m

Koyomi and Yotsugi land at the base of the mountain, where they are surprisingly met by Ougi Oshino. She talks with Koyomi for a while about his current situation and his upcoming confrontation with Teori. Koyomi and Yotsugi begin their journey up the mountain.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Stone

9 janeiro 201613m

Before the events of Bakemonogatari, Koyomi and Tsubasa delve into the mystery surrounding a stone that was enshrined into one of the school's gardens.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Flower

16 janeiro 201612m

After Hitagi's condition is treated, she and Koyomi investigate the true reason why some flowers were left behind on a street and the school's rooftop.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Sand

23 janeiro 201612m

After Oshino leaves the city, Mayoi informs Koyomi about a sand box whose shape resembles a devil and he decides to find out why.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Water

30 janeiro 201612m

After Koyomi helps Kanbaru tidying her room, he has a bath in her house, and finds out a curious story about the water of the tub.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Wind

6 fevereiro 201612m

Nadeko comes over to Koyomi's house, and is pleasantly surprised that Koyomi's parents and siblings are all absent. The two then engage in a discussion about Kaiki's curse and his means of spreading the rumor amongst the middle schoolers in town.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Tree

13 fevereiro 201612m

Karen asked Koyomi for advice regarding a mysterious grown tree that suddenly appeared on her dojo's backyard.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Tea

20 fevereiro 201612m

Tsukihi consults Koyomi regarding her Tea Club members on why her fellow members still believe in the ghostly "eight member" despite Tsukihi proving the rumor was fake.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Mountain

27 fevereiro 201612m

As Ougi and Koyomi climb the mountain where the North White Snake Shrine is located, she tells him that the shrine was moved there from another mountain.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Torus

5 março 201612m

When Koyomi gets donuts from Hitagi, Shinobu tries to eat all of the donuts.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Seed

12 março 201612m

On his way home, Araragi sees Yotsugi, who asks him for help finding something.

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Nothing

19 março 201612m

When Koyomi asks Yozuru Kagenui about the extent of her relationship with Yotsugi, she challenges him to a fight. But then Yozuru disappears...

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Koyomimonogatari: Koyomi Dead

26 março 201625m

On Exam day, Koyomi visits the North White Snake shrine to look for Kozuru. Instead he sees Izuko Gaen there.

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Koyomi History

23 junho 20164m

Adaptation of Koyomi History short story released on Madogatari Blu-ray.

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Owarimonogatari: Mayoi Hell (1)

12 agosto 201725m

March 13th, the morning of college entrance exams. Koyomi Araragi has died due to Izuko Gaen. Mayoi Hachikuji was waiting for him in the afterlife, and guides him towards an unknown destination. Koyomi would have never thought that this certain someone would be waiting for him there.

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Owarimonogatari: Mayoi Hell (2)

12 agosto 201725m

Mayoi takes Koyomi to meet Teori, who offers him a way to return to the world of the living. Koyomi is in doubt about accepting his offer, as he believes others like Mayoi are more worthy of reviving than him, until he comes with a surprising decision.

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Owarimonogatari: Hitagi Rendez-vous (1)

12 agosto 201725m

Now fully human again, Koyomi is called by Hitagi for a date, as they spend some time together, Koyomi has a vision of Ougi.

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Owarimonogatari: Hitagi Rendez-vous (2)

12 agosto 201725m

Koyomi and Hitagi spend the rest of the date bonding further. Once back home, Koyomi has another encounter with Ougi.

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Owarimonogatari: Ougi Dark (1)

13 agosto 201725m

Gaen assembles Koyomi, Shinobu, Mayoi and Yozuru and reveals that Ougi is the responsible for some of the previous ordeals they faced.

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Owarimonogatari: Ougi Dark (2)

13 agosto 201725m

To stop Ougi from meddling further, Koyomi has a final confrontation with her.

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Owarimonogatari: Ougi Dark (3)

13 agosto 201725m

After being exposed, Ougi is about to be engulfed by the darkness, but Koyomi refuses to give up on her and Meme reappears in the nick of time to save them.

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Zoku Owarimonogatari: Koyomi Reverse (1)

18 maio 201925m

Koyomi Araragi contemplates the current state of his life post-graduation when he suddenly gets pulled through the mirror into a mysterious yet familiar world...

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Zoku Owarimonogatari: Koyomi Reverse (2)

25 maio 201925m

Koyomi reexamines his options and is drawn to the bath in the Kanbaru household, but is suddenly attacked by the Rainy Devil. Koyomi narrowly escapes the danger, only to meet more people from this world he supposedly "knows".

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Zoku Owarimonogatari: Koyomi Reverse (3)

1 junho 201925m

Koyomi attempts to make sense of the mirror world with this world's counterparts of his acquaintances. Later at night, Yotsugi then takes Koyomi to meet yet another person from this world.

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Zoku Owarimonogatari: Koyomi Reverse (4)

8 junho 201925m

Koyomi meets the Shinobu of this world; as they converse, she reveals to him his powerful influence on the mirror world.

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Zoku Owarimonogatari: Koyomi Reverse (5)

15 junho 201925m

While taking a bath in the Kanbaru household, Koyomi has an encounter with an unknown yet familiar face who starts up a conversation about knowledge.

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Zoku Owarimonogatari: Koyomi Reverse (6)

22 junho 201925m

To put together the final pieces of the puzzle, Koyomi makes one final stop at his now-former high school to meet perhaps the most important piece of that puzzle.

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