Episoder 54


Scontro frontale

20 Oktober 200424m

Idate, con l’aiuto di Naruto, riesce ad arrivare in cima alla scalinata del tempio di Modoroki e si appropria della gemma. A questo punto non gli resta che tornare indietro e cercare di tagliare per primo il traguardo.

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The Last Leg: A Final Act of Desperation

27 Oktober 200424m

Now that Sasuke and Sakura are trapped at the bottom of a cliff, it's up the Number One Knucklehead Ninja to defeat the malevolent Aoi and help Idate cross the finish line.

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Sasuke contro Naruto

3 November 200424m

Sasuke è ricoverato in ospedale, in convalescenza dopo le ferite riportate al Paese del Thè. Mentre si riposa a letto, ripensa al passato, all’incontro con suo fratello Itachi e alla potenza di Naruto, che ha dimostrato di essere più bravo di lui.

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Il sapore della vendetta

10 November 200424m

Tra Sasuke e Naruto è lotta all’ultimo respiro, a colpi di Rasengan e Mille Falchi, le tecniche più potenti dei due. Fortunatamente Kakashi arriva per tempo a dividerli e a ristabilire l’ordine.

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La mossa del Suono

17 November 200424m

Sasuke viene circondato dal Quartetto del Suono. Purtroppo, il ragazzo non riesce a tenere testa a tutti e quattro e viene ridotto piuttosto male. O quattro non hanno l’ordine di rapirlo, quanto di convincerlo a lasciare il villaggio per seguire Orochimaru.

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Formazione a fila indiana

24 November 200424m

Appresa la notizia della fuga di Sasuke, Tsunade convoca immediatamente Shikamaru e gli affida la sua prima missione da chunin. Deve ritrovare Sasuke e riportarlo al villaggio, a qualsiasi costo.

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Il potere del quartetto del suono

24 November 200424m

Per accelerare il passaggio al secondo livello del Segno Maledetto, Sasuke deve sottoporsi a un processo pericolosissimo. Per questo, Sakon gli offre prima la pillola che stimola il processo e poi il sostegno necessario a resistere alle sollecitazioni fisiche cui verrà sottoposto.

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Trappola di terra

1 Desember 200424m

Il gruppo di Shikamaru viene subito smascherato dal Quartetto che reagisce all’istante nell’agguato. Jirobo, grazie alle sue capacità, riesce a rinchiuderli in una gabbia di terra mentre i compagni scappano con la botte in cui è stato messo Sasuke.

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La potenza di Choji

8 Desember 200424m

Fuori dalla trappola di terra creata da Jirobo, i cinque si trovano finalmente di fronte al nemico. Jirobo si rivela immediatamente un osso duro e Shikamaru decide di dividere il gruppo, ma Choji vuole affrontare il nemico da solo.

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Per amicizia...

15 Desember 200424m

Choji si accorge che la prima pillola Akimichi lascia degli effetti dolorosi, ma davanti alla rinnovata potenza di Jirobo, è pronto a prendere anche la seconda pillola, quella al curry.

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Di lui mi occupo io

22 Desember 200424m

Shikamaru, Kiba, Neji e Naruto continuano a seguire Sasuke e purtroppo si imbattono in un altro ostacolo. Kidomaru. Maestro dei ragni e delle ragnatele, riesce a imprigionarli temporaneamente tre le sue trame.

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Il punto cieco

5 Januar 200524m

Neji si batte come un leone, costringendo Kidomaru allo scontro a distanza. L’avversario si è infatti reso conto che, contro Neji, il combattimento ravvicinato non avrebbe esito positivo.

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Non posso perdere

5 Januar 200524m

Kidomaru scaglia una delle sue frecce letali, ma Neji riesce a scansarla. Purtroppo però ormai l’avversario ha capito che ha un punto debole, un cono d’ombra che gli impedisce di vedere il colpo diretto alla schiena, e ne approfitta.

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Troppo tardi

12 Januar 200524m

Orochimaru ha urgentemente bisogno di un nuovo corpo, il suo sta letteralmente cadendo a pezzi. Purtroppo per lui, Sasuke non è arrivato per tempo e Kimimaro non è in grado di regalargli il corpo che gli aveva promesso.

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Un nuovo nemico

19 Januar 200524m

Costretti allo scontro, Kiba e Akamaru non riescono a difendersi e finiscono in un burrone, seguiti da Sakon. Shikamaru e Naruto, invece, riescono a portare via la botte che contiene Sasuke. Ma sul più bello arriva Kimimaro.

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L'amico più fedele

2 Februar 200524m

Mentre Naruto affronta il perfido Kimimaro e Shikamaru cerca di annientare Tayuya, che si avvale dell’arte musicale del flato, Kiba e Akamaru sono alle prese con Sakon.

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To Each His Own Battle

9 Februar 200524m

With the Sasuke retrieval squad now split into individual battles, it's up to Naruto, Kiba and Shikamaru to stop the sound ninja. But little do they realize that there's more to their opponents than their basic techniques.

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La seconda mossa

16 Februar 200524m

Kiba e AkamaruMentre cercano disperatamente di sfuggire a Sakon lungo il fiume, Naruto continua lo scontro con il terribile Kimimaro, che gli illustra una serie di tecniche a lui sconosciute.

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Il ninja verde della foglia

23 Februar 200524m

Mentre Naruto cerca di respingere gli attacchi di Kimimaro, Sasuke completa la trasformazione ed esce dalla botte. Naruto è felicissimo di vederlo, ma davanti alla reazione sprezzante dell’amico capisce che è successo qualcosa di grave.

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La nuova alleanza

2 Mars 200524m

Rock Lee è in stato di confusione totale e Kimimaro intende approfittarne. Ma Rock Lee si riprende e scarica addosso all’avversario il Loto Frontale.

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L'intesa tra Sabbia e Foglia

9 Mars 200524m

I tre combattimenti proseguono senza esclusione di colpi. I ninja della Foglia ora possono anche contare sull’aiuto dei compagni della Sabbia, che hanno già in mente delle strategie per affrontare al meglio i propri avversari.

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Gaara contro Kimimaro

16 Mars 200524m

Gaara decide di occuparsi personalmente di Kimimaro, rendendosi conto della debolezza di Rock Lee, che vorrebbe tanto fare qualcosa, ma non ne ha la possibilità. Durante lo scontro, si capisce che Gaara è diventato ancora più forte di un tempo e Rock Lee rimane senza parole.

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Il trionfo di Gaara

30 Mars 200524m

Dopo uno scontro estenuante, Gaara dà fondo a tutto il chakra che gli è rimasto e fa sprofondare Kimimaro 200 metri sotto terra, dove resterà imprigionato sotto il peso della sua sabbia.

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Il richiamo del passato

30 Mars 200524m

Finalmente Naruto raggiunge Sasuke e si accorge che il compagno si sta trasformando in qualcosa di orrendo. Davanti alla freddezza dell’amico, Naruto ricorda il passato e tutti gli amici che hanno rischiato la vita per salvarlo dalla perdizione.

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Un fratello scomodo

6 April 200524m

Mentre Sasuke si trova davanti Naruto, ripercorre mentalmente tutta la storia della sua vita. Quando era ancora un ninja al primo anno di accademia, Itachi era già chunin e il suo valore era non solo riconosciuto, ma anche temuto da tutti.

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Una macchia sul ventaglio Uchiha

13 April 200524m

Sasuke torna ai tempi in cui, per rendere orgoglioso suo padre, ha imparato la tecnica della palla di fuoco suprema in pochi giorni. A quei tempi suo padre e Itachi già non si parlavano più.

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Il segreto dello Sharingan Ipnotico

20 April 200524m

Ripensando al passato, Sasuke arriva al punto focale della sua gioventù, quello che ha deviato il corso della sua esistenza: l’eccidio del clan Uchiha .

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For a Friend

27 April 200524m

Kakashi learns the truth about the chase after Sasuke, and orders his dogs, including Pakkun, to go find Naruto and Sasuke. However, things are looking grim as the clash between the Chidori and the Rasengan ensues. The attacks are even, causing Naruto and Sasuke to both fly back. Naruto finally realizes how serious Sasuke is, and gets the snot beat out of him while he remembers how he always wanted to be friends with Sasuke.

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A Plea from a Friend

4 Mai 200524m

Naruto proves to be too much for Sasuke to handle as Naruto fights back with renewed vigour. Finally acknowledging Naruto's strength, Sasuke puts on his forehead protector, symbolizing both as equals. But when Sasuke's Sharingan is upgraded to level 3, the tables turn on Naruto. Just when all hope seems lost for Naruto, he undergoes a startling transformation, but will it be enough?

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The End of Tears

11 Mai 200524m

The battle between Naruto and Sasuke comes to a close, as One-Tailed Naruto takes on Cursed Seal Level 2 Sasuke in one final Rasengan vs. Chidori clash! And this time...only one person will emerge victorious. Will Kakashi and Pakkun make it in time? And who is this mysterious ninja watching everything?

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The Promise That Could Not Be Kept

18 Mai 200524m

Shikamaru's group is brought back to Konoha with many injuries. Neji and Chouji could possibly die, Kiba has a deep wound but nothing too serious, and Naruto and Shimakamru have a few injuries. When Sakura finds out they are back ,she goes immediatley to see Sasuke and Naruto but finds out Sasuke got away. Can Naruto keep his promise to Sakura? And what news does the Jiraiya have for Naruto?

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Deep Cover?! A Super S-Ranked Mission!

25 Mai 200524m

Jiraiya begins to worry about Naruto and Sakura's wellbeing. He then requests that Tsunade send them on a mission with him. He finds Naruto telling Sakura he is not going to stop her from going after Sasuke, but he is going with her, and tells them about the mission. They head off to Rice Country to find the Hidden Sound Village, and hopefully Sasuke as well.

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Naruto, Sakura and Jiraiya end up in a town that is even worse than the one they were chased out of. Jiraiya heads off and leaves Naruto and Sakura to get some food. Along the way they find the ninja that attacked them before, but things are not as clearcut as they might seem.

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Pure Betrayal, and a Fleeting Plea!

8 Juni 200524m

When Sasame drugs the gang, she prepares to hand them over to Orochimaru. But, when she discovers that they are to be killed, she has a change of heart...

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Pure Terror! The House of Orochimaru

15 Juni 200524m

Sasame leads Naruto, Jiraiya, and Sakura to Orochimaru's hideout. They send Sasame back to the village because of the danger level. Jiraiya summons Gamakichi to go in first and investigate. The four come to three tunnels. Jiraiya goes off to the right, Naruto and Sakura down the middle and Gamakichi down the left. Will the four of them make it past the traps?

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Two Heartbeats: Kabuto's Trap

22 Juni 200524m

Naruto arrives in the nick of time to save Sakura, but not before Kabuto tells her that Sasuke is dead! Naruto attacks but ends up tangled in a deadly trap of Kabuto's. Is it all over for our hero and will they find Arashi?

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Sakura's Determination

29 Juni 200524m

The battle between Naruto and Arashi continues, but Naruto's injury is making it difficult for him to succeed. Sasame jumps in to try to save Naruto but will it be enough?

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With the events of the Rice Field Country behind them, everyone prepares for their training. But a new threat soon arises. Remember Mizuki? He's back and he's planning to break out of Konoha's Correctional

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Tonton! I'm Counting on You!

13 Juli 200524m

Shizune and her team encounter Mizuki, but it doesn't go as planned! When Ton-ton comes back to warn Tsunade, Naruto takes the initiative to find Shizune with Ton-ton's help. Kakashi arrives and lends Pakkun's assistance to Iruka before departing on a mission of his own. Will it all be enough to save the day?

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A New Squad! Two People and a Dog?!

20 Juli 200524m

Naruto is having trouble with the two brothers and Iruka is having his share of difficulties with Mizuki! Iruka struggles to try and get the old Mizuki back but he doesn't have much success.... Meanwhile, when things are looking bleak for Naruto, can 3 friendly Ninja save the day?

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A New Formation: Ino-Shika-Cho!

27 Juli 200524m

Naruto's backup has arrived and they are Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji. They tell Naruto that they will take care of the brothers. Naruto leaves to catch up to Iruka, who is fighting Mizuki. Can Naruto arrive before Mizuki kills Iruka? And can Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji hold off the brothers?

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Orochimaru's Shadow

10 August 200524m

Naruto, Iruka and Pakkun meet up with Mizuki's fiancee Tsubaki and she has come to offer help to the three. Meanwhile, Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji are having trouble holding the two brothers at bay. While this is going on, Tsunade discovers a startling secret about Mizuki and Orochimaru and plans to take matters into her own hands....

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A Clash of Fate: You Can't Bring Me Down!

17 August 200524m

Mizuki is determined to make Naruto and Iruka suffer and it appears that he has the upper edge with his improved strength and speed! Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji are also at their limits and now Fuujin and Raijin are free. Can Tsunade arrive in time to help?

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Besetning 16

Regissert av: Tsuyoshi Matsumoto

Written by: Yuka Miyata

Gjest stjerner 0 Full Cast & Crew

No guest stars have been added.

Episode Images 1 Se alle episodebilder

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Search for the Rare Bikochu Beetle

17 August 200524m

Naruto is unable to search for Sasuke due to Tsunade's orders, while Kiba and Hinata wonder how they can help him out. Shino remembers a special type of bug that if it is found, could easily track Sasuke down. they go and discuss it with Tsunade, who agrees to let them search for it, making Shino the leader. Tsunade discovers Naruto eavsfropping the conversation and lets him go with them. But, can they complete a mission with only a 10% success rate? As they travel, Naruto has difficulty dealing with Shino's bizzare behavior. Hinata also sneaks out in the middle of the night to practice some mysterious moves. After two days of travelling, they finally reach their destination. And they're not alone, a mysterious group is also after the same thing.

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The group struggles to find a Bikouchuu, but seem to fail at every turn. When it starts to rain they realise they only have one more chance to find it, will Hinata's Byakugan be enough?

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With Hinata's safety in danger, the group must try and figure out a way to save her and protect the Bikouchuu at the same time. Every time one side seems to have an edge though, the other reveals yet a new trick. As dawn approaches, they don't have long left....can they succeed?

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Blaze Away, Byakugan! This is My Ninja Way!

14 September 200524m

With the group trapped, Shino makes a deal to trade the Bikouchuu for Hinata. Unfortunately for the opponents, Hinata got away, making the deal worthless! They begin to attack but can Hinata show up to save the day?

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Funeral March for the Living

21 September 200524m

When Naruto rescues three strangers he finds himself dragged into yet another mission. However, this time he doesn't want to partake in it! That is until he hears that there might be a connection to Akatsuki. With Neji, Lee and Tenten as his teammates, will he find the information he is looking for?

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A Lesson Learned: The Iron Fist of Love!

28 September 200524m

Out to try and save Rourusuke, Naruto and the others ambush members of the Kurosuke Family and save an old man. They soon hear the funeral bell and go and save Rourusuke. However, Rock lee meets an old friend among the group, and Lee must now convince Kurashi to return his his old way of life. Their time together is cut short, as Raiga watches from the sidelines. Can Naruto, Neji, Rock Lee, and Tenten defeat an enemy that not even Neji's Byakugan can see?

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The Enemy of the Byakugan

5 Oktober 200524m

Naruto, Tenten, Neji and Lee continue their mission to stop Raiga and save the Rourusuke Family. They try to work out a plan but the thick fog makes it difficult for them to see. Even Neji's Byakugan doesn't seem to help. Lee fights Raiga and manages to knock a bag off his back. What is this bag and what is inside it that seems so important? Meanwhile Naruto steps up to battle Raiga. Will he be able to defeat him?

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The Dark Creeping Clouds

12 Oktober 200524m

With Raiga seemingly defeated, the group can get on with clearing up the remaining enemy Ninja and returning the village to normal. However, what will they do with Ranmaru who tells them about his tragic past?

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Raiga's Counterattack

19 Oktober 200524m

Ranmaru is determined to bring Raiga back from the dead and appears to suceed! An enraged raiga now goes on the offensive, starting with Tenten. Karashi runs back to the Curry House to tell the others what has happened, but who's side is he really on?

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Run! The Curry of Life

26 Oktober 200524m

Lee is left facing Raiga alone while Tenten and the others hurry to bring them the curry of life. Ranmaru is reunited with Raiga, but are things the same as they were before?

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Follow My Lead! The Great Survival Challenge

2 November 200524m

Every Genin is assigned a squad of Cadets to lead on a mission that forces all of them to race to the top of a mountain to retrieve a scroll and, wouldn't you know it, guess who Naruto ends up leading? Its none other than the Konohamaru corps. However, when a storm causes the mission to be cancelled without his knowing, he will have to be a better leader than ever to keep his team alive!

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