Jaksot 12


Episode 1

10 heinäkuu 20145m

Ebihara Ai, our protagonist, is a normal girl in the manga research club.. But she had another face that no one new ... more

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Episode 2

17 heinäkuu 20145m

Ebihara Ai, our protagonist, is a normal girl in the manga research club.. But she had another face that no one new ... more

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Episode 3

24 heinäkuu 20145m

Ponoka-senpai offers the three 3 million yen if they are able to kill each other. Eventually it becomes a free for all ... more

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Episode 4

31 heinäkuu 20145m

A Hiraeosaurus is getting its butt kicked by some kind of dinosaur. Mi and the others contact the fire department for help, but... less

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Episode 5

7 elokuu 20145m

The pouring rain could be a sign of the end of humanity itself... What will Ai's fate be?

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Episode 6

14 elokuu 20145m

Mai and Mi must face each other. To settle things once and for all, the two have a competition, but...

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Episode 7

21 elokuu 20145m

The manga club was getting their manuscript ready for the summer doujin event... or so we thought...

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Tekijät 2

Ohjaus: Itsuki Imazaki

Käsikirjoittaja: Itsuki Imazaki

Vierailevat tähdet 0 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

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Episode 8

28 elokuu 20145m

Mai was concerned about a certain fish, and so the group heads to Hokkaido...

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Episode 9

4 syyskuu 20145m

This is the life story about a good-for-nothing girl named Mitaro...

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Episode 10

11 syyskuu 20145m

Mi buys a Lamborghini... because she wanted to buy one. An Aventador LP720-4 50° Anniversario. She picked yellow for the body color because of Feng Shui, but...

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Episode 11

18 syyskuu 20145m

Mi buys a Lamborghini... because she wanted to buy one. An Aventador LP720-4 50° Anniversario. She picked yellow for the body color because of Feng Shui, but...

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Episode 12

Season Finale
25 syyskuu 20145m

The story comes to an end... Everything was building up to this moment.

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