I always thought there would eventually be some creepy middle-aged man who was catfishing younger women, and after 6 seasons, we finally got to see it.

For the past couple seasons, the show had been a bit "same old, same old" with lots of young people tricking friends, so it was interesting to finally see something totally different.

29 پاسخ (در صفحه 1 از 2)

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Just happened to watch that episode. How creepy. A 43 year old man pretending to be 25. And why oh why would you send nude pics of yourself if you hadn't even met the other person face to face.

I find online dating bizarre. How can you fall in love with someone you have never met.

@ausfem said:

I find online dating bizarre. How can you fall in love with someone you have never met.

I don't get it either. It's especially crazy for the people who have never even Skyped or at least talked on the phone with the other person. I don't believe it's possible to fully know (or love) someone just from texting them.

Okay it was creepy to be hit on by the 43 year old man. And Max expressed outrage on the show how wrong and creepy the guy was.

But you know what is WAY creepier,,,to be getting hit on and having an internet relationship with a Transgender who has changed their sexual identity.

And yet Max was not in the least bit outraged by that on the show, but sympathetic to their changeover.

HUH! That is creepy!!!

@Phasmophobia said: I don't believe it's possible to fully know (or love) someone just from texting them.

I agree. It's fantasy really. More often than not there'd be huge disappointment after a real meeting and getting to know them.

@JohnSteed said:

Okay it was creepy to be hit on by the 43 year old man. And Max expressed outrage on the show how wrong and creepy the guy was.

But you know what is WAY creepier,,,to be getting hit on and having an internet relationship with a Transgender who has changed their sexual identity.

And yet Max was not in the least bit outraged by that on the show, but sympathetic to their changeover.

HUH! That is creepy!!!

All this LGBTQIXYZ is the in thing. Can't discriminate or say anything negative or you'd get hauled over the coals.

Exactlt,,very true.

But I am alarmed by what a hypocrite Max is! He can be outraged that a 43 year old man is pretending to be in his 20s, but he is perfectly okay for a transgender to pose as a different sex!!??

Totally agree with you there. Very hypocritical. They must do a lot of editing, because no one seemed that shocked.

Exactly AusFem, and its disgraceful and revolting.

So its perfectly okay for people to hide or alter their race, sexual inclinitation or their gender. And god forbid you get upset at something like that, or you would be totally insensitive and politically incorrect.

But a guy posing as someone younger is worse than those things!!?? Give me a break.

Yall mad. I think someone way older pretending to be young and tricking a young person is creepier than someone lying about their gender/sexuality/whatever. But, have you all watched the show? They DO always point out that it's wrong to lie, (they don't say it's "perfectly okay") while, yes, also trying to hear the 'catfish's' side. Not just transgender ones, but also ones that are just unattractive/overweight etc. I think when they realize it's someone who is afraid to be "themselves" so they feel they have to hide behind a facade is when they have more sympathy. Whether's it's because of not-so-great looks, sexuality issues, etc. But some older and wiser person pretending to be a younger person to trick someone half their age...that seems more wrong somehow. With age comes experience and more tricks up your sleeve, more often that not putting you at a psychological advantage over someone much younger...so there is a more predatory vibe behind that.

I have a feeling my words are going to fall on deaf ears though because your main goal is just to express how horrible and wrong you think it is for a transgender person to trick someone. Am I wrong?

I have seen each and every show and that is why I pointed out how Nev and especially Max, were grossly hypocritical in the way they emotionally treated the "catfisher" in the transgender episode!! I believe someone posing as a different sex as a transgender to ensnare someone is far, far worse than someone lying about their age.

You are obviously extremely leftist minded to think this would be okay. Have you heard of the word religion? If the person being catfished is being duped by someone of the wrong gender, this could be traumatic to the person being taken advantage of. It would be ungodly and super-sacreligious to someone's faith to be linked sexually or romantically in that instance. Devastatingly so.

But Max did nothing!!! And then had a hissy fit about someone hiding their age. The height of hypocrisy!!

@blacknyellowsquid said:

I have a feeling my words are going to fall on deaf ears though because your main goal is just to express how horrible and wrong you think it is for a transgender person to trick someone. Am I wrong?

I presume you are a male? If not I apologize. So! If you started dating a woman and began having feelings for her (with the usual making out), it wouldn't bother you if you found out she was actual a man pretending to be a woman and just forgive her for deceiving you and keep going on with the relationship?

JohnSteed, where did I say it was okay for people to lie? And yes I know about religion lol. Maybe you missed the part where all people are sinners and forgiveness is a big thing (I mean, Jesus asked forgiveness from God for the people executing him...although of course you might not be Christian but another religion...but my point is, yes duh I've "heard of religion" and was raised in a religion) Anyway, if the person was deceiving them, then it's not really the fault of the one being deceived to have 'felt' for them under the false pretenses, now is it? Why would they be to blame (religion-wise). Besides, I'm not sure sexting and sending dick picks and any of that (before marriage) would really be appropriate as far as strict religion goes, anyway, so there's that... There was the one Christian dude I recall in an episode who handled it like a champ, like an actual Christian. Where he thought it was a woman but it turned out to be a gay guy. And, being a good Christian, he was forgiving and took it as a "lesson" to learn and grow from, though he still moved on with his life. (As in, he obviously didn't pursue a relationship with this person.)

AusFem, I think for all these people on the show, when they realize the person has been lying, it is hard for them to just be "okay" with it, whatever the reason. I think the ones who did it due to a lifetime of bullying/rejection/fear (again, whether it's a gender identity issue or being unhappy with how they physically look) are more sympathetic than old creepers trying to trick young people or the others who get some rise out of tricking people and playing games. So, I can see being forgiving, yes...but with all the lies and the deception, it would be hard to just be "okay" with it and want to pursue something with them. Many of them "forgive" the person but DON'T want to continue the relationship. Most of them are like that. So I guess my answer is ...forgiving? Yes. Continuing the relationship (when it's not when it was presented as?) Uh, maybe not. I wouldn't expect the average straight male to be like "cool let's just keep goin'" once he found it out it was a transgender female at all.

What new-fangled religion are you from where you are less upset that a transgendered person posed as a different sex as opposed to an older guy hitting on a girl?? Huh?? One is evil and sick according to the bible, but I dont recall the bible having any problem at all with a male being 15-20 years older than a female partner. There is a night and day difference in the level of it being despicable and disgusting. I vomit just watching that sick transgender episode.

And all your other points have nothing to with what I am talking about. Its about the two-faced Max getting enraged over something trivial, and then letting something evil and religiously condemning just slide by. I suspect he is very leftist oriented given his Hollywood roots.

I'm pretty sure that the bible never mentions trans people at all.

The reason that lying about one's age is a big deal is because age is not just a number. The older a person, the more experience they have. Its much easier for an experienced person to manipulate an inexperienced person than it is to manipulate an equally experienced person.

Ok, this wasn't a 15 year old girl we're talking about, it was an independent woman in her 20s, and one of the main reasons she wanted the help of the "Catfish" show was the guy wouldn't meet her. So the manipulation factor here is virtually non-existent. Unless, its her manipulating the Catfish show to actually meet the guy in person.

And yes the bible doesn't mention transgenders, but it does clearly cover homosexuality, which I think you understand. And, in reality, the transgender was biologically and genetically a male. And on that episode in question, was catfishing a guy posing as a girl.

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